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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Animated English Lesson: Forming Adjectives Part 2 -Suffixes



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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Animated English Lesson: Forming Adjectives Part 1: Suffixes



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Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
Tons of thx to dear Prof.Ghaffari 4 sharing these useful posts🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
‌‌🎵🔴 PRONOUNCIATON: Schwa 🔴🎵⚜️

🆔 @g_english

🦋The Schwa sound (IPA symbol: ə ) is a short and weak vowel sound. You can hardly hear it, actually.

🆔 @g_english

1) a
2) the
3) a bout
4) a round
5) prese nt
6) fathe r
7) banana
8) carro t
9) atla s
10) illne ss
11) offend 🆔 @g_english
12) answe r
13) lette r
14) a lone
15) sof a
16) syst e m
17) su pply
18) circ u s

🆔 @g_english

🦋Now say these sentences out loud🦋 :
1) I have a carro t a nd a banana .
2) The atl a s c o ntains a lot of maps.
3) He talk ed a bout his illn e ss.
4) I will answe r this lett e r.
5) Fath e r went a round the a partme nt. 🆔 @g_english
7) The comp a ny will su pply the tel e phon es.
8) I was sitting a lone on the sof a .
9) The p e rform a nce in the circ u s was a mazing.
10) He s u ggest e d a syst e m.

🆔 @g_english





Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
The Schwa Vowel Sound

🆔 @g_

Schwa : A mid central vowel /ə/ often used in an unstressed syllable .

Schwa is the Most Common Sound in S
poken English

🆔 @g_english

Linguistic research indicates that the most common sound in spoken English is the schwa vowel sound.

🆔 @g_english

The phonetic symbol for schwa is /ə/.

Schwa sounds like “uh”.

Why is schwa the most common sound?

The schwa is the most common sound because any vowel can have a schwa sound.

🆔 @g_english

Native speakers of English use the schwa sound to pronounce vowels in reduced syllables.

Spoken English has a lot of reduced syllables…there’s a reduced syllable in most multisyllabic words.

🆔 @g_english

That means we use əllodə schwa sounds when we speak!

Example of how we use schwa

Here is an example of how American English speakers use the schwa /ə/ sound.

🆔 @g_english

Let’s take my name… Susan…

When I say Susan the first syllable is stressed. The /uw/ has a long clear sound.

The letter a in the second syllable is reduced. That “a” has a schwa sound. It sounds like “uh”.

Phonetic symbols

🆔 @g_english

Using phonetic symbols my name looks like: ‘su:zən.

When I teach my accent reduction coaching clients about the schwa sound, I type my name like this: Suw→zǝn.

Learn to use schwa

🆔 @g_english

The schwa sound occurs in almost every word!

That’s why it’s the most common sound in English (even though most people have never heard of it).

🆔 @g_english

You simply must learn to use the schwa vowel sound if you REALLY want to reduce your accent!

🆔 @g_english



Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
‌‌A: The vowel in an unstressed syllable is often pronounced schwa/ə/. Read and listen, paying attention to the syllable or syllables marked with /ə/.

🆔 @g_english

مصوت در سیلاب یدون استرس به صورت (شوا) /ə/ تلفظ می شود. به فایل صوتی گوش کنید و کلمات را بخوانید، به سیلاب یا سیلاب های که دارای صدای شوا /ə/ هستند، توجه کنید.

🆔 @g_english

1. sa lon
2. fa cial
3. ma ni cure
4. pe di cure
5. de o do rant

🆔 @g_english





Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
این شوآ (Schwa) است
با اینکه پرتکرارترین صدا در زبان انگلیسی است، اما شوآ هیچ وقت استرس نمیگیرد.

🆔 @g_english



Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Schwa - The Unstressed sound of English

🆔 @g_english



Gεŋεŗąℓ Eŋɠℓïşɧ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Most Common Sound in English - The Schwa-EASY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION

🆔 @g_english



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