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That Kyuranger's mystery is really hard to solve...

Turboranger to Fiveman

I just finished Turboranger. And regardless of it being only partially subbed, I was just very uninterested from the get-go. Nothing resonated with me unfortunately but I made it through the whole season.

Fiveman apparently has a much worse ranking according to fandom. I just started the first episode, so I'm curious what others think of Fiveman.

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Episode 21 ”Farewell, Blue Buster!" Love this scene

Would you like to see something like Shattered Grid in some Sentai Anniversary movie? Yeah, ik about 199 heroes, but it was focused only in two teams, we could see a villain version of Akaranger or AkaRed being the main villain.

a funny way to get revived :3

Which Super Sentai Series should i watch as a newcomer

Hey, never seen any sentai and only watched Power Rangers Megaforce as a kid.

I’d like some recommendations for where to start and what series are highly regarded.

Hey, I just bought this morpher. Can anyone tell me the name of all the Keys

My own custom Sentai, courtesy of Kamen-Zero on DeviantArt: Velocity Sentai Vehikenger

So do people like Mashin Sentai Kirameiger or is it seen as bad

I wanna know if it’s worth watching.... the sentai itself seems bland looking but the clips look really fun so I want to know if it’s good, if someone could inform me their thoughts, I’d appreciate it

Am I the only one feeling like this ?

First of all, I don't hate Super Sentai and Toei Animation. But I got bored to watch Super Sentai, at the beginning it always starts really well then everything is so repetitive.

It's always the same scheme :

1. every character become a super sentai and we get an interesting backstory (my favorite part)
2. all episodes are repetitives. Oh, we have destroyed the ennemy ? Wait we should use the giant robot now because he got ressurected + we learned nothing new in this episode.
3. The end is coming, let's rush everything in 10 episodes

I watched Patranger VS Lupinranger, it was nice but so repetitive about the fight and that open ending, PLEASE... I was disappointed. I also tried to watch Kyuranger, it was really interesting at the beginning with the backstory but I dropped it. Same for Mashin Sentai, I dropped it at episode 13 (maybe?), I couldn't force myself anymore.

I don't know if I have a problem. I notice it's the same about Precure too. Except for Kamen Rider which isn't repetitive (I really like this serie!)

Goseiger's plot as a whole

Where can I watch newer seasons of Super Sentai

I’ve mainly been watching whatever is on TubiTV but I would like to know where I could watch newer seasons or even the latest seasons of the show

Why so few rifles?

I’ve only seen one team have rifles as a standard-issue (not ranger-unique or team-fired) weapon. It’s always pistols as standard weapons, with the sole exception of the Dekarangers’ SWAT rifles.

By standard-issue, I mean a weapon that all core members of a team have. Something like the Zyurangers’ Ranger Stick (Blade Blaster) or the Dairangers’ DaiRenRods.

Any reason for this? I think it would be cool to have a team use rifles as their primary weapon, the way the Shinkenger always have their swords.

Are there any archives on Dice-O?

With the site now completely gone, I was wondering if I could find any archives on the cards or any of the game mechanics. What's on the wiki isn't enough.

It doesn't have to be translated.

Just some shower thoughts

I think female rangers have skirts to hide their suit actor's bulge.

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