offensive humor

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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A chinese guy walks into a bar, seeing a black gentleman working behind the bar, he says, "Hey Nigger give me beer!"

"Excuse me sir," says the bartender. "I'll be happy to serve you when you ask in a proper manner." Again the Chinese guy says "Hey Nigger, give me beer."

Now the bartender walks out from behind the bar, throws the apron and towel at the chinese man and tells him to go back there and work and see how he likes it.

So the Chinese guy goes behind the bar and starts drying glasses. The black guy then says, "Hey, give me a beer you chink"

"So solly, we no serve nigger here."


- fuck everyone who doesn't like you
- wow, that's a lot of sex


the only 2 genders

Linkin Park t-shirt for sale $10.

Bit tight around the neck but hangs well.


  •   offensive humor
  •   dark english humor
  •   english humor
44 ta ovoz

Whenever I have sex I feel like a superhero.

Usually because I'm wearing a mask.


I'm not afraid of getting Alzheimer's because it's like being famous.
You don't recognize anybody, but everybody recognizes you.


I wonder if Greta Thunberg uses a plastic dildo or a wooden one.



I have just published a new book about the reality of sexism and racism in society. I made sure to include lots of pictures in the book, so women and blacks can understand it too.


If I were a ghost, I would open doors while people were masturbating.


Knife..................the K is silent
Tsunami............the T is silent
Island................the S is silent
Honestly............the H is silent
Queue................the ueue is silent
Chloroform........the girl is silent


When my teenage daughter told me she was pregnant, I shouted, "Your mum's going to kill you!"

I'm not sure if the little cunt inside her heard me or not.


If you see someone crying ask if it’s because of their haircut.


Sure, white people can't say the "n word" but...

At least we can say phrases like, "Thanks for the warning, Officer" and, "Hey, Dad."


My wife's cooking is so bad

We don't pray before but after our meal


Why are Americans so bad at chess?

Because they lost two towers


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