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📖 one line quote from your favorite book to get you through 📚
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For any suggestion @Fikir_ag

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Take your craft seriously; learn what you need to learn; invest in yourself; practice your ass off; fall down; get up; keep going; get really really good at what you do, but don't lose the fun in the process. Because, like, what's the point of all that work then? The only thing you need to do is do the very best you can. Once you've done that, the only other thing that matters is that you enjoy yourself.

Your thought and beliefs dictate your reality, so if you want to change your reality you have to change your beliefs.

The moment you have the audacity to start believing in the not-yet seen, your reality will begin to shift. The following is hugely important so please pay very close attention: you have to change your thinking first, and then the evidence appears. Our big mistake is that we do it the other way around. We demand to see the evidence before we believe it to be true.

Your job isn't to know the how, it's to know the what and to be open to discovering, and receiving the how.

Remember, everything you desire is right here, right now. You just have to shift your perception in order to see it made manifest.

We're still allowed to dream, and our dream are still available to us, but as we move through life, we must make the conscious effort to overcome whatever judgment we have, as well as kick all our fears from past experiences in the head, and participate in our own badassery. Whatever that looks for us. We must focus on positive instead of the list of negatives we've collected over time, and keep that focus regardless of what flies in our faces.

Act as if:
If you want something badly, even if you don't have any evidence that it's possible for you to attain, believe it is Anyway. Fake it until you make it.

Have you ever noticed how a bunch of people can go through the same course let's say a class on how to start your own coaching business, and they all get the exact same information and tools, but some will come out of there and totally rock it and others will fall flat on their faces? Even if they all have the same desire to succeed, create beautiful marketing materials and do Similar things, it's the one with the proper mindset who will succeed. The one who kick ass are the one who can see themselves kicking ass, who truly believe in themselves and what they're selling.

Mind is the master power that molds and makes
And man is mind and evermore he takes
The tool of thought and, shaping what he wills
Bring forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.
He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:
Environment is but his looking glass.
-James Allen,self-help pontificator

“To think what you want to think is to think truth”—is that not the best news ever? It doesn’t matter what your reality looks like at the moment, because where you desire to be is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and if you fixate your mind on this truth, believe that it is real and already here, and take decisive action, it will manifest itself.

Instead of wasting hours and days and years trying to figure out your perfect next move, just DO something already. Oh the time we waste rolling ideas around in our heads, imagining what-ifs, coming up with perfect reasons why and then perfect reasons why not, tearing at our cuticles, making our friends and family carefully screen their calls in case it's us again, wanting to go over some ideas. Get out of your head and take action. You don't have to know exactly where it's going to take you, you just need to start with one thing that feels right and keep following right-feeling things and see where they lead.

We spend the vast majority of our time moving at full speed ahead, both physically and mentally, and we literally bulldoze over the very answers we're seeking because they can't be heard above the din. When you sit quietly and ask, you get an answer. Eventually. Stick with it, be patient and wait to hear from your inner guidance. You have all the answer you need, you just need to give them the chance to get through to you.

If you really want to get in touch with who you are and what you love to do, and who you love to do it with, dedicate some time to turning in to your intuition. One of the way to do this is to spend five minutes of quit, by your self, ever day.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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