War Cult Supremacy

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Operation Werewolf Official dan repost
“…to those who despise the very idea of honor, and spit on the concepts of chivalry, truth, loyalty, and tradition, we extend no such kindnesses.

The hand that in one moment extends to assist and offer aid closes into a fist in the next, and the smiling face that is loved by our friends and families, our brothers and allies – swiftly becomes a snarling visage, a symbol hated and feared by our enemies.

This is the armor that will serve us in this age.

Our hearts are a fortress, entrance granted only to the few, and to all others, a grim and forbidding place where they can find no solace…”

-PW, “Brutal Chivalry”

Diary of an Underground Ronin dan repost
"The cynicism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority. Invariably, it is the man who believes himself to be physically lacking in heroic attributes who speaks mockingly of the hero."
— Yukio Mishima, Sun & Steel

Diary of an Underground Ronin dan repost
"My pedagogy is hard. The weak must be hammered away. The free, splendid beast of prey must once more flash forth. In this way I can create the new."
— AH

Diary of an Underground Ronin dan repost
"Blood is the fuel that is consumed by the metaphysical flame of destiny."
— Ernst Jünger, Das Blut

I've been thinking a lot on sexuality and how it pertains (or should pertain) to my ideology and spirituality. Nowadays there seems to be this false dichotomy pushed by both progressives and traditionalists that you can only be a sexless puritan or an absolute hedonist that fucks everyone and everything.

The problem with this is that either approach robs man of part of his natural vigor. Sex is a major motivator for men, and anyone who says it's not is either lying or is a fag in denial.

To deny sex or sexual feelings outright is an affront to nature and a killer of testosterone and confidence in men, hence why it's pushed so hard by desert people with very little natural impulse control.

The problem with the modern hedonist culture isn't sex itself, it's that sex has been commodified the same way food has been. Just like shitty processed food in excess is awful for you, so is porn or oversexualized media. Sex was sacred to our ancestors, and to make a cheap recreation of it in the form of porn is almost sacrilege or blasphemy.

"We want to glorify war - the only cure for the world - militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchists, the beautiful ideas which kill."
— F. T. Marinetti

The American Nativist dan repost
The Crippled Eagles were American Mercenaries who volunteered to fight in Rhodesia and South Africa against Soviet and CIA backed Black Communist rebels. Their name, crippled eagles, was meant to symbolize the sentiment that the US government had abandoned them and was allowing and even aiding the spread of communism.🔱

The ancient religions of our people had much in common, one of those things being the association of carrion birds with Gods/Goddesses of War.

The Morrigan in Celtic Europe appeared in the form of a crow or raven often, circling the battlefield and deciding who would hold her favor. The valkyries in Germanic/Nordic religion appeared as ravens in order to take the souls of the dead to Folkvangr or Valhalla, and vultures were sacred to Ares in Greek religion, as they'd often feed off of the battlefield the same way he fed and thrived off of war itself.

People all over Europe saw many different carrion birds as sacred to the gods of war, and as such, I've always had a certain affinity for them.

Absolutely fucked that plate up. Can't recommend these slugs enough

Noma’lum dan repost
Brenneke Black Magic Magnum vs lvl 4 plate at 15 yards....
Horry sheet!

Wehrwolf Dynamics dan repost
“To exist is to defy all that threatens you. To be a rebel is not to accumulate a library of subversive books or to dream of fantastic conspiracies or of taking to the hills. It is to make yourself your own law. To find in yourself what counts. To make sure that you’re never “cured” of your youth. To prefer to put everyone up against the wall rather than to remain supine. To pillage whatever can be converted to your law, without concern for appearance.”

Our world will not be saved by blind intellectuals or jaded scholars. It will be saved by poets and fighters, those who will have forged the ‘magic sword’ of which Ernst Jünger spoke, the spiritual sword that makes monsters and tyrants pale with fear."

-Dominique Venner

Happy Ostara to everyone who celebrates. Hail the Spring! Hail the Dawn! Hail Rebirth!

Romanticism, irreverence & adrenaline dan repost
"Life is war. That's not all it is. But it is always that." - John Piper

"This is the nature of war, whose stake is at once the game and the authority and the justification. Seen so, war is the truest form of divination. It is the testing of one's will and the will of another within that larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select. War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence.War is god."- Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

Diary of an Underground Ronin dan repost
"For man is a skinfull of wine
But his soul is a hole full of God
And the song of all time blows thru him
As winds thru a knot-holed board. Tho man be a skin full of wine
Yet his heart is a little child
That croucheth low beneath the wind
When the God-storm battereth wild."
— Ezra Pound

Ethnonationalism dan repost
"Christians had severed the traditional bond between religion and a 'nation' or people. The ancients took for granted that religion was indissolubly linked to a particular city or people. Indeed, there was no term for religion in the sense we now use it to refer to the beliefs and practices of a specific group of people or of a voluntary association divorced from ethnic or national identity. The idea of an association of people bound together by a religious allegiance with its own traditions and beliefs, its own history, and its own way of life independent of a particular city or nation was foreign to the ancients. Religion belonged to a people, and it was bestowed on an individual by the people or nation from which one came in or in which one lived." - James C. Russell

Diary of an Underground Ronin dan repost
“Fascists do not believe that man is naturally good, they do not believe in progress or in the irreversible direction of history. They have this ambitious idea that men have the power to shape, at least in part, their destiny."
Maurice Bardeche

There's certain little things people don't think about when it comes to preparing for a shitty situation. One of those things is being able to travel long distances on foot, with pack and kit.

I usually recommend hiking with a week's worth of supplies and kit on your back in order to condition yourself to the real thing. Starting off small with shorter distances, and building up until you can go 12-15, or even 20 miles with it on. One of the things essential to accomplishing this task is good footwear. A lot of fudds out there will buy Walmart boots thinking they're "just as good", and a lot of tacticool hipster types think they can do it all in their Van's. The truth is, neither of those guys is going 12 miles with a heavy pack on.

Don't skimp on your boots, buy something comfortable, with good ankle support, and you'll be thanking yourself later.

Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA) dan repost
Scythian God of War by anonymous artist.

Commissioned this a while ago. Looks great!

Wehrwolf Dynamics dan repost
"I would rather live in a Beautiful World, than an Equal one" -my Grandfather

Beauty is NOT subjective, that is what ugly idiots say to try to justify their existence in a world that lowered the bar for survival so much, dysgenic bugman can proliferate their diseased bodies, minds, and values and attempt to vindictively punish Nature and its eternal Truth for the horrors they suffered under Natural Selection. Sure it can be subjective in a "blonde, redhead, or brunette?" fashion, but theres zero argument when it comes to "do you prefer an old middle aged ham planet or fit and healthy young woman ?" or in a non-human-reproduction sense: "Classic Art is infinitely more beautiful than Modern Bugman Shit." We can all agree, with zero need for empirical definitions and fine lines, that certain things are beautiful and othere are not. Dont let bugman deconstructionist arguments (hurr cAn U dEfiNe beAuTy?) gaslight you. You dont NEED to DEFINE beauty. You know what it is when you see it. Beauty is Transcendental.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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