OPEN THE GATE, Vescooter!

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

︎︎︎ ︎︎ ︎︎ ︎︎ ︎︎𖤍. VESCOOTER : The attractive confront that favors 'em and great capacities that can fascinate any human being and couldn't resist to looking at 'em. 
For anything matters hit our assist @vescooterbot.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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A group of folks is currently making crowds in front of VESCO Building. Curiousity killed da cat and I choose to be the murderer. I pat the man shoulder and asked "Sir, what's this comotion for?" He didn't talk much, he just handed me a paper with some words written on it :

"VESCOOTER currently open admissions to anyone who wanna enroll themselves to be the part of us. Follow the RULES and you can enter the GARAGE. Only folks with a brave soul and high solidarity can join us. If you're the one, better not to missed the chance".

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I look around through the crowds and feel challenged to see if I will fit to be the part of 'em. Wholeheartedly, I enrolled myself cause no doubt, I'm the one they're lookin' for. See ya in the GARAGE, folks!


All of us met in a trusted place, called VESCOOTER. There's some GARAGE as a place that we visited when we need to fix what we think is broken. Not only cool rides, in this place you'll found good pals that will help you to make up for the things that you lack. From speed to strength, we'll hands in hands to modify our rides for the big race. Loyality is something hard to find, but if you come here, you'll find one.


≛┃with the hands together
≛┃we move together
≛┃into the new era
≛┃with positive agenda

👍 "SCOOTERIST" - For us, Vespa is not just a ride. We see that as a way of life. We unite, hands in hands walked through the rough path that will leads us into a beautiful destinations. We're scooterist, a bunch of people full of conviction and people who really know exactly what's on our heart and mind. We'll starts the engine, hit the road and capture all the perfect view.

Best Regards,


🚨 ( THE A TEAM : MMXXIII ) ; Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. No destructive lies. No ridiculous fears. No debilitating anger. [ B - Bradley ]


Il plagio non è un atto appropriato. Imita o copia il linguaggio, i pensieri, le idee di altre persone e se ne prende il merito. Non farlo, perché verrai accusato di proprietà intellettuale rubata.

Vescooter [ Founded - July 21, MMXXIII ] ; The abreviations of Venture Scooter which means our community dare to take a risk and rough journey to achieve our main goals. We adopted Vespa as our concept with black and red as our official theme colour. Through the joy and miseries, we'll move forward with the slogan "Scooterist Brave Riders : Strong solidarity within diversity". Click clack! We locked "Vesco" as an identity for every brave souls who choose to dedicate themselves within this community.

┃in the fell clutch of circumstance
┃i have not winced nor cried aloud.
┃under the bludgeonings of chance
┃my head is bloody, but unbowed …

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. Ecco perché non dovremmo perdere il nostro coraggio, non importa quanto siano difficili i problemi che abbiamo affrontato.

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