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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Just as autumn has exquisite colors, periods of decadence have funny aspects; because, in the hope of rekindling the fading flame, one is able to almost any perversion, which is very amusing... This is why Baudelaire greeted, in dandyism, a "setting sun"...: 19th century dandyism was, for white youth, a desperate attempt to revive the energy, panache, barbaric colors in the mercantile boredom and bourgeois values of the decadent industrial society. But however shimmering it may be, the twilight glow of autumn leads straight to Scorpio, that is to putrefaction, swamp and death...

Soon, the sun is swallowed up by the earth - the last noble forces of the Nation are swallowed up by materialism, and the nocturnal insects, swarming, lucifugs, come out of the dark corners : the Muspelheimers, the Surts, all the Skreals sneak into the City - which enters its night, its winter, its decrepitude - a world of ridiculous nightmares and impenetrable darkness... we see deformed and psychotic Gypsies replacing the priestly caste... degenerate inverts replacing the aristocracy... a bunch of inert Surts, so limited to matter that they sometimes get bank bills tattooed on their bodies, replace the people

As for the legitimate members of the Nation, - in whom dandyism has become snobbery, then snobbery affectation (not really different from that of the "compulsive buyer" Jewish upstart or the ghetto Surt with the failed Vuitton tattoo) - as for the whites, I say, "they kill babies in their mothers' wombs" ... "men marry men, women marry women" ... it's midnight, which popular wisdom calls the hour of crime.

The title of "Barbarians", i.e., the forces of Dawn and Morning, is currently given to the skreals who have come to pump the last milliliters of blood of the dying White Nation - this is exactly the wrong way to put it... but this time is not the right time to say it.... The Muspelheimers, for their part, are not wrong to feign (as they can) the arrogance that seems to them to be that of the Jarls (whom they did not know): the Muspelheimers are the vermin that always accompany darkness and death: they would therefore be entitled to claim that they are the culmination of the whole process - if only the process were not circular...

We must preserve the existence of our people and the future of whites childrens.

Civilizations do not have "their own destinies". They are subject, like everything else in the universe, to the original order established by the Father of all.

First come the Barbarians - energy, magical thought and natural law: it is morning, spring, the youth of the Nation.

The energy of the Barbarian, his creative imagination, makes Civilization itself blossom: laws, culture, social organization.

When this first impulse, channeled by the civilizing vision, reaches its peak, the Nation knows its orgasm, its June solstice: it enters its afternoon, its radiant summer, its adulthood - that is, without knowing it, in its decline.

Polite morals gradually make us forget Natural Law - and, consequently, forget war... Abundance, peace, the paternalistic state make energy something rustic... "hillbilly"... pagan... Skepticism, rationalism, positivism, all the screwed-up theories, Humanitarian and unnatural "intellectuals" spread among the idle... No longer directly confronted with the realities of life, love and death, man gradually abandoned magical thinking, which he judged "infantile"... It was then, for the Nation, the equinox of September: the beginning of decadence - the evening, autumn, middle age...

Just as autumn has exquisite colors, periods of decadence have funny aspects; because, in the hope of rekindling the fading flame, one is capable of almost any perversion, which is very amusing... This is why Baudelaire, in Dandyism, greeted a "setting sun"...:19th century dandyism was, for white youth, a desperate attempt to revive the energy, panache, barbaric colors in the mercantile boredom and bourgeois values of the decadent industrial society. But however shimmering it may be, the twilight glow of autumn leads straight to Scorpio, that is to putrefaction, swamp and death...

"Displeasure is my pleasure, I like to be hated. »
(Cyrano de Bergerac, act II, scene 8)


The symbolic duration of a human existence is one hundred years.
Our Ancients say that the twelve years between birth and puberty correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac, wrapped around the incarnate sun that is man. This is the ourobouros, the "snake that bites its own tail," and psychiatry confirms the celestial intuition: "A man is finished at twelve years of age - after that he only repeats himself. »

There follow four cycles of twenty-two years (twenty-two is the number of the "channels", or "paths", of the World Tree Yggdrasil, to which are attributed the Tarot ATU's and everything in Creation - it means the entire universe). These periods correspond, of course, to the four seasons, the four elements, the four points of the compass, and so on.

