Overpromise, Overdeliver

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

One of the worst corrolaries of a Trump win will be how utterly intolerable the Charlie Kirks and Sean Hannitys become.

Until now this has been meh, compared to Trump's ineffectiveness as a swamp drainer or the horrific bias of anti-White media and Big Tech, both known quantities. The gullible herd of judeo-christians who've been terminally Foxtarded is where the real betrayal lies.

Trump's smaller cabal of media accolytes is sickening enough already, but the Ziocuckery intensity of his most ardent throne-sniffing advocates during a second Trump term will reach levels that shouldn't be possible.

Democracy died in broad daylight.

We watched it happen. We lived to see its death rattle. Democracy was doomed the moment White Men, its creators and stewards, relaxed the original criteria and allowed it to be infiltrated.

Facts became irrelevant as science ignored observable truth. Borders vanished, sin became virtue and what was once forbidden is now mandatory.

History is being rewritten.

The Age of Reason is over.

Become unreasonable.

You are not bolted in place. Only the system's oppressive weight holds you and its other pillars inert. Every ounce of support withheld erodes its stability.

Fight your way clear. Your power will grow and the path will be less steep with every stride, away from hive control and toward self determination.

The Way is revealed. All you need is love for your own and hatred of everything else.

1. the polls are wrong scenario
Trump 289
Biden 249

2. bigger wave than 2016 scenario
Trump 335
Biden 203

3. rampant voter fraud scenario
Trump 117
Biden 421


Cast your mind back to November 2016, after the Brexit and Trump upsets, when homosexual jew Nate Silver said "Data is broken."

Yeah. He broke it.

Him and all the other queer Antifa-enabling pollsters... who thought they were geniuses for predicting in 2008 how easily the first gay black jew president would beat McCain, a war criminal Saudi puppet... who by 2012 were so deep in Globopedo's pocket they were openly sniffing Obama's duck butter and no one had figured out that Facebook was censoring TEA Party lolberts... the pollfag degenerates who haven't correctly predicted the result of a single election left or right since this latest wave of The Great Invasion of The West began.

We own Data now.

They suppressed, we archived, they kvitzed, we noticed, they insisted, we became unreasonable.

The Dark Web has the edge right now and only civnats are getting arrested.

ZOG created a giant vacuum between cucks and saints.

We weaponized it.

This isn't about optics anymore.

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Globopedo is miscalculating badly. The more they insist, the more sense it makes to become unreasonable.

Like, if you're going to get called a nazi and be demonetized for telling a feminist to make you a sandwich, or get five centuries in the pokey as literally Hitler for accidentally plowing into a wall of jewish flab, why wouldn't antisemites start thinking they may as well be prosecuted for the highest possible body count?

What is ZOG going to do that it isn't already doing?

I don't pee inside because
  •   peeing inside is strictly for faggots
  •   every toilet in the world is in use by a woman at any given time
  •   all toilets are fitted with multiple jewish pedo spycams
  •   toilets have all been burned by niggers because plumbing is white supremacy
  •   imgay.com just published a piece exposing how toilets spread the virus
442 ta ovoz

Heading back to Camp.
Trust the Plan.

a. You're licensed to own guns
b. You decline the vaccine

Can you guess what c. is?

Hazmat suits for everyone attending Trump rallies will be pretty hard to beat for Peak Jew optics.

First cousins Tsar Nicholas, King George and Kaiser Wilhelm had irreconcilable disagreements at the outbreak of the First World War?

Some Austrian second cousin of theirs gets assassinated in Yugoslavia and they have to crater Western Europe?

The result being an entire royal family executed, the Holomodor, Weimar Germany, an irreversible Zionist infestation of the Anglosphere and the launch of the Talmudic endgame via international debt control?

Imagine how doomed Europe was from the moment the first kike snuck in, if not so many centuries later their accursed infiltration of the white aristocracy could only be stopped by incest.

As the decades of the 20th century accelerated, we found ourselves surrounded and under open, unrelenting attack. Brother Wars were just the early stages of White genocide.

God bless Adolf Hitler forever, if for nothing more than giving us a working model for the Final Solution, any fatal restraint in his flawed template notwithstanding.

  •   are the master race and deserve all their hard-earned power
  •   are the same as everyone else and are unfairly demonized
  •   have some annoying habits but these are largely exaggerated
  •   developed parasitic traits but only as a survival strategy
  •   have repeatedly destroyed beautiful white societies and should be expelled
  •   must be terminated with extreme prejudice, only then can we rebuild without it happening again
4196 ta ovoz

  •   was a jew
  •   was a nigger
  •   was White
  •   never existed
2091 ta ovoz

There are Whites everywhere on the threshold of a major realization, that the pedos and their screeching monkey pets are in charge now.

What has ZOG control resulted in? The invasion of once beautiful white nations... gibs and acquittals for ungrateful nigger criminals... hoax pandemics and stickybeak sheetcaking spinsters reporting us to the nanny state for non-compliance... mountains of shit being manufactured in gook sweatshops faster than it can be recycled, the wrappings piled at our back doors until it can be re-taxed... our elders kept alive for as long as possible to be tortured in nursing homes and fleeced of the live savings they would have left us after far more dignified earlier deaths.

Obviously we can't have nice things anymore, not until normal men reach the point where we spit on our hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats.

Not only was Jesus White, He was crucified because He was White.

A few too many black babies slipped through the abortion-on-demand system you dedicated your life to creating, Ruth. The fruits of your relentlessly seditious zeal will be with us forever.

Thanks a gorillion.

Your jurisprudential legacy is an abomination. Hordes of violent animals on the loose and utterly ruined cities in a much darker world, not to mention literal harvesting of unborn innocents on an industrial scale and a barren, godforsaken, paycheck to paycheck existence as tax cattle for the honest folk you clearly despised.

No doubt Satan is taking you to his bosom well pleased, but it's a hearty ROT IN HELL BITCH from the rest of us.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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