She calls me "Daddy."

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Helloooooo semuanyaaaa! terimakasih banyak yang udah ngucapin! makasih juga udah mau ikut ngerayain ulang tahun kang hyewon hehe, ucapan kalian aku pindahin ke @beshideyou sekali lagi terimakasih banyak, temen-temen!

The wind was blowing hard, the rain was slowly falling, the smell of a freshly cooked cake with the 22 number's candle on the cake makes the birthday atmosphere even more attached.

Blow the candles, Happy birthday to Kang Hyewon! And for all Hyewon's rp-ers, especially Ayora, Hyera, Azeline, Asha, Aluna, Chessa, Hezca, Daisy, Kanayya, Evelyne, Helainne, Hyeraa, Adis, Hyerixa, Helena, Arindu, Jessa, Candice, Aretha, Ayyara, Kashley, Ayana, Jiesha, Moureliva, Plushie, Althea, Hiareth, Joceline, Kaley, Hanum, Jejes, Nirana, Sadaline, Flowie, Danisha, Sahira, Ziverola, Youra, Giska, Hera, Maeve, America.

Enjoy your day, girl(s)! Don't forget to eat the cake, and blow out the candles! Let's celebrate our special day together.

You gave me a shoulder when i needed it, you showed me love when i wasn't feeling it, you helped me fight when i was giving in, and you made me laugh when i was losing it. Cause you are, you are, the reason why i'm still hanging on. Cause you are, you are, the reason why my head is still above water. And if I could, I'd get you the moon, and give it to you. And if death was coming for you, I'd give my life for you.

ora è il mio momento, Ayoranna Charlotte.

5 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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