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Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Jungkook dan repost
Want to sell username based on Jungkook (BTS)


- Penggantian huruf J ke W.
- Start offer from 10k.
- KB 1k, free jump bid.
- No HnR! offer = beli.
- Close offer tanggal 15 Maret.
- Payment via dana and qris only.
- Drop your best offer at comment section / @ziceo

Lyvies Store ; open dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ buat semua mutual ba ku tercyank atau siapapun yang melihat postingan ini , boleh minta bantuannya untuk forward postingan ini ke channel kalian ? thanks before ! 💗 ]

aloo kawan kawan cmwaa , hari ini Lyvies Store officially debut yeaayyy ! ayo mampir kita nyediain kebutuhan akun instagram loh , dan pastinya harganya terjangkau bgt 🥺 leggo shopping shopping manja ?!NIWEYS KITA LAGI OPEN PROMO SPESIAL DEBUT YUK YUK LANGSUNG SERBU !

kami menyediakan seperti ;

›› Upfoll
›› Pembersihan
›› Upviews sg
›› Big upfoll

yuk langsung intip catalog nya ! 💗 jangan lupa baca TnC dulu yaa , langsung send formatnya ke @lyviesrobot ! have a nice day 🤩💓

El's dan repost
[Hi help fw blh?]

‼️ Want to sell username paket! ‼️

@Cohuu + @Jihanf + @Taeyansg

Based on Chuu, Jihan, Taeyang fix price 360k only & feel free to nego!

Boleh beli satuan & feel free to nego sampai nett per usn yaa.
Contact @Seeohyun if you interested thank you!

Dazzle Stars. ☆ dan repost
Top to the morning! As you can see, it has been long time since the last time we were running this channel before took a long rest and now we’re back with the new concept; the deep blue sky that full of stars. Stars twinkling enchantingly, making your gaze sparked only for the skies and the stars! Beside of that news, we’re happily say that we are starting to open our business channel again dan kalau kalian kepo sama pricelist terbarunya, kalian bisa check ✧✦ buat pricelistnya Spotify dan Netflix atau check ✦✧ untuk aplikasi lain. Kami harap tema baru kita masuk sama selera kalian yaa! Buat kalian yang mau mulai jajan atau mau tanya-tanya juga boleeh, bisa hubungin kita di @DazzlesBot. Happy shopping, Dazzies! ♥

Cordially thine,
Dazzle Stars.

@erwLin slamat datang om

Writesouls. dan repost
[To all my mutuals BA or everyone who see this message, can you spread this message to your channel? Thank you!]

Hello, Writesouls is open for the first time for wording! Ini lagi BU banget HAHA, jadi open asal aja ya. Paling cuman 5-6 orang aja, itu pun kalau sampai, before that please read the TnC first. Send your form to @Jinhyeonga, thank you. Have a great day, Writers! Cataloge nya scroll aja ya kebawah. :D

A L ℣ I S dan repost
Want to Sale Usn Fixed Price

Mau bersihin keepan + lagi BU, yuk dibantu ! serba 8k, semua 8k ya udah nett banget.

1. @wongwlucas bo lucas nct / wayv
2. @wontlucas bo lucas nct / wayv
3. @woncglucas bo lucas nct / wayv
4. @wonglucals bo lucas nct / wayv
5. @jimienyoo bo karina aespa real name

✪ Payment : All E–Wallet + Qris.

☎️ Cp : @Iucaswongs / @ALVISKASEPBOT

MIOFFICIAL dan repost
[ Untuk mutual BA-ku, boleh tolong bantu forward pesan ini? Aku akan senang dan sangat berterima kasih! ]
⠀ ⠀

⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀✦ @yujtn
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀✦ @yujtn
⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀✦ @yujtn

❃ Based on Yujin
❃ Hanya ganti satu huruf (i = t)
❃ Close Offer : 13-O3-2O21 (bisa dipercepat)

Info lengkapnya bisa cek @yujtn sekalian offer username-nya, ya!

Siapapun yang liat ini, tolong fw ya terimakasih

WTS one of my pretty username based on JUNGWOO.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⭒ @JUNGWOEO
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⭒ @JUNGWOEO
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⭒ @JUNGWOEO

⤷ Start from 9k, Kb 1k
⤷ Close offer tanggal 13 Maret
⤷ HnR are prohibited‼️
⤷ Payment Dana, Gopay, Shopeepay

Drop your offer @ comment section. Tele x to

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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