Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Up close & personal; those aren’t vitamins. 🚨
It’s broadband name changed from ‘Chemtrails’ to more “formally” now known as ‘Geoengineering’. NASA has a huge budget for dispersing these nanoparticulates under project names like ‘SRM = Solar Radiation Management’. ✈️
There is the MSM narrative that leads the sheep to believe that this is a conceptual far off plan. 🐑 When in fact - one can research and find the documented, ongoing operations.
What goes up - must come down. If interested in optimal health & longevity - detox is paramount. 🔑
It’s broadband name changed from ‘Chemtrails’ to more “formally” now known as ‘Geoengineering’. NASA has a huge budget for dispersing these nanoparticulates under project names like ‘SRM = Solar Radiation Management’. ✈️
There is the MSM narrative that leads the sheep to believe that this is a conceptual far off plan. 🐑 When in fact - one can research and find the documented, ongoing operations.
What goes up - must come down. If interested in optimal health & longevity - detox is paramount. 🔑