Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Death Penalty - Peine de mort, changeons maintenant de point de vue Part 3
Part 1
So again, there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE for less or more crimes with or without a death sentence! and Amnesty and other are just talking BULLSHIT! with no science and real stats! just manipulation
But at the end what do you expect from shitty human rights organisation, that fight just for the shit they want!
AGAIN, YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS WILL REDUCE OR NOT CRIMES! so don't tell bullshit "this will not reduce that!"
It's like border walls. Yes, border walls will NOT FIX ALL ISSUES!
but border walls STILL REDUCE ILLEGAL MIGRANTS! even if many are still 🦧
but many are not ready to do that! The same can be said about other things, like keeping or banning weapons ...
This doesn't mean border walls are shit! ... Yes, they are shit, when they do ecocide!
or there is discrimination behind that ...
No matter what, the point is not just "does this will reduce or not crimes" because there is much more behind. Just think for example how many people wish to do suicide or other things, but they don't do that, because they have fear of the consequences if you don't die immediately ... The same can be said for other things and for crimes too.
If you know you would get a death sentence after 1 week, you would rape a girl! "because a) you did sex b) you would immediately die" ... BUT THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE! In this case yes, DEATH SENTENCE WOULD PROBABLY INCREASE CRIMES! but this is a wrong way!
See next post
Part 1
So again, there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE for less or more crimes with or without a death sentence! and Amnesty and other are just talking BULLSHIT! with no science and real stats! just manipulation
But at the end what do you expect from shitty human rights organisation, that fight just for the shit they want!
AGAIN, YOU HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS WILL REDUCE OR NOT CRIMES! so don't tell bullshit "this will not reduce that!"
It's like border walls. Yes, border walls will NOT FIX ALL ISSUES!
but border walls STILL REDUCE ILLEGAL MIGRANTS! even if many are still 🦧
but many are not ready to do that! The same can be said about other things, like keeping or banning weapons ...
This doesn't mean border walls are shit! ... Yes, they are shit, when they do ecocide!
or there is discrimination behind that ...
No matter what, the point is not just "does this will reduce or not crimes" because there is much more behind. Just think for example how many people wish to do suicide or other things, but they don't do that, because they have fear of the consequences if you don't die immediately ... The same can be said for other things and for crimes too.
If you know you would get a death sentence after 1 week, you would rape a girl! "because a) you did sex b) you would immediately die" ... BUT THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE! In this case yes, DEATH SENTENCE WOULD PROBABLY INCREASE CRIMES! but this is a wrong way!
See next post