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LPT: When faced with someone who insists on in believing conspiracy theories. Ask them to explain their theory in full to you. while you cant change their mind, having to put their thoughts to words might make them see how silly those thoughts really are.

How many times have you felt this when explaining your own feelings to someone?

LPT: Leaving an abusive spouse? Narcissistic Parents? Before saying anything, find important documents like your birth certificate, passport etc...

Thinking about leaving your spouse/partner, or leaving the home of abusive parents? Try your best to get your hands on important personal documents like your birth certificate, passport, social security card etc... it can be very difficult to get replacements.

These documents can be targeted, they can also open the door to "having to go back" for them. Don't let anyone hold you hostage.

LPT: Even if you get a vaccine, you should still wear a mask. Just because you have immunity doesnt mean you cant transmit the virus. Vaccines are designed to protect the individual while masks are designed to protect the many.

Seriously, just keep wearing the masks. Some of us believe that the vaccine is a miracle, but your immune system is the myrical. Vaccines work as well as we allow them to. As stated adamantly before:WEAR THE DAMN F○CKING MASK(until the whole populus has been vaccinated)

EDIT: think of the vaccine as a "heads up" or "warning" or "instructions on how to diffuse" a bomb

EDIT: some people think "then it's not a vaccine" vaccines provide IMMUNITY not anti-transmitability so please understand that if you still breath in and out- you can still transmit ANY airborne virus to ANYONE. The reason we dont all get suck is because were all vaccinated for most viruses

LPT: I posted a question the other day asking about this app called "TraffickCam" you take pictures of the hotel room you're staying in and the pics are used by the FBI and interpol to help find human trafficking routes and has even helped find missing victims. Spread the word!

LPT: If a job puts you to work the next day after a simple interview and no background check or anything, its not a good job

I'm only 22 years old, however I've been through my fair share of great jobs and not so great jobs. The worst jobs I've ever had were always "start right away" because they have a hard time keeping people and your spot needs to be filled. You usually go in with nobody there to train you and always end up being rushed. I understand times are tough and you need the money, but understand your worth and don't let a company take advantage of you.

LPT: If a news outlet is using strong adjectives to describe something, positive or negative, they are trying to persuade you to there viewpoint and not giving you straight facts.

LPT - If for some reason you need to connect to free wifi e.g at the mall and it requires a name and a email. Try putting a fake name and a fake email. I use John doe and Some don't require you to confirm the email address for you to use thewifi.

LPT: Don’t go overboard on the introduction of an essay, go overboard on the conclusion

I used to struggle in writing essays but I had really profound points in my introduction all the time and my uncle told me to use those points at the conclusion to leave a lasting thought rather than putting it all in the intro and having it diminish.

LPT: If you are eating spinach, kale or any other leafy green high in iron. Try to eat an orange or something high in vitamin C. Vitamin C better helps your body to absorb Iron. Why: so you can be big and strong like Popeye.

LPT: You should know that WhatsApp is changing their privacy policy so that they can harvest more of your personal data. They Will share your harvested personal data with Facebook and whoever they decide to. This change is in effect from February 2021. Signal pm and Telegram are good alternatives.

Their privacy policy change which will come into effect from February, if you don't accept their new policy, you will be prevented from using WhatsApp.

The data they collect to share will include your private messages. They mention that the "sharing" is just between sender and receiver but then they reference this section again to cover themselves from a dispute. ^(Why do you think that is?)

>You share your information (including messages)
>\- We access, preserve, and share your information described in the "Information We Collect"” section of this Privacy Policy above if we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary
>\- and may include other information identified in the Privacy Policy section entitled ‘Information We Collect’ ^((Speaking about what they share with Facebook and who they want. Your messages fall under "Information We Collect".))

This particular part is also concerning about banner advertisements having a chance to one day suddenly pop up on the app. Facebook is notorious for ads.

>We still do not allow third-party banner ads on our Services. We have no intention to introduce them, but if we ever do, we will update this Privacy Policy.

They are going to use your data to help them make money through you.

>\-helping you complete purchases and transactions, and showing relevant offers and ads across the Facebook Company Products; ^((Facebook company products refers to things like Oculus Headsets and their other partners whom have their own Privacy Policies))

They expect you, the consumer to review amendments to this policy change If for some reason they don't notify you, what about all the other times they made minor adjustments since the Facebook acquisition and did not notify you. They know this policy change has lots of critical changes hence why it pops up over WhatsApp when you opened it recently.

>We may amend or update our Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy from time to time.

How to delete your WhatsApp account .

This comes as a major inconvenience as backing up messages won't be easy and waiting for friends to shift will take awhile but what is the cost of Privacy I ask you. They clearly shouldn't be the ones setting that price.
Ever since WhatsApp stopped requiring annual/monthly subscriptions, we should've been worried.

Signal Private Messenger and Telegram are your best bets as alternatives to WhatsApp.

Signal Private Messenger preserves if not enhances your privacy protection. They're also both free to my knowledge. Signal Private Messenger is maintained by donations.

