𝐖arung 𝐀qua OPENN!!

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Disneyland : OPEN! dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ To all my BA mutuals or anyone who saw this post, can you help to forward this message to your channel? Thank you so much! It’s mean a lot to me. ]

Step on the entrance and let the bewitching services perch upon the gate! Huge appreciation for those who read this notice entirely. With enormous delight, we would love to apprise that @Disqney has finally opened the portal today at 4.00 PM! Now, you can go on the rides you fancy. Shall we take a look? 🎠

♡ Premium Apps
♡ Wording
♡ Convert
♡ Icons, Manips, Faceswap, Set Up, Shapes and more!
Please check @HallOfDisney for the others catalogue.

Go stroll around our endearing wonderland while we are serving satisfaction merrily. Do slide the souvenirs on your cart and purchase them after thoroughly understood the Terms & Conditions. Here is the map to make your order @iDisneyBot. There will be joy slipping in between when you amble to the exit door. Now, what are you waiting for? Scoot over and seize the fun! 🎀

Chewjia Store : Open dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[ Untuk semua mutual BA atau siapapun yang melihat ini boleh tolong fw pesan ini ke channel BA kalian? Terimakasih banyak ]

Halo semua! @Chewjia sudah resmi dibuka hari ini 18 April 2021 pukul 18.00 WIB nih. Kami menjual Terif Telegram dan Aplikasi Premium, untuk Profneeds dan Carrd menyusul ya! Untuk 3 customer awal akan mendapatkan promo 1 Verif + YouTube Premium 1 bulan hanya 10k. Tunggu apalagi? Ayo segera order. Oh iya, sebelum order alangkah baiknya untuk membaca TnC. Selamat berbelanja!

Verif Telegram
Aplikasi premium

Contact person : @ChewjiaStoreBot

langsung cek pricelist dan kirim format ke @warungaqua_bot


ku takut skskaksbhsjansgahsbns

tapi kalo ga deg degan mati


ku deg degan

Chewjia Property. dan repost
[ Help FW ]

Siapapun yang keep @pDaisuke bisa tolong di kembalikan kak? Saya nggak pernah melepas username itu tapi tiba-tiba username nya ada di kakak, saya tau kakak orang baik. Saya sudah keep itu sejak 7 Maret 2021. Tolong ya, kakak bisa chat saya di @TbzHaruto.

aku disini ga sendirian guys, aku ditemenin 2 penghuni kebun binatang, tapi mereka masih shy shy babi , liat aja besok besok pasti ribut

anw happy 6 jetii! besok kita open jam 1 siang😋💗

DAICHI STORE || SOON dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[Dear all BA mutuals, can you guys please help me to forward this message to ur channel? i will be very grateful 💗]

𝓜assive salutation, finally, we open the gates for everyone here, provides your various needs, such as up-followers, up-subscribers, premium applications, bubble tickets, with IDR 2,000

⋆ Premium application
⋆ Upfoll instagram
⋆ Upsubs biasa
⋆ Stickerpacks
⋆ Icons
( soon )

Read our terms and conditions before ordering, happy shopping !

MAKITO - works [OPEN dan repost
[Untuk mutual BA ku atau siapapun yang tidak sengaja melihat, bisa sebar poster ini ke channel kalian? Hal itu sangat membantu loh! Terimakasih banyak]

🧺 GREETINGS beautiful people 🧺

kalian lagi mencari jasa ketik&tulis dengan harga terjangkau? ke MAKITO - works aja! MAKITO - works memberikan jasa ketik dan tulis dengan harga terjangkau loh, it all start from IDR 2.000 so, tunggu apa lagi? go on, send your works to MAKITO - works!

🔭 . untuk pricelist
🔭 . termsnconditions
🔭 . testi

tertarik untuk mencoba jasa MAKITO? please contact to ☎️ @makitobot


𝗣entagons : OPENNN dan repost
[ For all my BA mutuals, can you please help me to spread this important message to ur channel? It will help us a lot TIA! 💗 ]

𝒟ear Unis, we bring you a good news. On April 18, 2021 at 12 pm 𝔓enta 𝔖tores will open their gates for the first time woohooo!

We provide so many things like upsubs ( biasa, non-ooc, main acc, CA, BA ), upmemb, upview, upfoll ( ig rp rl, sestyc ), verification number, and others. Anddd, we will held PROMO GRAND OPENING for Upsubs + view, Upsubs + nokos, Regular upsubs, Regular upfoll ( for IG RP only ), Regular upview and jastip

Check it through Our Product if you are interested and don't forget to check on TnC before you order. contact us on @PentaStoresBot or @NanaKwoen if you already fix want to buy. Decide right now, 𝕯𝖔 or 𝕹𝖔𝖙!¡

𝐖arung 𝐀qua OPENN!! dan repost
Haloo mutual BA! kalau mau minta tolong fw fw pesan bisa langsung ke @itsyujln yaa terima kasih!

Minggu deh jam 13.00

kita buka kapan ya? 🤔🤔

sebentar guys ku agy pending, load terus dari tadi

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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