🔄 User Profiles and UI Enhancements
⚙️ Meet the new update on OOIA Marketplace! User profile pages are now available for everyone:
• you can access your profile page and track information on the rafffles you're participating in or have participated in
• visit other users' profile pages to see which rafffles they've joined
• keep track of statistics with the expanded filter functionality
• the marketplace interface has been improved, making it even more user-friendly
➡️ Create rafffles, join them, and track all the information directly in your profile at https://rafffles.ooia.art/
⚙️ Meet the new update on OOIA Marketplace! User profile pages are now available for everyone:
• you can access your profile page and track information on the rafffles you're participating in or have participated in
• visit other users' profile pages to see which rafffles they've joined
• keep track of statistics with the expanded filter functionality
• the marketplace interface has been improved, making it even more user-friendly
➡️ Create rafffles, join them, and track all the information directly in your profile at https://rafffles.ooia.art/