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ThePsalmist? dan repost
Today,as you knock, doors of opportunities shall be opened unto you. As you seek, you shall find favour before man and God.As you ask, all your prayers shall be answered.
Good morning🌸

ThePsalmist? dan repost
God is the architect of your life. His Word is a blueprint of His hopes and plans for your life. Just trust him.
Good morning.🌸


ThePsalmist? dan repost

What is in your heart determines what God will put in your hands...Don't limit the power of God in your life


ThePsalmist? dan repost
Let God's love be a reminder that he prepared the best for you today. Stay blessed and Good morning🌸


ThePsalmist? dan repost
Good morning🌸.

Daily words of hope right here on your favorite channel.🌹



ThePsalmist? dan repost

I Know God(IKG) dan repost


_And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said, "Who touched My clothes?"_ *Mark 5:30*

The voice of the Holy Spirit within is not a loud voice. Most of the time, it is a gentle impression we have concerning a thing, situation, place or people. Some people call it 'intuition' or 'premonition.' It is a 'knowing' you have within yourself that something is alright or not right. It is not a sentence but a 'knowing.' Many a time when you are asked to explain it you will not have any logical explanation except that you 'know.'
   A person, who is born again and has the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, should expect God to lead them on a daily basis. And the primary way is through the 'knowing' within. It is not exactly a voice so don't expect to be hearing voices in your head (that will require some professional help). The Holy Spirit does not lead you by taking over your mind or your personality. No, He leads you by working with your faculties and gently impressing His direction in your heart.
   He does it so gently that you could overlook Him and miss His leading. This year, one of the disciplines you should develop is sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Take time to note all those leadings and judge the results.
   Not everything you feel within is from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes you will get it wrong; other times you will get it right. Don't feel too bad when you miss His leading. Just keep learning and in time, you grow and identify His leading in your life.

*Prayer:* _Holy Spirit, help me to know Your leading when You speak to me._

*Scriptural Reading:* Mark 5:21-34

TCY-The Christian Youth dan repost

Okay this is a really short message... look we all have power... we all have soo much power in our hands, yet we don't know... like omg🤦‍♀... look around you, what is it that you desire??... what is it that you want?.. what is it that you aspire to be.. that looks soooooo far away or impossible... nothing.. you know why??.. Cause we're children of God... we're the sons of daughter's of a King so we are Royalty.. we lack nothing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️... but listen up.. nothing good comes easy... ... nothing good comes out of just mere saying..hell no.. it takes Sacrifice, hardwork, sweatt paaaaaaaaaa, cry saaaaa, to achieve your goals.. but do you know what makes it worth it??.. the end results, the feeling of accomplishment... the feeling of being a victor...🙈☺️☺️❤️❤️.... yhes it's not easy.. ik ik uk paaaa but it's not impossible... strive to be that girl or boy you want to be... strive to change lives, strive to make a positive difference... believe in yourself, love yourself cause no one can love you like yourself... ❤️❤️😘😘😘... God does all things for a reason.. but know the power of your thoughts, actions, activities.... know the power of your FAITH IN GOD❤️❤️.. cause with faith you can move mountains....
Mark 11:22

Thanks for your time and stay blessed❤️❤️



New Creation? dan repost

New Creation? dan repost

ThePsalmist? dan repost

Harmattan is characterised by cold, dry, and dusty air. Cold and coughs are common during this season due to the dry air that is circulating, all these affect our breathing and distort our tone of voice for a short period.

What can we do to make sure that our voice remains healthy during the Harmattan season? Here are some tips:

1. When you are out and about, breath through your nose. The nose traps dust particles and prevents them from getting into your vocal tract.
Breathing through your nose also warms the air before it hits the vocal tract and helps to reduce the effect of dryness due to cold harmattan air.
I know this is a bit difficult to remember, but it really helps.

2. Drink plenty of water.
When you are dehydrated, your vocal folds are less flexible. You voice becomes hoarse much more easily. So, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, water, water and lots of water is necessary.

