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zodiac roleplayer. dan repost
Congratulations! On your collab single with Amoeba Culture "Save" M/V.
To all NCT 127 RP-ers especially for Haydan, Imanuel, Jayson, Helson, Treyton, Maraka, Afdanist, Bagja, Ghafian, Zafdreon, Alden, Malik, Khaleed, Tama, Adam, Junggara, Alan, Algernon, Jo, Sastra, Kazeo, Sayaka, Marka, Mahesa, Hansa, Marco, Jean, Damarka, Argan.


Directions dan repost

Congratulations on your collab single with Amoeba Culture for NCT 127

and all rp-ers NCT 127 especially for Me, Virgo, Chandra, Imanuel, Kazel, Afdanist, Jayden, Edward, Zaydan, Ghafian, Ihsan, Adam, Askha, Travis, Vier, Zafian, Rabil, Saddam, Yeven, Jayson, Kafel, Prajafan, Ardhian, Haikal, Venzo, Arsena, Fonzo, Delvenus, Yogas, Ragas, Ares, Aksan, Raden, Kazeo

I hope this collaboration will be a successful. And don't forget to always streaming guys!

Nyctophilia. dan repost
Finally the splendid day that has been waited as NCT 127 X Amoeba Culture collaboration with tittle 〖 Save 〗 Give a lof of support and applause for the hard work of NCT 127 member and NCT 127 rp-ers!

Especially for me, Adam, Aarash, Adhityama, Afdanist, Arkatama, Alden, Angga, Abim, Aktara, Arkaniell, Ares, Abhichandra, Achan, Biel, Bahardika, Daniel, Dama, Edward, Fernandes, Gatory, Galang, Hanami, Harsa, Hakmal, Habil, Haecal, Helenio, Hagia, Haechiel, Haikal, Haexav, Hayzar, Hayden, Imanuel, Immanuel, Ihsan, Ibra, Januar, Jenar, Juangga, Jonathan, Jeffrion, Jorvan, Jenardi, Jayden, Khaesna, Markavi, Max, Marco, Matthew, Mahesa, Mahendra, Malik, Nathan, Rayhan, Reyhan, Razyvan, Reylands, Ryden, Ragas, Sastra, Trafalgar, and NCT 127 other rp-ers which is not mentioned.

Enjoy this collaboration also don't forget to stream it y’all! I hope this collab can be successful and liked by many people!!

ㅤ #NextLevel dan repost
NCT 127 x Amoeba Culture " Save " MV IS OUT !
Go check it out in NCT 127 YouTube Channel.

Happy collaboration #NCT127 x Amoeba Culture ! and to all NCT 127 rp — ers Patur, Kala, Razyvan, Malik, Varkael, Bladen, Ben, Alan, Rekas

Give them a lot of support as well as a lot of love, And do not forget streaming their music video right now !

Dusty Moon dan repost
Finally! NCT 127 “SAVE” MV is release now. Let’s check it out and don’t forget to streaming their mv!

Congratulations to NCT 127 for they collab.

Also, congrats and happy collab to all NCT 127 rp-ers especially Me, Raiz, Haedar, Zionne, Hadefer, Astra, Thero, Javas, Malik, Ravindra, Askha, Afdanist, Edward, Maraka, Jelo, Jenardi, Jonathan, Adhityama, Jayden, Kazeo, Narka, Lefhan, Hadyan, Kiki, Venzo, Ragas, Ares, Cibo, Tian, Jefford, Jendra, Jeri, Morenzo, Michael, Gerie, Rangga, Calvino, Rehan, Damian, Deska, Rakha

Lugar de la Muerte 🪦 dan repost
Finally, NCT 127 x Amoeba Culture 'Save' M/V has been released now!

From the bottom of my heart,
Congratulations for your comeback, NCT 127! You guys never let your fans down and make everyone feel the unity and strength you show every day.

Once again, Congratulations to NCT 127 and all NCT 127 rp-ers especially for: Dion, Malik, Dirga, Izlal, Jefford, Jonathan, Javier, Trafalgar, Aufa, Alanka, Jerrel, Kirin, Thero, Markji, Gasendra, Haiden, and Roland.

Don't forget to streaming, SIJEUNI!💚

Congratulations to NCT 127 X Amoeba Culture. Also for people who using 127 as a face claim esp. Kalfa, Imanuel, Ravindra, Adelio, Ardjion, Hadyan, Jenardi, Ashka, Yuganta, Rian, Edward, Jayden, Kazeo, Adhityama, Lefhan, Adam, Afdanist, Samudra, Haikal, Fonzo, Ares


Lovely Shie. dan repost
⚠️ HELP FW!! ⚠️
yang keep @PARKCYAEYOUNG tolong balikin ya? itu username temen aku, dia sampe sedih banget kasian. dia juga punya bukti kalo dia keep itu udah dari lama, mungkin emang engga seberapa tapi di mata temen ku itu berharga banget buat dia. dia tadi baru aja unkeep mau pake id nya eh malah di keep sama orang, jadi tolong balikin ke @JEYNNIEKIMC ya? makasih banyak. 🙏🏻

NCT Update dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
‘Save’ MV Teaser

NCT 127 X Amoeba Culture 〖 Save 〗
➫ 2021.06.04 6PM (KST)
🖇 https://youtu.be/AGeLPWIfzZ0


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