Kanal geosi va tili: Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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ㅤㅤ 𝕻art 𝕺f — @sexbypm

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Kanal geosi va tili
Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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The answer :

📝 QnA tentang hiring admin @sexbypm
OOT or spreading hate! please be a smart people, sexxiest.

👤 emang bener sih, base nya kebanyakan aturan, ga kaya base base lain yang santai

👤 Makin banyak aturan jadi ribet ga kaya yang lain nya, dulu ga kaya gini deh. terlalu berlebihan🙏🏻

👤 admin mpps bakal ada sfs?

👤 ada sfs nya kah per minggunya???

👤 Gabisa daftar karna akun ku kebanned huhuhu 😞

👤 Saya mau daftar pfp tapi ga bisa open di jam 14.00 , bentrok dengan pekerjaan rl

👤 klo gk punya lpm gmn?

👤 kalau misalnya udh jadi adm di ch lpm lain, masih tetep boleh join jdi adm disini kah?

👤 40 lpm itu nantinya buat apa kak? Ada target perminggu ga?

👤 aku belum ada pengalaman tp pengen join, terus ini jadi admin harus ngapain aja? 🙏🏻

👤 pengen ikut tp takut gk keterima :(

👤 Jadi admin nya cuma sebulan aja bang?

👤 Kalo gak ada pengalaman gimana kk?

👤 sampe kapan min hirmin nya?

👤 Ini sistemnya nanti interns gak si ?

👤 Sistem hiring berapa hari dari awal open?

👥 16 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...

SEXBY ⋆ PR꩜MꐑTE dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

안녕하세요 Sexxiest and all people who read this message. So this is good news and update for all of us. The most anticipated comes @sexbypm looking for everyone who are ready to join be part of SEXXIEST TEꇺM. Dont forget to check our main rules below If you are interested and choose which division suits you. Send your form to our assistant. Join with us soon and lets work together to build a SEXBY PR꩜MꐑTE ... 𖤓

ini rombaknya besok

The answer :

📝 QnA tentang hiring PJ sexbypm yuk, sexxiest!
Please be smart untuk jangan OOT dan spread hate!

👤 base ribet kebanyakan rules, kalo rulesnya yang wajar2 mah ga masalah. lah ini, ngirim pm ga bebas apa2 ga boleh

👤 setuju sih sm yg bawah, skrg terlalu susah

👤 balikin sexby yang dulu☹️ skrng rules ny terlalu susah dan bnyk, jd kaya aneh aj ch nfsw pm tp terlalu bnyak ini itu

👤 Aku admin dari ch lain, tapi masih bisa bagi waktu antara rl sama ch lain, masih bisa ga kak? 😔

👤 mau ikut, tapi gatau caranya gimana? boleh ikut nda?

👤 hiring admin biasanya kapan min? ga pd kalo jadi pj, soalnya pasti lebih berat

👤 klo dah pernah jadi admin leh ikutan lagi ga 😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

👤 good luck buat siapapun yang daftar jadi PJ di Sexby!

👤 ini gaboleh jadi inti di ch lain, mksdnya kaya tmo, sq, school gtu? atau ch lain nya hanya send bio aja ya?

👤 Kalo ga berpengalaman gimana? Di ajarin ga? Di kasih arahan ga? Terus kalo bisa nya on malam doang gimana bang?

👤 ini bakalan di trainee berapa lama buat pj mpps?

👤 hirteam close kapan?

👤 Kalau misal off, karena habis kuota or ga ada sinyal gimana

👤 Tugasnya nanti ngapain aja? Mau ikut tapi takut 😢

👤 lpmnya wajib punya 40kah? buat pj sbio , kalau semisal di bawah 40 boleh?

👤 kalo semisal ngilang sehari tanpa izin itu dapet hukuman/peringatan gitu ga?

👤 Di divisi mpps itu ada admin lainnya juga kan selain pj? Perbedaan tugas pj sama admin mppsnya itu apa aja?

👤 Kalo ga ada pengalaman sama sekali bakal diajarin gak?

👤 berapa hari traineenya kak?

👤 Traineeny brp lama?

👤 ini jikalau sudah jadi admin ada sfs perminggu ga ya?

👤 Jadi gaboleh pegang ch lain ya kak? Padahal pengenn banget ikutan jadi PJ nya T_T

👤 susah ga jadi PJ?

👤 Ini aku kan ngga punya jabatan apapun ch manapun, emang boleh ikutan hirmin?

👥 24 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...

SEXBY ⋆ PR꩜MꐑTE dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

안녕하세요 Sexxiest and all people who read this message. So this is good news and update for all of us. The most anticipated comes @sexbypm looking for everyone who are ready to join be part of SEXXIEST TEꇺM. Dont forget to check our main rules below If you are interested and choose which division suits you. Send your form to our assistant. Join with us soon and lets work together to build a SEXBY PR꩜MꐑTE ... 𖤓

  ‌ ┈─ ❉ 👧 [ XXVII ] Growing up is not an easy thing to go through, but I can walk this far. Sometimes I feel my body is getting old but my soul wants to be cuddled like a child. Convince myself that i can get through all the problems, for the umpteenth time. Be patient, later we will be able to make peace with our inner child.


      Caption ada di pict.

      21:11 • 18 Jan 23 • Twitter for iPhone
      566 Retweet    120 Qrt      30.130 Likes


      Y'all not even know who we are.
      So shut your fucking mouth, and y'all
      better to admit it how meritorious
      sexby and sɘxteam especially to the

      18:16 • 18 Jan 23 • Twitter for iPhone
      566 Retweet    120 Qrt      30.130 Likes


  ┈─ { ❦︎} They was laughing so hard when He looking at the morons who still baffled about the '𝑓𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒' that abandoned in those locked bunker. Definitely they don't know who was 'the immoral' person, cause sɘxteām previously cleaned all of the mess before that idiot notice what does ℳonsieur / ℳadame did ahead. But when the other bandits trying to interrupt us, it's a disastrous mistake that they've ever did. Cause this mobster would happily send y'all to the ℌell, fooler.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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