We just noticed that Telegram is not showing the preview of Russia MFA too, so not just our channels and other ...
Pavel Durov, it's pretty a shame you ignore such issue we reported you multiple times! This mean even that posts cannot be indexed by Google too, near the fact that people need to use Telegram.
Without considering that Google see Telegram as 💩, giving priority to show Twitter or TikTok posts ... or better "giving mostly priority to websites", which was not the case years ago.
So Telegram, would be time you fix such issue once at all!
Let we remember that Russia IS NOT banned on other socials, so you cannot take that as excuse to randomly not showing a channel preview.
Pavel Durov, it's pretty a shame you ignore such issue we reported you multiple times! This mean even that posts cannot be indexed by Google too, near the fact that people need to use Telegram.
Without considering that Google see Telegram as 💩, giving priority to show Twitter or TikTok posts ... or better "giving mostly priority to websites", which was not the case years ago.
So Telegram, would be time you fix such issue once at all!
Let we remember that Russia IS NOT banned on other socials, so you cannot take that as excuse to randomly not showing a channel preview.