RiseUp Éireann UNITE the TRIBES

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Going to have a chat with the Garda this morning

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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RiseUp Éireann candlelight meditation brought Waterford to a stand still.

To protect us from da Rona?

Video by @louise__mckenna

RiseUp Éireann @riseup_eireann_

Here’s a mask theory...😷some humans don’t wear the muzzle for the fear of da Rona!

They wear the muzzle for the fear of the government.

They wear it because they’re told to wear the muzzle, & so they obey. 😷

Some wear the face nappy, for fear of loosing jobs, or fear what people might think of them, if they don’t wear the muzzle! 😷

Now, the muzzle has become a fashion statement for some, matching muzzles to go with their outfits!

There are some, who even enjoy to hide their faces, & to be anonymous. 😷😷😷

Some humans don’t even own a mask! 😂

Some don’t care what people think of them, or who wears a mask, or not, & they just go about their days, & mind their own Bizniz.

Many don’t believe the hype, & live freely, & fearlessly.
Big Smiles, all ‘round, for all. 😀

So, anyway, Waterford was great craic, thank you all, that was some reception!!

The Waterford residents, & the Garda especially, are very welcoming!!

Wonder is this the new norm?
Cities coming to a stand still when RiseUp Éireann arrive?

VIP treatment, at last. Respect. 👊🏽🥰

See you all next time, no need for such a fuss though!🤣

RiseUp Waterford!

On the road again... @riseup_eireann_

Where will you be on World Wide Freedom Rally?

20 March 2021 @ Planet Earth 🌍

RiseUp Éireann have been invited to celebrate with the Irish segment, of the World wide Freedom Rally... stay connected for more information, this is going to be a BIG one !! ❤️🌍❤️@riseup_eireann_

In Ireland, we have what are called the Garda Síochána, Irish for “guardians of the peace”, therefore in legal terms Ireland does not have a Police force, isn’t that correct?

Guidelines & legislation are not laws, and nobody is obligated to obey, what is not law, & one can object to it.

As one of the land, anyone, of the land, is entitled, by God given inalienable rights, to travel the land, and We, the people, can travel our land freely.

Nobody, or no fake laws can stop us.

Arriving at Holy Trinity Cathedral today for a candlelight meditation, was an interesting experience, perhaps the Garda thought something else was happening, there were more of them, than us. 😂 There were about 30 Garda, Garda stopped cars on many roads into Waterford, & They had a Swat team on stand by from Dublin, to meditate? Communism much?

RiseUp have brought another Irish city to a stand still, first Dublin, now Waterford? just by being there.
That’s not intimidating at all Garda commissioner Harris. 😬🥺🤣

Who do they think we are? 😂 Who do they think they are? 🤣

Tonight was not a protest, it was a silent meditation, we came & said nothing. Not sure what the big fuss? Helicopters?

Anyway, the Garda pretty much left us alone, we had a few words, but there wasn’t much to say, we closed our eyes and meditated. 🙏🏽❤️🌈

RiseUp Waterford @riseup_eireann_

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