It is thus the spring of life which ends at thirty-three years of age, and it is normal that beings exclusively devoted to creative energy remain there: symbolically, to die at thirty-three years of age means to remain eternally young, hence the recurrence of this theme and this number in hermeticism and initiatory systems.

Man's summer lasts until he is fifty-five, his autumn until he is seventy-seven, and then comes winter - everyone will be able to establish for himself the analogies between these "age brackets" and their symbolic season.

But what about the centenarians? Opinions are divided: some believe that to spend a hundred years is to start afresh, others that it is to make a second spring - it is, moreover, not without interest that Jeanne Calment, longevity record-holder, lived 122 years...

Heil Wotan: blessed be he who has made the worlds with such righteousness - From the divine arrangement of our destinies, I retain, for my part, essentially this: life does not wait.

We must preserve the existence of our people and the future of whites childrens.

"I have dedicated my life to alleviating the suffering of Africa. There is one thing that all white men who have lived here as I have: they are a sub-race. They have neither the mental capacity nor the emotional capacity to share equally with the white man any function in our civilization. I have devoted my life to trying to bring them the benefits of our civilization, but I have become well aware that we have to stick to this structure: superior whites, and they inferior ones. For every time a white man tries to live among them on an equal footing, they will destroy and devour him, and they will destroy all his work. Let every white man, whatever his nation of origin, who would like to help Africa, remember that this structure must be maintained: you are the master, and they are the inferiors. Never fraternize with them on an equal footing. Never accept them as your social equals, or they will devour you. They will destroy you. »

- Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Axiom: for a Surt (negro), a Muspelheimer (Jew) or a Skreal (no-Aryan -gypsy,arab etc) one legitimately possesses only what one can defend.

In other words, the only valid title to property is the ability to take it and prevent it from being taken away from you.
Now, this conception of a primate is as foreign to the fundamentally meritocratic, i.e. aristocratic, spirit of the Aryan as it is vitale to the souls of our occupants.

For us, it goes without saying that conquering a good by hard struggle or by hard work gives the right to its possession, and that it is in order to protect this right that society exists.

For them, no. In the mind of a Negro, a Jew or a Gypsy, all that one can take is one's own, and this is precisely why these people have never been able to create the shadow of a beginning of civilization: since work does not guarantee that one enjoys its fruits, what is the point of working? The one who works is necessarily a slave, that is, someone who, too weak to steal what he covets or keep what he owns, enters the service of someone stronger than himself, whom he asks to provide for his vital needs.

If blacks, Jews and gypsies always seek the proximity of the white man, it is simply to be where there is something to steal. But this proximity will never correct their conception of property, any more than all the world's speeches can prevent a Chinese from thinking that the scale has five notes.

It is, therefore, foolish to declare the nigger "bad", the Romano "vicious" or the Jew "evil" - they are what they are, and I don't know that cockroaches, tapeworms and lice are blamed for their essential nature: as with their humanoid equivalents, the trick is not to have any at home.

We must preserve the existence of our people and the future of white children.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Religion is a lampshade placed on the Light of Truth (i.e. on the experience of the Immanence of the Divine in the world, the experience of Unity hidden behind the frightening multiplicity of phenomena), which allows this Light to illuminate us without blinding us, as we progress towards the inclusion of the self in the blessed Infinite, which is the object of incarnate life - no matter what, In this case, whether we call this progression Siðr, Way, Path of Awakening, Initiation, Salvation, Personal Development, Spiritual Quest, Divine Service, Asceticism, Tao, or even whether we give it its true name - that of Magic - or, more precisely, Magick.

Heil Wotan

Contrary to what you seem to think, my principles of life are childishly simple.

To tell you the truth, my asceticism can be summed up as follows :

when the dilemma I face is of a spiritual, religious or intellectual nature, I try to answer the question: "What would Wotan do in my place? »

When the dilemma is social, relational: "What would Thor do in my place? »

When the dilemma is material, whether it concerns my finances, my hygiene or my living environment: "What would Frey do in my place? »

And, whatever happens, I stand "perinde ac cadaver" to my conclusions.

This way of deciding implies a clear notion of the personalities and tendencies of our gods - but what prevents you from meditating on traditional narratives and sacred texts? - It is, in any case, the most infallible method I know of for dealing with existence - I have always made the right choice in this way, and have always gotten into trouble when I have failed to do so, in the name of what I was foolish enough to call "the best reasons in the world".