Signal Private Messenger's Frequently Asked Questions

LPT: With everything going on in this world at the moment a good tip for anyone with a vehicle is always keep it on a full tank. You never know when you may have to leave to somewhere fast and the last thing you want to have is an empty tank in an emergency.

LPT - Don't answer "Yes" to robo or telemarketing calls.

If you receive a call from a telemarketer or a robo call, and they ask if you can hear them, do nor answer with "Yes". Answer with "I can hear you: or "you are coming in clear"
Some companies are recording your voice saying yes and using that as confrmation to sign you up for an unwanted service or product.
Answers with a non-committal response will discourage them and more often than not they will disconnect the call.

LPT: Don't ask people when/if they're having kids. They might not be able to or want any

Also: Don't assume someone is pregnant, just because they're of a heavier size. Not unless they bring it up then you can talk about it.

Not everyone wants kids, or sometimes they want to wait later down the road. Having multiple people ask when they're going to have kids isn't good.

LPT: If you want to know if someone who disagrees with you has actually thought thoroughly about the issue, ask them to tell you the strongest argument for the other side. If the person doesn't give the best argument, then you can be sure that they have not thought through the issue from all sides.

It's easy to dismiss someone when they disagree with you, but you are not always right, so there are times when you can learn from someone who disagrees with you. The problem is that most people do not take the time to be well-informed and think critically about the issues. These people can go on and on about why they hold a certain opinion.

This places the burden on the listener to figure out what's credible and what's not. Life's too short to listen to uninformed people go on and on. But there's an easy way to identify the people with whom you shouldn't even bother.

Ask them to tell you the strongest argument for the other side. If they fail, then you can be certain that this person has not thought through the issues from all sides. Their analysis, therefore, is incomplete.

You can choose to inform them or move one.

This isn't a test to determine whether someone knows what they are talking about. You can answer the question correctly and still not know what you are talking about. So you only get valuable information when they get it wrong. But most of the time, they get it wrong.

If they give you an answer that's even stronger than the one you had in mind, that's a hint that it is you who does not know what they are talking about.

LPT Doing percentages by reversing the numbers gives you the same result.

You may not realize this, but you can do percentages by switching the numbers. So, if you are trying to take 16% of 50, you can switch it up to 50% of 16, which is much easier. The answer to both of these is 8. This works no matter the numbers.

Sorry that I had to repost this, but it was removed for not having a descriptive title.

LPT: Reduce stress by creating habits

Our brains are usually overwhealmed by the number of decisions (conscious or unconscious) we make during the day.

A good way to reduce stress, is to make mundane actions automatic to free our brains from making the conscious decision everytime.

Examples: make a mental checklist of items you take/actions you do whenever you leave home (keys, wallet, phone, lights)

Train yourself to go to bed and wake up at a specific time.

Create a certain routine that you do everytime you get to the office (coffee, agenda, emails...)

Good read: the power of habit by Charles Duhigg.

LPT: If you recognize anyone in any photos that were taken in DC today do not post them on social media. Report them to the FBI tip line.

LPT: a ringing phone does not always need to be answered

No, you do not have to stop what you're doing to answer a ringing phone. You're perfectly entitled to let it ring out and have the other person leave a voicemail message, send you an email or have you call them back at a more appropriate time, if the situation permits.

Imagine the situation: You've left the office, picked up the kids from school and are trying to juggle cooking them dinner with splitting up their fighting in the other do not need to pick up the phone if one of your work colleagues is trying to reach you for a quick chat. It can wait.

Or try this: You're sat having a coffee with a friend, enjoying the conversation and your do not need to pick up the phone if another friend is calling for a chat. It can wait.

Some situations will require you to stop everything and answer the phone. Those situations tend to be in the minority. For the rest of the time, it can wait.

LPT - Learn about manipulative tactics and logical fallacies so that you can identify when someone is attempting to use them on you.

To get you started:

Ethics of Manipulation

Tactics of Manipulation

Logical Fallacies in Argumentative Writing

15 Logical Fallacies

20 Diversion Tactics of the Highly Manipulative

Narcissistic Arguing

3 Manipulation Tactics You Should Know About

How to Debate Like a Manipulative Bully — It is worth pointing out that once you understand these tactics those who use them start to sound like whiny, illogical, and unjustifiably confident asshats.

10 Popular Manipulative Techniques & How to Fight Them

EthicalRealism’s Take on Manipulative Tactics

Any time you feel yourself start to get regularly dumbstruck during any and every argument with a particular person, remind yourself of these unethical and pathetically desperate tactics to avoid manipulation via asshat.

Also, as someone commented, a related concept you should know about to have the above knowledge be even more effective is Cognitive Bias and the associated concept of Cognitive Dissonance:

Cognitive Bias Masterclass

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance in Marketing

Cognitive Dissonance in Real Life

10 Cognitive Distortions

EDIT: Forgot a link.

EDIT: Added Cognitive Bias, Cognitive Dissonance, and Cognitive Distortion.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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