Full Haus Uncensored

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Pro-white family news, advice, & entertainment. Radicalized by reality.
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Postlar filtri

We were honored to speak today with Pro White America's Pro Se Lawyer, Chris Cantwell, about the ongoing Charlottesville Show Trial and his charismatic work in the courtroom. Get a look behind the curtain of his important fight for our people!
And follow our new uncensored channel at t.me/prowhitefam2

Dissident-Homeschool dan repost
Mr. and Mrs. Saxon just went on Achtung! Amerikaner podcast to discuss their channel Dissident-Homeschool, homeschooling in general and the absolute state of public education and the children harmed by it. https://achtungamerikaner.libsyn.com/dissident-homeschool
Achtung Amerikaner: Dissident-Homeschool
Gordon and Grug sit down with Mr. and Mrs. Saxon to discuss a Telegram channel dedicated to providing help and resources to those who morally, ethically, and logically reject the current neo-Liberal "education" system. They answer a variety of user questions, and go into their own decisions and e...

We got Cantwell on the horn for almost half an hour to talk the Charlottesville trial and everything else.

Our saintly producer will be compiling the audio files shortly. Will be released to our RSS at https://fullhaus.libsyn.com/rss and up at https://www.full-haus.com

Little spoiler: he sounds great, confident, and ready to resume lawfare next week.

Autism Central dan repost

Shadowman311's Schizophrenic Ramblings dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Biden's energy secretary laughed on live television when asked what the plan was to increase oil production to lower the astronomically high gas prices across the country. We are approaching levels of elite disconnection from, and open contempt for the everyman that hasn't happened since pre-revolution France.

8 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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