Try it out for three weeks, and write down your thoughts.
We must preserve the existence of our people and the future of whites childrens.

* All this sounds very Zionist, and with good reason: Orwell, without being able, in 1948, to clearly designate the Jews (which is why Smith's reading is interrupted when he discovers the "secret of secrets"), has very skillfully indicated the origin of the problem - not only by the famous Goldstein/O'Brien name change, demanded by the publisher (as well as the modification of the original title," Last Man in Europa", a direct allusion to the Führer's final injunction : "to the last man"), but above all by a brief note in which, in an appendix, he explains that the "ancient Hebrews" are the inventors of the "double thought", the basis of Christianity, Communism and the "angsoc": "What was asked of the members of the Party was a view analogous to that of the ancient Hebrews, who knew - and knew little else - that all nations other than their own worshipped "false gods". They knew Jehovah and his commandments. They knew, therefore, that all gods who had other names and attributes were false gods. »

In 1984, O'Brien gave the "last man in Europe", Winston Smith, Fenrir's exact formula: "The Party seeks power for power's sake, exclusively for power's sake. He is not interested in the good of others. It seeks neither wealth, nor luxury, nor a long life, nor happiness. It seeks only power. Pure power."

"We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of giving it up. Power is not a means, it is an end. You don't establish a dictatorship to save a revolution. You make a revolution to establish a dictatorship. Persecution has persecution as its object. Torture has as its object torture. Power has as its object power. "

"The power for which we must fight day and night is power, not over things, but over men."

"How do we ensure our power over another? By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. How, if he does not suffer, can we be certain that he obeys, not his will, but yours? Power is to inflict suffering and humiliation. Power is to tear the human spirit into pieces that are then put together in new forms that one has chosen. "

"We have severed the ties between child and parent, between man and man, between man and woman. No one dares to trust a woman, a child or a friend anymore. But later on, there will be neither woman nor friend. At birth, children will be taken away from their mothers, just as eggs are taken away from chickens. The sexual instinct will be taken away."

"We will abolish the orgasm. There will be no art, no literature, no science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no joy of life. All the pleasures of emulation will be destroyed."

"If you desire an image of the future, imagine a boot trampling on a human face... forever."

This is the program that the force contained in Wolfsangel has the function to make fail... forever.

Our myths tell that Fenrir is in a dark cave in Helheim, where the heroism of Tyr, god of warriors, allowed him to be chained. But it is Wotan that he hates above all else. Logic: Wotan is the Initiate by excellence, that is to say the power in what he has of more legitimate.

NB: The antagonisms, so important in Wotanism - Frey against Surt, Tyr against Garm, Thor against Jormungandr, Heimdal against Loki, Wotan against Fenrir - are absolutely not Manichean: each time it is an Ase against the perverted, degraded, excremental form of his formula: the perfect Jarl against the Negro potentate, the perfect Warrior against the torturer of Tsahal, the perfect Civilizer against the usurer, the perfect Awakened One against the selfish one, the perfect Mage against Big Brother.

It is said that, feeding on the spiritual excrement produced by all those who seek "power for power's sake," Fenrir will finally become strong enough to break Gleipnir (the magical bond that holds him prisoner) during Ragnarok, and that he will engulf Wotan in a frightening hand-to-hand combat - The Father of All will give, one last time, the supreme example by demonstrating a relentless courage in a fight he knows he must lose - But finally, do not forget that, if Ragnarok is absolutely inevitable, it is indefinitely repulsive - and that to repel Ragnarok is, - very precisely, - the function of Wolfsangel.

We must preserve the existence of our people and the future of white children.

And this is where Wolfsangel intervenes - the power of this rune is to put everything back in its rightful place in the immovable structure of things - water in the north, fire in the south, air in the east, earth in the west - so that by virtue of the balance of the complementary, the divine - the spirit - can manifest itself in the heart of the world. This power is summarized by the form of the rune: Eihwaz - rune of Righteousness - therefore of Balance, of Karma, of the Great Work accomplished, in short: of the Perfect Harmony on which the Father of All established the universe - crossed by an axial symbol, the column of light in the center of the circle.

