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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Intensive flights of Israeli reconnaissance aircraft over the Lebanese capital, Beirut, have been ongoing for around two hours.

❗️Hezbollah announces the assassination of Commander Ahmad Mahmoud Wehbi "Hajj Abu Hussein Samir" and publishes details:

○ "Place and date of birth: Adloun (South Lebanon) 11-01-1964.

○ He joined the ranks of the Islamic Resistance during its establishment, and participated in many military operations during the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon.

○ He was captured by the Israeli enemy in 1984.

○ He was one of the field commanders in the Ansariya qualitative ambush in 1997.

○ He held many leadership positions in the Central Training Unit until 2007.

○ He was responsible for training in the Radwan Force until 2012.

○ He assumed responsibility for the Central Training Unit until 2014, and played a fundamental role in developing human capabilities in various formations of the Islamic Resistance.

○ He assumed responsibility for the Radwan Force until the beginning of 2024.

○ He was one of the main leaders in confronting the Takfiri attacks on Lebanon’s eastern borders and in various Syrian governorates.

○ He led the military operations of the Radwan Force on the Lebanese support front from the beginning of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood until the beginning of 2024, to resume his responsibility for the Central Training Unit after the martyrdom of the martyr leader Hajj Wissam Al-Tawil.

○ He was martyred on the road to Jerusalem, following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut."

❗️Hezbollah publishes details about Hajj Ibrahim Muhammad Aqil "Hajj Abdul Qader":

○ "Place and date of birth: Bednayel (Bekaa) 12-24-1962.

○ From the founding generation of Islamic work in Beirut.

○ One of the leaders of the heroic operations during the confrontation with the Israeli invasion of Beirut in the early eighties.

○ He assumed responsibility for central training in Hezbollah in the early nineties, and played a fundamental role in developing human capabilities in the resistance formations.

○ He assumed responsibility for the General Staff of the Islamic Resistance in the mid-nineties.

○ He assumed responsibility for the Jabal Amel Operations Unit from 1997 until after the liberation, and directly led many qualitative operations during that period.

○ He established the Operations Section of the Islamic Resistance, and starting in 2008, he held the position of Assistant Secretary-General for Operational Affairs, and was appointed a member of the Jihad Council.

○ One of the leaders of the heroic resistance to the Israeli aggression on Lebanon in 2006.

○ He supervised the establishment, development and leadership of the Radwan Force in the Islamic Resistance until the date of his martyrdom.

○ He was one of the major leaders who planned and managed operations against the Takfiri groups on Lebanon’s eastern borders, in Qusayr, Qalamoun, and the rest of the Syrian regions.

○ He planned and supervised the leadership of the military operations of the Radwan Force on the Lebanese support front since the beginning of the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

○ He was martyred on the road to Jerusalem as a result of a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut."

BREAKING | Hezbollah confirms the assassination of its senior commander, Ibrahim Aqil (Hajj Abdul Qader) in the latest Israeli attack on southern Beirut.


In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, after following and monitoring the enemy soldiers, and upon the arrival of a Merkava tank to the Abu Dajaj height, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted it at 10:26 pm on Friday 9/20/2024, and hit it directly, which led to its destruction.

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During a speech at the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Washington on 19 September, Donald Trump said that Jewish voters would be partly to blame if he loses the Nov. 5 election to US Vice President Kamala Harris.

"If I don't win this election - and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens because if 40%, I mean, 60% of the people are voting for the enemy - Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years," Trump said.

The national director of the Anti-Defamation League (a pro-Israel advocacy group), Jonathan Greenblatt criticized Trump's statement saying, "Preemptively blaming American Jews for your potential election loss does zero to help American Jews."

❗️Statement issued by Hezbollah:

Today, the great jihadist leader, Hajj Ibrahim Aqil (Hajj Abdul Qader), joined the procession of his brothers, the great martyr leaders, after a blessed life full of jihad, work, wounds, sacrifices, risks, challenges, achievements, and victories. He was always worthy of receiving this lofty divine medal.

Jerusalem was always in his heart, mind and thoughts day and night. Jerusalem was the passion of his soul and praying in its mosque was his greatest dream.

With great pride and honor, the Islamic Resistance today presents one of its great leaders as a martyr on the road to Jerusalem, and pledges to his pure soul to remain loyal to his goals, hopes, and path until victory, God willing.

We offer our condolences and congratulations to our Master, the Master of the Age, peace be upon him, and to His Eminence the Leader Khamenei, may his shadow endure, and to all the mujahideen and resistance fighters in all arenas, and to the sincere and loyal audience of the resistance, on the martyrdom of this great jihadi leader and a group of his martyred brothers. We especially address their honorable families, each one of them, and we ask God Almighty to bestow upon them beautiful patience and good reward in this world and the hereafter, and to accept from us and from them this dear one and gather him with the Messenger of God and his pure family, peace be upon them, and to join him with the caravan of the martyrs of the luminous Karbala.

❗️Explosions heard at Ain al-Assad US occupation base in western Iraq.

❗️Israeli Broadcasting Authority, citing an informed source:

The ongoing security consultations are examining the possibility of taking additional steps in the northern arena.


In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted , at 8:40 pm on Friday 9/20/2024, the Ruwaysat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with rockets and hit it directly.


In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted the Samaka site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba Hills at 8:40 pm on Friday 9/20/2024 with rockets and hit it directly.

❗️Iranian Foreign Ministry:

○ The Lebanese people have proven that they will not abandon their honorable support for the oppressed Palestinian people despite the brutal Zionist attacks.

○ We call on the international community to take a decisive decision to stop the Israeli war machine against the Palestinian people, Lebanon and Syria.

○ We condemn the Zionist raid on the southern suburb and confirm that this aggression will not weaken the resistance fighters.

❗️UN Under-Secretary-General:

If things continue like this, we may witness an explosion in the region that is more destructive than what we have already witnessed.

❗️The Telegraph citing a source:

The UK is preparing to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon by air if tensions between Israel and Hezbollah escalate into a full-scale war.

❗️Lebanese Ministry of Health:

Rescue teams expect to find more bodies under the rubble.

❗️Tunisian Foreign Ministry:

The attack on Beirut is a blatant violation of the sovereignty of Lebanon and its people and a flagrant breach of all international conventions and laws.

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❗️At least 14 people have been killed and 15 missing in the Israeli airstrike on Beirut's southern suburb, as civil defense crews continue to work to remove the rubble.

❗️Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (KAN):

Netanyahu calls for an emergency ministerial-security meeting via telephone at 10:00 p.m. to discuss authorizing the security establishment to take further measures on the northern front.

Al Mayadeen: Operations continue to remove rubble from the site targeted by the occupation in the southern suburb of Beirut, and there are over 10 people missing.

❗️Yedioth Ahronoth:

○ In a call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, French President Emmanuel Macron accused the Israeli premier of pushing the region into war.

○ Netanyahu responded to Macron by saying that instead of putting pressure on Israel, France should increase the pressure on Hezbollah.

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