3. Stay warm, drink a lot of warm/hot (non alcoholic😊) drinks like, herbal teas. They warmth helps keep the vocal folds flexible, dry and cold air reduces that flexibility.
Use herbal teas with no caffeine (Caffeine dehydrates, it draws the water out of your body) during this season, you want to remain hydrated. So avoid caffeinated drinks.

4. Steam your voice and keep the moisture levels high. Fill a bowl with hot (steaming not boiling) water, lean over it and cover your head with a towel and breath in the moist air. Does wonders for the Voice. Your voice box was made to be moist. Any form of dryness affects the quality of your voice.

5. Honey is also very good during this season. It helps to soothe a dry and sore throat. Use it on its own or use it with warm/hot water or in your herbal tea.

6. Last, but not the least, focus a lot on warming up your voice before you sing. Lip trills are excellent ( this exercise takes some pressure off our vocal folds, since some of the air pressure is placed on our lips for them to vibrate.) Humming is also a good way of warming up.

I hope you find these tips useful. If you have any other tips then please share them.

Keep your voice healthy.
Helen Yawson


New Creation? dan repost
An essence we all have and something we can't control or take hold of
But do you think that there is something as NOT ENOUGH TIME?
When you count down the seconds moving into minutes and from minutes into hours the hours to days the days to months the months to years , is that what we mean as NOT ENOUGH TIME
When you take a look at your life,your past then can you say you had time
But then it won't matter because that time is lost and can't be retrieved
What time do you have left now to make amends
What time is left?
Eccelesiastes amonishes us that there is a time for everything
When the time we should have used for studying was used to fool in class
When the time we should have used to Evangelise was used to sin

We all have enough time and on the Second Coming Of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST that time will be accounted for?

What did you do with THE TIME I GAVE YOU?

ThePsalmist? dan repost

THE knowledge of the effect of Eternal Life on man's spirit is yet in its infancy. Man is in God's class of being. He is a spirit, made in the image and likeness of God. When he fell, his spirit became estranged, separated from God. The human heart has never been satisfied with anything that the world could give. The heart hunger, or the spirit hunger of man, is perhaps the most outstanding feature of man's life. We have learned how to cultivate our bodies and develop them to become athletes. We have learned how to cultivate the intellect; so we have become mental gymnasts. We have found that there is almost no limit to the development of the human mind. But there has never been a teacher or a chair in any university to teach us how to develop our spirits. Your spirit is the real you. It is the part of you that contacts God, the part of you that is recreated and receives Eternal Life.

It is the part of you that should dominate your thinking faculties. It is the part of you that gives personality or color to you. We speak of men with courage. It took me a long time to find that courage is not a product of the thinking faculties, that faith and love are not products of the thinking faculties. Then faith, love, courage, hope, and fear are not the products of your intellect. You cannot reason fear out of your spirit any more than you can reason love into it. The thing that differentiates us from each other is, in reality, our human spirits. Love is not the product of the intellect. You cannot reason love into people. I have tried that. It cannot be done. The Word was given to us by the Holy Spirit.
It was given to us to fit and develop our spirit natures.

"Two Kinds of Life"



We all know 2017 has been quite tough for us all but God will see us through 2018.

I'm sorry I couldn't wish y'all merry christmas and a happy new year

Good morning viewers☺️❤️

I Know God(IKG) dan repost
The certain end of the day is night and the undoubted end of the night is day.
No celebration in life lasts forever, celebrate cautiously.
Things will surely come to their normal state after every event no matter how significant and interesting it might be.
*Never be carried away by the overwhelming joys of events.*
You will still live after great events in your life, so act, enjoy and spend reasonably and moderately.
Celebration without caution can easily destroy your peace joy, dignity and even destroy your life as well.
Life will still go on after celebration so do not use all your strength and resources for a single event in your life, do not destroy your dignifying identity and relationship with your God and others.
Remain in the love of God.
*Good morning and have a lovely day*

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