Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

came as a warrior and dont die as a loser.
mpps : @ofcputraputribot
ps: @psputraputri
est, 2022

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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·˚ ༘ Prepare your horses, prepare your weapons, and prepare your physique! are you ready to be warriors? Must ready. Finally, PutraPutri held a hiring team to be part of us! let's join to be part of us.


before submitting the registration form, its a good ideas to read our general rules. After reviewing the rules for registering to be part of us, please send our hiring admin format to our official bot @OFCPUTRAPUTRIBOT, thank you.

I. 𝕾hock of the waves was revealed making the ship tossed about and almost fell to the bottom, together with the son, the daughter held the hand of the son and slowed down in reduce appearance shock of the waves, which were very hard tossed around.

II. 𝕻rince kept trying so they could return to their palaces. palace that they had just won in the hidden battle of the sculptures everlastingly. a kingdom that can only be seen by people with sincerity and can be responsible.

III. 𝕹ot everyone can enter the kingdom, because only people whose names ardh & arn mean not all people only enter the palace. The members of the kingdom continue to live there until the time comes and the son will accompany them to their final resting place, reaping the quintessential turmoil rumble heart implies waves of humming rounds.

signed by us, sons and daughters

𝐀sma is neatly pinned, beautifully assembled like 𝐌aheswara. 𝐇arsa selaksa, started the birth of "𝐏utra" in 2022 from extraordinary adoration. 𝐔nder the feet of the "𝐒on." A gentle breeze blows on the beautiful castle, payoda decorates the bumantara. ⚘..

Blessed eunoia, "Son" stood up
for each Mahardika nan amerta
stringing every hope on every day
time. Wanodya is awesome
stood after. Blessing bless both,
"Sons and Daughters."

𝐏layful 𝐁atara; 𝐒ebastian 𝐌arvangkakala, the founder of "𝐏utra," accompanied by prima donna nan 𝐊irana; 𝐂raustine 𝐃e 𝐕alerie. ⚘..

Butterfly as a marker
as beautiful as romance for him,
"Princess." Private welcome,
ambition rises to make it happen
The Swarna Dwipa he had dreamed of.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Asma tersemat begitu apik, dirakit elok layaknya Maheswara. Harsa selaksa, mengawali lahirnya "Putra" pada warsa 2022 dari adorasi luar biasa. Dibawah kaki sang "Putra." Hembusan sarayu pada kastil elok, payoda menghias bumantara.

      Diberkati eunoia, "Putra" berdiri
     demi tiap Mahardika nan amerta
     mendawai tiap asa pada saban
     waktunya. Wanodya mengagumkan
     berdiri setelahnya. Sempena
     memberkati keduanya,
     "Putra dan Putri."
Batara yang candala; Sebastian Marvangkala sang pendiri "Putra," didampingi primadona nan kirana; Craustine De Valerie.

     Rama-rama sebagai penanda
     selaksanya asmaraloka baginya,
    "Putri." Swastamita menyambut,
    ambisi terbit demi mewujudkan
    Swarna Dwipa yang diimpikannya.


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