
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

@Aiimore @Attentyon.
Not a real Choi Soobin. You could leave from this channel, if u feel uncomfortable and don't forget to remove my account, @ySoobiny.

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Kanal geosi va tili
ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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TXTFESS! dan repost
One dream! Hello, we are TOMORROW BY TOGETHER! Hari yang indah semuanya! Kami ingin mengenalkan kepada kalian semua tentang base menfess ROLEPLAYER yang baru ini. Tema kita diambil berdasarkan boygroup asal Korea bernama TOMORROW BY TOGETHER atau biasa di kenal dengan sebutan TXT. Bolehkah kami meminta tolong kepada kalian? Bagikan pesan ini ke channel personal kalian atau teman teman kalian agar kita bisa buka segera! Sampai jumpa, jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi kita, Rowgies! 💙💛

ah iya. help foward this moots

[HFW]. Warm greetings to all gorgeous souls! I'm calling out all TXT rp-ers to celebrate their comeback❗️. Drop ur name & username right here, thanks in advance.

No Rules dan repost
[HFW] hello everyone, im calling out all TXT and son chaeyoung (TWICE) rp-ers to celebrate there comeback and birthday. drop ur “name + username + #comebacktxt/#birthdaychaeyoung”
here. Thank you so much and happy nice day all!

Photograph of me and you


Due to @Telegram's privacy policy, i declare this account and channel has not connect and not belong to any idol that i used as Face Claim. This account and channel only made for Roleplaying.

Do Not Interact with me, if you're not comfortable with harsh words, broken english or you're a Minor-DNI user, Grammar police, Homophobic, RPRL AREA and problematic person. You could leave from this channel, if you feel uncomfortable and don't forget to remove my account.

My bracket: (#SamK)
My bot🤖: @SamudtBot.

10 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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