Dr Jane Ruby

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BREAKING: "Fact Sheet" out from Pfizer w/interim safety on 12-16y/o -- Serious Side Effects up to TEN times placebo & higher after 2nd shot. I've shut down studies w/SE's at 2x placebo! This is WAY off good practices - NO WAY 12-17 y/o program should go forward.
Hat tip: @realstewpeters

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

I miss having a real President

And don’t ever, ever forget it

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
CDCDirector should be in a federal prison — her actions and hypocrisy might be funny.... if they weren’t criminal

Why would you trust these people to give you a “vaccine” for a flu with a 100% recovery rate and for which there are known, safe cures??? #JustWait

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I want every American, especially Black Americans to listen to Dr. Erika Scott — so that we never, ever go through this again

First of all no one is questioning the “test” — they’re using the PCR & it will pick up Covid in a ham sandwich… Because it picks up any general random protein. Secondly the injections are forcing production of billions of spike proteins which are being picked up as Covid. These injections are literally giving people the pathogenic part of the Covid virus.


Rest in perpetual peace Patriots. We will take it from here 🇺🇸🙏

Happy & Healthy 2021 Memorial Day!

Revel in the weekend, hug your friends and family, be thankful to God…

And let’s take this damn country back!!!


BEWARE: They just want to make it up as they go along — they’re desperate, they can’t hide from the serious death and disability of these experimental injections so now it’s just “one shot”

This is not science my friends #JustWait

INCREDIBLE: Segment on Alex Jones Show TODAY, 4th hour hosted by the great @realstewpeters INFOWARS #JustWait

Doctor Warns Major Health Problems Tied to Jab
Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters as he hosts the Alex Jones Show to issue a warning about the COVID vaccines and their undeniable link to new cases of myocarditis, also know as heart inflammation, that

BREAKING: TWO babies have died after getting covid “v a x”

For a flu babies almost never get & have a recovery rate of 100%!!


Rich lives in Virginia & while I have no details on his original covid management in Jan 2021, I can tell you that if he had early treatment with HCQ or Ivermectin, he might be in a very different situation now

I was refused meds Mar 2020 When I was very sick with the Covid flu, refused by my own primary care physician in Virginia and that’s why I eventually moved Out of that state


This violates every ethical code in medicine and science.

Before you start spending that money in your head…

You might want to ask yourself why they have to offer millions of dollars to take this thing if it’s so good for you


Not only that, but for those who have had the natural C19 viral flu, It’s even MORE dangerous to get these shots!

And we have the science to back it up #JustWait

As if the experimental gene therapy that you’re going to get stuck with for life if you live that long… Isn’t enough… Have you taken a look at what’s inside of these injections? It’s all out there


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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