It is common to call Wolfsangel "the rune of the wolf", and to deduce that it confers more or less the symbolic virtues of this animal, with which our Ancestors identified themselves a lot (because in shamanism, it represents the Initiator, it shows the example of the warrior fury, and its social organization is prodigious: it summarizes what was then expected from each of the three castes) - in practice, it is exactly that - but the doctrinal basis is different: Wolfsangel means "wolf's hook", i.e. wolf trap, and the wolf in question here is Fenrir, personification of tyranny (in the strict sense of the term: illegitimate power).

According to the formula systematically used by the Gothis, Wotanism is the religion of the real: it is not a "system", much less an "ideal", but to see what is - Just as there is no living being that does not have a legitimate place in one of the nine worlds, there is no force in the universe, no energy in man, that has not been catalogued by our Ancestors and explained by them, by means of symbols and myths.

I suppose, dear Incognito, that you have read 1984? Well, all that Orwell prophesied, - Big Brother, the anggsoc, the telecran, etc. - is a very important fact. - all that proceeds from the nightmare society described in his book, our Ancestors had already glimpsed it, and summarized by the word Fenrir (literally: "inhabitant of the marshes")

They present this Fenrir like a monstrous wolf, born from the abnormal sexual practices of Loki (god of the sick fucks) with the giant Angrboda (= "carrier of anguish" - note that the three children that Loki had from Angrboda were Fenrir, oppression, Jormungandr, inertia, and Hel, sadism, that is to say the characteristic defects of the three castes in their most degraded forms: tyrants, bourgeois and populace).

Wolfsangel belongs to the fourteen so-called additional runes, and, more precisely, to the five so-called elementary runes. It is attributed to the fifth element (Spirit in the West, Ether in India, Earth in the Far East, etc.), which makes it an extremely powerful rune, and delicate to use in operative magic.

Reminder of basic notions: any magic ritual (and any initiation) consists in balancing the four elements (Sol, Ul, Ziu, Erda, = Fire, Water, Air, Earth) so that the fifth (the Spirit) can manifest itself, it is an ULTRA BASIC thing that the Babylonian Magi summarized by the formula IHShVH (the letter shin, attributed to the Spirit, in the center of the IHVH Tetragram which represents the four balanced elements), which the inventors of Christianity made the name of their screwed up transposition of Osiris ("Jesus").

This is Wolfsangel's power, and the reason why Heinrich Himmler, a deep runister, gave it as an emblem to the Werwolf divisions, the "last square" before white Europe was submerged by the Judeo-Mongolo-Slav vermin.

As a result, a recurring error by uninitiated "rune specialists" is to say that Wolfsangel has the power to "restore the natural order of things". This is absurd, for the good and simple reason that this order never has to be restored, since it can never be changed. Neither in the universe, nor in "this little universe that is man", "the natural order of things" cannot be changed. In its most visible form, the political form, it sometimes gives the impression of being upset, but the essential structure of society is always restored, "just as a gyroscope regains its balance". To want to "change" this order is to want to divide by zero. Society has always been, it is, and always will be pyramidal. It has always been composed, is composed, and will always be composed of three castes: the priestly caste (The Jarl), the aristocratic caste, (the Karl) and the labor caste (the Thrall). There has always been, there is, and there will always be a divinized chief in whom the unity of the system is embodied.

This order invariably reforms itself, because nature abhors emptiness, and that is how the gods created the world. If one of the elements tends to disappear, it is immediately replaced by an equivalent, so if white people no longer have a caste of priests initiated into Wotanism, then it is Jewish Freemasonry that whispers in the ears of politicians....

The Jews, to whom the Adepts of Babylon once made the mistake of teaching these things, simply applied them methodically: they replaced our priests, by means of Christianity - then our aristocracy, by means of the various revolutionarisms - then our people by means of interbreeding. But the initial order does not move: there is no difference in organization between the optimal Aryan society (a caste of Wotanists initiated at the top, a chivalrous warrior aristocracy at the center, a people of free men peacefully enjoying the fruits of their labors at the base,All unified by a sacred ruler descended from the gods) and the New World Order (a bunch of psychopathic Jews at the top, mass culture people at the center and Christian mestizos working like idiots in an Albanian kolkhoz at the bottom, all unified by a mashia'h conceived in a test tube) - there is only a difference in level, i.e. in legitimacy....

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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