Tom Sewell Alerts

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Clips, views and republished posts from Australian nationalist Tom Sewell.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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White Australia has been betrayed by the Commonwealth; the Liberal and Labor parties are both complicit in the destruction of our people. Our highest task is to alert the men and women of our blood to the fact that their enemy is both the Jew left and the Jew right.

If it were not for the Australian National Socialists, scarcely anyone would know about the peril in which White Australia finds itself. The public would not know of the great victories won by National Socialists, nor the disgusting injustice done to us by the Jews, and their servants in the police and anti-fascist groups.

This century will decide the life or death of our nation. Join the White revolution!


The media and jew subversives keep saying we are "fringe lunatics".

This is because we are the only public facing movement against more brown people coming in, and against gay sex shows for babies and toddlers.

Because according to the media and jewish subversives, only "fringe lunatics" could be publicly against these things.

Join your local "fringe lunatic" club. Where you can train and hang out with other White people that don't want to be genocided or have their children sodomised.

Australia 2023.

We have the Labour Party and Liberal Party agreeing with each other that Australia needs more brown people, because it's the opposite of what Nazis want.

Despite the policy being extremely unpopular with the vast majority of Whites.

We also have the Labour Party and Liberal Party agreeing with each other that Australia needs more gay sex shows for babies and toddlers, because it's the opposite of what Nazis want.

Despite this also being extremely unpopular with the entire multi-racial population of Australia.

The media are trying to alienate us Nazis from the general public.

But as the Leader of the Nazis I'm trying to alienate the general public from the Labour and Liberal Parties.

Despite the great cost.
We're winning.

- Tom Sewell

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

"The more one is established in this sick society the more one had traded his honor for fame or resources, and when he dares muster up the courage to finally speak up he will have the most to lose.

The more a man has to lose, the less likely he is to be uncompromising, or as SS Warrior-Poet Kurt Eggers puts it: "Whose hand still lies protectively upon treasures cannot wield the sword."" - Thomas Sewell

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The world is breaking apart

6 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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