Pathology videos & books

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

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Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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Correct Answer-A
Ans. is 'a' i.e., Hyertension
More than 90% of dissections occur in men between the ages of 40
and 60 with antecedent hypertension

Microbiology dan repost
11. Post mortem staining gets fixed after
  •   a) 2-3 hrs.
  •   b) 3-4 hrs.
  •   c) 5-6 hrs
  •   d) 7-8 hours
843 ta ovoz

. Most common cause of dissecting hematoma is because of
  •   a) Hypertension
  •   b) Marfan's
  •   c) latrogenic
  •   D)Kawasaki
654 ta ovoz

Orthopaedics dan repost
Bunion is commonly seen at ? #NEET PG #INICET #PYQ #FMGE
  •   A)Great toe MTP joint
  •   b) Medial malleolus
  •   c) Lateral Malleolus
  •   d) Shin of tibia
21348 ta ovoz

Correct Answer - B 'b'i.e., Atheromatous plaque
Dystrophic calcification
* When pathological calcification takes place in dead, dying or
degenerated tissue, it is called dystrophic calcification. o Calcium
metabolism is not altered and serum calcium level is normal.
Dystrophic calcification in Dystrophic calcification in
dead tissues
degenerated tissues
1.In caseous necrosis of 1. Atheromatous plague
2. Monkeberg's sclerosis
(most common which may b& Psommama bodies
in lymph nodes)
4. Dens old scars
2.Chronic abscess in 5. Senile degenrated changes such
liquifactive necrosis
as in costal cartilage, tracheal,
3.Fungal granuloma
bronchial rings, Pineal gland in
5.Thrombi 6. Heart valves damaged by
rheumatic fever.
7.Dead parasites-
8.In fat necrosis of breast &
other tissues

Pathology videos & books dan repost
DystrophicDystrophic calcification is seen in ? #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   a) Milk alkali syndrome
  •   b) Atheromatous plaque
  •   c) Hyperparathyroidism
  •   D)Vitamin A intoxication
3668 ta ovoz

Correct Answer -C

ED50 refers to Effective Dose of a drug needed to produce a particular response in 50%
of population. It is a quantitative measure of the potency of a drug. Smaller the ED50 value,
more potent is the drug
Ref: Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology By lan P. Stolerman, Volume 2, Page 456

3. Regarding efficacy and potency of a drug, all are true, EXCEPT: #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   a) In a clinical setup, efficacy is more important than potency
  •   b) In the log dose response curve, the height of the curve corresponds with efficacy
  •   c) ED50 of the drug corresponds to efficacy
  •   d) Drugs that produce a similar pharmacological effect can have different levels of efficacy
251 ta ovoz

Answer -C
Ans. is 'c' i.e., Cytoplasmic vacuole
o Fatty changes occur in alcoholic steatosis (fatty liver). It is
manifested by appearence of lipid vacuole in the cytoplasm, which is
a sign of reversible injury.
○ Other three options (loss of cell membrane, nuclear karyolysis and
pyknosis) are signs of irreversible injur

Pathology videos & books dan repost
32. The sign of reversible injury in a case of alcohol liver disease is #NEET PG #INICET #PYQ #FMGE
  •   A) loss of cell membrane
  •   b) Nuclear karyolysis
  •   c) Cytoplasmic vacuole
  •   d) Pyknosis
8734 ta ovoz

Correct Answer - C
Ans. is 'c" i.e., Dystrophic calcification

Calcification of soft tissues without any distrubance of calcium metabolism is called #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   a) lonotrophic calcification
  •   b) Monotrophic calcification
  •   c) Dystrophic calcification
  •   D)Calcium induced calcification
133 ta ovoz

Correct Answer - B 'b'i.e., Atheromatous plaque
Dystrophic calcification
* When pathological calcification takes place in dead, dying or
degenerated tissue, it is called dystrophic calcification. o Calcium
metabolism is not altered and serum calcium level is normal.
Dystrophic calcification in Dystrophic calcification in
dead tissues
degenerated tissues
1.In caseous necrosis of 1. Atheromatous plague
2. Monkeberg's sclerosis
(most common which may b& Psommama bodies
in lymph nodes)
4. Dens old scars
2.Chronic abscess in 5. Senile degenrated changes such
liquifactive necrosis
as in costal cartilage, tracheal,
3.Fungal granuloma
bronchial rings, Pineal gland in
5.Thrombi 6. Heart valves damaged by
rheumatic fever.
7.Dead parasites-
8.In fat necrosis of breast &
other tissues

DystrophicDystrophic calcification is seen in ? #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   a) Milk alkali syndrome
  •   b) Atheromatous plaque
  •   c) Hyperparathyroidism
  •   D)Vitamin A intoxication
318 ta ovoz

Correct Answer - A
Ans. is 'a' i.e., Apaf 1
One of these proteins is cytochrome c, well known for its role in
mitochondrial respiration. In the cytosol, cytochrome C binds to a
protein called Apaf-1 (apoptosis activating factor-1), and the
complex activates caspase-9. (Bc1-2 and Bcl-x may also directly
inhibit Apaf-1 activation, and their loss from cells may permit
activation of Apaf-1

In apoptosis, cytochrome C acts through - #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   a) Apaf 1
  •   b) Bcl-2
  •   c) FADD
  •   d) TNF
214 ta ovoz

Correct Answer -B
Ans. is 'b'i.e., Cell membrane
• yeline figures are cytoplasmic bodies composed of concentric
whorls of membranes, derived from damage cell membrane.
Myelin figures appear during reversible injury but they are more
pronounced in irreversible injury.

In cell death, myelin figures, are derived from- #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   a) Nucleus
  •   b) Cell membrane
  •   c) Cytoplasm
  •   d) Mitochondria
227 ta ovoz

Correct Answer - A
Ans. is 'a' i.e., Coagulative necrosis
Coagulative necrosis
* This is most common type of necrosis.
* This type of necrosis is most frequently caused by sudden
cessation of blood flow (ischemia) in organs such as heart (MI),
Kidney (ATN), adrenal gland, and spleen.
Note: Brain is the only exception, i.e.,. It is the only solid organ in
which ischemia leads to liquifactive necrosis not coagulative
* It is also seen with other types of injury e.g.,liver necrosis in viral
hepatitis, Coagulative necrosis of skin after burns (Thermal injury).
Why there is predominant protein denaturation and no enzymatic
digestion ?
Hypoxia causes intracellular acidosis (has been explained earlier)
> .t pH results in denaturation ofproteins which includes not only
structural proteins hut also enzymes
So, there is no enzymatic digestion. o The necrotic cells retain their
cellular outline for several days.
Liquefactive necrosis
* It is the necrotic degradation of tissue that rapidly
undergo softening and liquefaction

MI is a type of- #NEET PG #FMGE #INICET #PYQ
  •   Coagulative necrosis
  •   b) Liquefactive necrosis
  •   c) Caseous necrosis
  •   d) Fat necrosis
267 ta ovoz

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