i want to say thank you to all those who worked so immensely hard to try to save ireland from the globalists by competing in this election.
i know how hard what you have done is to do and i am imensely greatful, thank you ❤️
i am just heading off to vote for aj cahill and noel thomas myself.
anyone in galway east should vote for david o reilly.
most importantly i want to say to all those candidates that showing up with a team to the count centers tomorrow is one of the most effective things a candidate can do to change government policy, it shows them your bravery and your commitment and it is absolutely priceless to see the look on the faces of the establishment parties as you advance theough the counts. to show them that you are all in no matter the outcome is very powerful.
please please get to the count centers this is going to be one of the fairest elections in a decade because malachi steenson and gerry hutch have drawn all the free mason election fixers to dublin
i would give my left nut to be in that count center when malachi and gerry win the day, i can't explain why that constituency is so important but it is.
you lads who do go to the count center go there to show you can get on with your competitors not to rub their noses in it, that happens naturally, be friendly and decent to all those in the count center and they will reciprocate.
do not go there to be a pain in the arse, youve done a great job of that already
gwan the bouys
i know how hard what you have done is to do and i am imensely greatful, thank you ❤️
i am just heading off to vote for aj cahill and noel thomas myself.
anyone in galway east should vote for david o reilly.
most importantly i want to say to all those candidates that showing up with a team to the count centers tomorrow is one of the most effective things a candidate can do to change government policy, it shows them your bravery and your commitment and it is absolutely priceless to see the look on the faces of the establishment parties as you advance theough the counts. to show them that you are all in no matter the outcome is very powerful.
please please get to the count centers this is going to be one of the fairest elections in a decade because malachi steenson and gerry hutch have drawn all the free mason election fixers to dublin
i would give my left nut to be in that count center when malachi and gerry win the day, i can't explain why that constituency is so important but it is.
you lads who do go to the count center go there to show you can get on with your competitors not to rub their noses in it, that happens naturally, be friendly and decent to all those in the count center and they will reciprocate.
do not go there to be a pain in the arse, youve done a great job of that already
gwan the bouys