
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Martin Parker. @SpideySenses
"I thought it was great what you did out there. Stupid, but great."
- Gwen Stacy
@SpideyMarklnBot, @SpideyArchive

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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nah itu, mati gaya, bingung

B’Acoustic dan repost
aku lebih ke bingung disana harus ngapain

🗳 'till the end of February.

- mafela vogos
- Hamidan.
- Yeola @Jiheonilyy
- Nevearie @ppkrizt
- Adhikari G.
- Sheya @Thitarajundee
- winneyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @eAnjrit.
- Haryasa @Sunrdise
- Karanya.
- nanaaas
- georgina
- Bian
- John Lennon.
- Gamarta @qmarkleeyz
- Pratama.
- The One and Only Prettiest Girl, Yessa S. @Chearyeonk
- DNI, only reply cf.
- Rara @XimMinjxong
- Cherysie @qimycrim
- Radegav A.
- Kagofar D'Hoger. @Kagofar
- Ailyn Whitney.
- Alana @aelanas
- Arkazha
- ini cia @theduplicatehyewon
- shena @cioatingshen
- claudiös victoryking
- Amára
- Ayshira K. @aKazrina
- ailéys
- yeyuma ✩___✩
- Arka loanjing as @liexjenoo
- Jung Wheina.
- Aisel Calathiel. return @soheze
- Geiko, #MARK_Child.
- Yoanne Miraeth.
- dr. 𝓟xb nathala
- bayu @ttpbwotol
- Arcel
- The prettiest, ziora @wonyyoung1ve
- Lail.

👥 41 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

jujur pernah diajak, ga nyaman tp

B’Acoustic dan repost
👀 #OPMEMBMARKO Martin as @EddwardCullen. (@EddwardCullen) read the message

Pak, bu, isi sebelum saya ketok palu

Out in the dark over the snow the fallow fawns invisible go with the fallow doe ; and the wind blow fast as the stars are slow. Stealthily the dark haunts round, and, when the lamp goes without sounds, at a swifter bound, arrives, and all else is drowned. And I, and star, and wind, and deer, are in the dark together. Near, yet far, and fear. Drums on my ear in that sage company drear. How weak and little is the light, all the universe of sight, love and delight, before the might. If you love it not, of night.

Visceral dan repost
Finally 'Child' music video has been released! Happy solo project Mark Lee and Mark Lee rp-ers esp Mikhaell, Azhky, Marshall, Gaza, Marlav, Aji, Erick, Morgan, Mahen, Maverick, Carson, Martin, Marva, Magael, Maguel, Sergio, Manca, Jordie, Marcello, Arigo, Elang, Mahen, Markarelio.

Please support and stream their MV, lets give them the appreciation they deserve. Once again, congratulations on your solo project.

Pink Skies dan repost
They clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wrangling. Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence. They are cruel in their greed and their envy, their words are like hidden knives thirsting for blood. Go and stand amidst their scowling hearts, my child, and let your gentle eyes fall upon them like the forgiving peace of the evening over the strife of the day. Let them see your face, my child, and thus know the meaning of all things; let them love you and thus love each other. 'Child' like Mark Lee's title song in NCT LAB Project, now the Music Video/MV has been released. Happy Solo Station for Mark Lee and Mark Lee Rp-ers, Especially; Antarios, Azhky, Carolus, Gaza, Hildan, Hiwaga, Kanaka, Keith, Madeem, Mahen, Mahendra 1, Mahendra 2, Malverick, Manca, Mario, Markarelio, Marlav, Marshall, Martin, Marva, Marvendi, Maze, Melverick, Neilson, Rafino, Rifnu, Sagaradjie, Wira

Sanctuary. dan repost
We're here with the solo everyone has been talking and waiting on. Mark Lee is raising up again with a solo performance titled "Child." Congratulations for him personally and his potrayers especially, Arino, Jidan, Marshall, Melveano, Marvendi, Eldar, Joshua, Rusclee, Neilson, Mahen, Azidan, Abhipraya, Mikhaell, Arigo, Hachiko, Carolus, Keith, Martin, Mavendra, Malik and Markarelio.

May this station project raise your name up higher so everyone in the world can get a notice of how amazing your work is for the past years of your career. Please don't stop working hard and I hope this solo project will hit the top charts very soon. I'm waiting on good news from this song!

Let's support Mark Lee's new track by watching the MV and streaming it together.

With love,
Jeyko Maguelone.

𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘☠️ ||OPMEM dan repost

Markogank is back, Markogank Is Reawakened. Pada tanggal O4 February 2O22 pukul 16.OO WIB kami akan melakukan Open Member tanpa seleksi atau prement, but first pastikan kalian mengerjakan rules opmem terlebih dahulu.

Rules mengikuti opmem : Sebar announcement ini ke ch pribadi dan 10 lpm especially @lpmarko lalu masuk ke @lpmsfsmarko sebelum itu juga pastikan kalian sudah subs semua ch agar tidak ketinggalan informasi dan rules dikerjakan sekarang.

Help Forward? thanks

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