🎆 Today marks the 40th birthday of Telegram’s founder and CEO, Pavel Durov.
The TON Map team warmly congratulates Pavel on this special occasion and expresses our deepest gratitude for creating Telegram and the incredible opportunities it offers.
✉️We believe that Telegram has already become an integral part of our everyday lives, and its future as a super app is just getting started. TON, as the platform's main cryptocurrency, will continue to expand and grow.
Thank you, Pavel! We wish you inspiration, strength to overcome any challenges, and continued success in developing Telegram. Happy birthday!
As for us, we continue to develop our key ecosystem project, with big plans and a bright future ahead. TON Map is the gateway to the expansive Telegram ecosystem, a comprehensive map, and the leading "metaverse".
App | X | Fam chat | Map | FAQ
The TON Map team warmly congratulates Pavel on this special occasion and expresses our deepest gratitude for creating Telegram and the incredible opportunities it offers.
✉️We believe that Telegram has already become an integral part of our everyday lives, and its future as a super app is just getting started. TON, as the platform's main cryptocurrency, will continue to expand and grow.
Thank you, Pavel! We wish you inspiration, strength to overcome any challenges, and continued success in developing Telegram. Happy birthday!
As for us, we continue to develop our key ecosystem project, with big plans and a bright future ahead. TON Map is the gateway to the expansive Telegram ecosystem, a comprehensive map, and the leading "metaverse".
App | X | Fam chat | Map | FAQ