🌲 Eternal Division 🌲

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Race First ☠️

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࿕ E V E R V I G I L A N T ࿕

Cascadia V4 🌲 dan repost

The hook nosed enemy will kvetch and hurl any insult it can to label and discredit you for it is afraid and knows his 🌑 lunar 🌑 reign is ending, but through the Jews greed and hurry to destroy our homelands they have inadvertently awoken the whites on a massive scale, the largest awakening ever seen sense the Furhrer himself started his grand mission to save us. And with this new second awakening these whites now see the real enemy for what it is, a pathetic parasite that has outstayed its welcome, not only in our lands, but on terra itself, the galaxy.

🔆 A new Dawn is coming 🔆

Volkisch Uprising dan repost
⚔️ The draugr, also called draug, dréag, draugar; draugur, dreygur, or draugen, is an undead creature from Norse mythology. The Old Norse meanings of the word are revenant, undead man, and ghost. Draugr live in their graves, often guarding treasure buried with them in their burial mound. They are reanimated corpses - unlike ghosts, they have a corporeal body with similar, physical abilities as possessed in life. ⚔️ #Norsemythology #GermanicPeople #Norsemen #Vikings

Hundamal dan repost

Girl: “how did you know I was Jewish?”

Me: “oh a little birdie told me”

The bird:

Just like our forefathers before us, our sole responsibility as men, is to farm our land, defend our race, and protect the very thing that creates life itself.

She needs you now more than ever.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⚔️ A W O K E N V O L K ⚔️

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Video by Unbanned 🔥

Luftwaffe officer and a lion cub getting a Stuka gun ready to go yeet some ally’s.

Just a quick Imperial post, deal with it.

“Don’t you know 6 Gorillian died in the holocaust!!!1!!!1!!1!!!”

There is no stronger bond than that of blood.

And it is for this blood the Eternal struggle is build upon.

🩸 Blut Und Boden 🌲

ᛟ E V R O P A E R W A C H E ᛟ

Will you make them proud?

Or doom them to a life of Semitic misery?

Time is running out white man.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Right, left, communist, capitalist, libertarian this and civic nationalist that.

Shut the fuck up.



Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
ꑭ A Z O V ꑭ

No caption, no explanation, just here it is.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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