Tim Lutze 2 (uncensored)

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Children under 16 with a foreign background in Germany in 2019

Thank God the Allies won the war. Otherwise western countries would not be looking like this.

Sometimes you think you have won, when the truth is you have really lost.

I see many videos showing our elderly being beaten and attacked, on our streets and in nursing homes.

I see many videos showing our women being sexually harassed and attacked in our streets.

I see our teenagers beaten up and being groomed by paedophile teachers.

I see our toddlers being sexualised in kindergartens.

We must defend our women, our children and our elderly.

Those who refuse to build a better world for our people are cursed to live in the hell they tolerate.

The fate of all fence sitters and White liberals is to be smothered by a negro nursing home worker.

...and they all deserve it.

When you are done looking at graphs and crime statistics come find me. Soon you will realise that "tribe and train" is the only solution.


History Untwisted dan repost
Gang Rapes in Germany hits hits a shocking new record high.
The whole number is driven by immigrants, and half of the number is driven by afghan and syrian immigrants alone.

More womens entire life's have been destroyed and are being destroyed because of the jews that are pushing for immigration in Germany and Europe.

A full destruction and death for the jews and Israel would be the only thing that would fix this problem.



Simpler times. I often wonder where I would be if I just stayed naive and asleep.

I can't even begin to imagine having that harrowing feeling like something is terribly wrong but not knowing where that feeling is coming from.

I have never had more purpose, nor have I ever felt more driven.
Fight back White man

Get Active, Tribe and Train

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I fully endorse and support all White Australian Soldiers who dropped cunts in Afghanistan.

I believe as a White Australian that our energy and military man power should not be wasted intervening in overseas wars, serving traitors who will later stab us in the back.

Our energy should be spent securing our own borders and riding our country of those who have betrayed us, and those who have come here to conquer us subversively.

I don't support the war in Afghanistan on principle. But if the Australian government is going to send our men over there, then I support their right to drop cunts.

The traitors in government want it both ways. They want to send Australians over their in uniform with guns and armour. But then pretend it's not a war and say you can't kill the enemy.

If they didn't want us to kill the enemy, then they should've sent the madri gras, green party and extinction rebellion over there instead.

Hail the heroes. Hail the combat corps, Hail the Infantry and SF.


Jack Eltis dan repost
The only real battle we fight is the battle between the pro-White and the anti-White. If you're not actively pro-White, you're fulfilling part of the agenda of the anti-White.


2 generations of sparring. Be the man you want your son's to be.

Get Active, Tribe and train.

Australian National Socialists have collaborated with the musician Cybernazi to bring forth a marching band version of ‘White Australia’.

This song was composed by W.E. Naunton, and co-written by him and H.K.W. Gyles. It was first performed 113 years ago at a National Fete.

The importance of reviving this song for our movement cannot be overstated. It was shameful for the White Australian nation to let such a powerful song be neglected for so long.

We must keep the continuity of the chain that binds us to our ancestors and to our descendants!

This White man’s anthem should be used for political rallies and meetings. Singing—unlike many other symbolic representations of Australian National Socialism—is active rather than passive. We wish to see all of White Australia united in collective song.

Let young spirit flow through these old forms!

Australia for the White man!


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

"We are here to destroy those that are destroying our children. We are not here to conserve, We are revolutionaries." Thomas Sewell.

White Man - Fight Back

Hail Victory, Blood and Honour.

11 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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