Something (out of life)

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Ruscha
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

People change after hurt

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, Ruscha
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- To'g'ri, hammasi men ta'riflaganimdek yomon emas, lekin bu ayni paytda hammasi yaxshi deyish uchun yetarli ham emas! Noshukur bo'lma, deysizmi? Haqsiz! Inson har qanaqa vaziyatda ham shukur qila bilishi kerak. Men ham juda siz o'ylaganchalik noshukur emasman, bir narsaga shukur qilaman. Hali imkonim bor, imkonimiz bor!


Har yili 21-oktyabr yaqinlashar ekan, til jonkuyarlarining umidsizlik yoʻgʻrilgan fikr-qarashlari tarmoqni egallaydi.

Bu yil ham faollar mahalliy kichik bizneslardan tortib hukumat darajasiga qadar oʻzbek tili hurmat qilinmayotgani, davlat tili maqomiga ega boʻlmagan rus tilining mavqeyi shiddat bilan kuchayib borayotgani haqida yozganini koʻrish mumkin.

Davlat tili allaqachon yengilib boʻlgan, deb yozgan jurnalist Sardorbek Usmoniy sentyabr oyidagi postida.

Til jonkuyarlarining bunday xavotirlarida qanchalik jon bor oʻzi?

Ixtiyor Esanov | Rasmiy kanal dan repost
Agar butun bir xalqlar o‘zlarining ustidan qanday mayda-pastkash odamlar hukmronlik qilayotganini bilganida edi , dahshatga tushar edilar .

Sharl Moris de Taleyran-Perigor.

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And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

-Nietzsche (not a big fan of his, but this is a good quote)



But, I don't think that it is the highest one.



Ig'vogarlar tongi

Tong ham otib bormoqda,
Quyosh bo'yi o'smoqda,
Yangi kun boshlanmoqda,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Kun o'tar, yashamaymiz,
Yo'l yurar, siljimaymiz,
Uyg'oq, lek ko'z ochmaymiz,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Izlamaydi hech davo,
Tinglagani bir navo
G'ulg'ula ekkan ig'vo,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Bir sabab kun kutishar,
Ko'z ochiboq boshlashar,
Gap-so'z, g'iybat qilishar,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Tildir ularga hukmdor,
Qilishsaydi biroz or,
Sokinlikka bo'lib zor,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Axir bo'lsa hamki chin,
G'iybat sanalar bilgin,
Behuda so'zlar nechun?!
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Til keltirar ko'p afsus,
Sas chiqarar so'zlar sust,
Yaproqlar yo'q, keldi kuz,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

To'satdan to'xtab qolsam,
Ba'zan o'yga ham tolsam,
Shunday yashagan bo'lsam,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Shovqinlidir bu olam,
Lek, sokin uxlar odam,
Qo'li ushlar bir qalam,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

Bir kun borini yashab,
Osiy bandaga o'xshab,
Uyquga ketsam qag'shab,
Uyg'ota ko'rmang meni.

-Samariddin Sirojiddin o'g'li


Abdusattor dan repost
Inson organizmidagi eng yirik iste'molchi ko'zlar hisoblanadi. Atrofimiz haqidagi 90% ma’lumotni biz ko’zlarimiz orqali qabul qilamiz. Ko’z shunchalar noyob organki, u tashqi dunyo bilan ichki dunyoni tog’ridan tog’ri bog’lab beradi.

Va tasavvur qiling, siz 3 kun hech qanday yangi ma’lumot is’temol qila olmaysiz, sizda na ko’rish qobiliyati bo’ladi na o’zingizni nimadir bilan chalg’ita olasiz. Zamonaviy dunyoda har bir daqiqasida o’zini chalg’itishga o’rganib qolgan inson uchun bu qay darajadagi qiynoq bo’lishi mumkin? Manga bu juda ham qiziq bo’ldi. Va hayotimda eng noodatiy 3 kunni yashashga qaror qildim.

📹 Yorug'liksiz 72 soat


Have you ever been in this type of situation? A friend asks you for an advice and no
matter the solution or idea you give him, he is not pleased and responds with "Yes, but...."

Whilst it may appear the player is asking for help on the social level, what they are really doing on the psychological level is proving that they can’t be helped and no one else can control them. The switch comes when the other person gives up trying. The payoff for the player is proof that no one can help them even though they remain passive. This may be accompanied by feelings of sadness or anger, the feelings that the player learnt were acceptable to caregivers as a child.

The other player in this game may feel helpless and frustrated that they have been unable to help the starter of the game – these feelings are likely to be very familiar too and reinforce a belief that they are not a very good friend, problem solver, therapist, etc. It takes two to play a game.

This game is called: “Yes, But”. This is where one person has a problem and another person is invited to solve it. Everything the other person suggests is rejected with a “Yes, I could do that, but..(insert reason for not doing that)”. We all know people who play this. We may even play it ourselves.

Why do we play games?
A game represents the child’s best strategy to getting something from the world. When we play games in adulthood, we are attempting to meet a genuine child
need. It is just that the means of satisfying that need are outdated & manipulative. Games are a way in which we can confirm our beliefs (mostly wrongly held ones) about life.

How do we stop Playing games?
The first thing we need to do is identify what games we are playing. Ask yourself what patterns keep emerging in your life? What predictable events occur? What feelings do you often end up having?

I recommend reading this book if you want to learn more on this subject, or on other games that people play: Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne.

-The Muslim Psychologist (Diana)


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
You are much more than that.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Ahvolimiz haqida Temur Ikrom O'g'li tomonidan yozilgan she'rni uning o'zidan tinglashingiz mumkin.

Go'yo farishta edik,
Shaytonni ham hayratga solardik!



Kelarlar bir kun omonating olmag'a,
Ruh-i jonim taslim olmag'a .
Balkim yetisharman xizmatkoring bo'lmag'a,
Sening yo'lingda taslim bo'lmag'a.
Sen buyuksan, bo'l deya bu olamni bor etmag'a,
Qalbimga ham ilm-i irfon bor etmag'a.
Ha bilarman sening askarlaringmiz,
Gox qamchimiz, goxda qamchi yermiz.
Lek sevgingla haq yo'ldan adashmagaymiz,
İlm-i irfonla bu dunyoni tozalagaymiz.
Aslo to'xtamagaymiz, sening yo'lingda yurumag'a
Bir xizmat etmag'a .
Tum mazlumlarg'a homiy bo'lmag'a,
Yo haq, yo botil demag'a !

Temur Ikrom O'g'li


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

...Hayratlar ichida qolayabman.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.