Red Ice TV 🚫 [Censored] dan repost
These people, like Gad Saad, basically just tried to delay the reaction to the replacement for as long as possible, to get us to the point we are at now. Almost irreversible. It's because this is about destroying what they hate, not to protect something they love.
It's not only this guy but the "anti-Woke" Conservative Inc. puddle that he's part.
They called us names like nazis, racists, antisemits, and said nothing when people were banned for highlighting the obvious demographic disaster, well over a decade ago, some even longer ago than that.
They do not get to play "we tried to tell you" now, this late in the game.
It's not only this guy but the "anti-Woke" Conservative Inc. puddle that he's part.
They called us names like nazis, racists, antisemits, and said nothing when people were banned for highlighting the obvious demographic disaster, well over a decade ago, some even longer ago than that.
They do not get to play "we tried to tell you" now, this late in the game.