yu - lvv 😪

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

юджин не будет юджином если не приблизиться к камере так близко

мью рт и реакции 🙏🏻🙏🏻

⭐️ #tread участники zerobaseone как породы котов 🐱

⚪️ я подбирала породы не по их внешнему виду, а по описанию характера/поведения
⚪️все информация взята с интернета
⚪️ это только мое мнение и оно может не совпадать с вашим

181 1 11 24 21

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

у джеби уже прошел саундчек и ОНИ ПРОСТО АНГЕЛЫ В ЭТИХ АУТФИТАХ 🐱🐱

dr. yuyu ‹𝟹 dan repost
известные проблематичные-сасэн-фансайты юджина из списка кор. джероуз 🌟


HAOVERSE dan repost

глобальная фанбаза предоставила шаблон письма для рассылки вейкван. джероуз, нам нужна всем сплотиться, чтобы поскорее привлечь внимание компании к проблемам безопасности, которые затрагивают мемберов как в корее, так и зарубежом. отправить эмейл займет всего пару минут, поэтому пожалуйста, уделите этому внимание ‼️

всё копируется одним нажатием, пример отправки на скрине в комментариях. письмо на корейском будет готово фанбазой позже (добавлю в комментарии).

кому отправлять: protect@wake-one.com / wakeone@wake-one.com / zb1_official@daum.net

тема письма: [URGENT] Compromised Safety and Privacy of ZEROBASEONE

содержание письма:

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to bring attention to another issue which critically affects your artist, ZEROBASEONE’s safety and privacy. Previously, we have alerted you about the security issues caused by problematic fansites. We would now like to bring attention to the lack of protection and awareness of security among members.

To illustrate, we were disheartened to know that members have been receiving phone calls from problematic fans. An example is member Park Gunwook’s live stream on Bubble where he said to have gotten a call from problematic fans and very kindly discouraged such fans from calling. In member Zhang Hao’s Bubble livestream, member Sung Hanbin received multiple calls from problematic fans as well, needing Zhang Hao to ask such fans to stop calling. Phone numbers are very confidential and would cause disturbance to the members once it is publicised. Other members also had their phone number sold on Twitter by data sellers.

Another example is members Sung Hanbin and Kim Gyuvin’s lack of awareness for their security in an Instagram live stream. They were seen to be wearing robes with the hotel’s name on it, leading to fans finding out where they were located. They were also doing the live stream in front of a glass window without the curtains closed, which means that anyone could have looked through their window to figure out their location.

In addition, ZEROBASEONE’s hotel in France was revealed from the Instagram stories released by the members, leading to stalker fans staying outside the hotel and even taking videos of them through the window. In the latest Instagram story update in France, member Han Yujin was also seen to be aimed with a laser, posing a serious threat to his and other members’ safety.

These are just a few examples to list about members’ security. Many more similar events will occur in the future if no action is taken.

We are very concerned about the security of ZEROBASEONE members. Your company should take action to make sure their private information, such as phone number, is kept confidential, and in case of phone calls from fans, members should be taught not to pick up. We also ask you to ensure members do live streams in private places and be mindful not to reveal their location.

Thank you for your time. We shall wait patiently for your response.



BOYS PLANET 2022 | MNET dan repost

ZE_ROSE, we need your help in bringing to WAKEONE’s attention recent security concerns affecting the members in both Korea and overseas. Please send the provided email with making appropriate modifications to ensure it doesn’t get marked spam !

🔗 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TrSt-jaFggSc6dxajtXvW6MAhCJbrVolJ_dQ08w0WIY/edit?usp=sharing

#ZeroBaseOne @zerobaseone_updates

или два дня концепт фоток !

или сегодня..в каждом канале пишут по разному, но там написано с 10.16-10.17 в 00 я думаю это значит с 16 на 17

уже завтра нас ждёт концепт фото 🐈🐈

когда вижу цифру 127 на автомате включается–
юджин доказал что тру сиджени

📌 итоги и статистика первого месяца юджина в bubble ↘️

⏺ 96 текстовых сообщений
⏺ 27 фотографий
⏺ 3 видео
⏺ 2 голосовых сообщения
⏺ 1 прямой эфир

▶️итого: 127 сообщений ◀️

BOYS PLANET 2022 | MNET dan repost

Hello @wakeone_offcl @ZB1_official @ZB1staff

We’ve noticed a laser aimed at Han Yujin’s eyes and face in a recent Instagram video. We urgently request that WakeOne ensures the safety of Han Yujin and ZB1 members. Thank you.



안녕하세요 @wakeone_offcl @ZB1_official @ZB1staff

최근 인스타그램 영상에서 한유진의 눈과 얼굴에 레이 저가 있는 것을 발견했습니다. Wakeone에게 한유진 과 ZB 멤버들의 안전을 위해 긴급히 부탁드립니다. 감 사합니다.


#ZeroBaseOne @zerobaseone_updates

у меня нет слов я просто вахуи с сасэнок 🙏🏻🙏🏻
почему они сами не понимают всю проблематичность свои действий. ПОЧЕМУ ОНИ СЧИТАЮТ НОРМОЙ СТАЛКЕРИТЬ, звонить и сливать номера и личные данные, в случае с джеби они ещё додумались начать светить лазером прямо в глаза юджину, что может навредить.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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