𝓜assive 𝓢alutation 𝓣elelings
OPENLINK𝒯he gates of Olympus are open for anyone who can be loyal soldiers here, To fight the selfish Zeus. To find out the criteria for the soldiers we need since we don't need soldiers with treacherous intentions, it's possible for you to just die in front of all the other soldiers, you can see the
Rules that are there and to use the warrior attribute is in cool
Attributes. Make sure you are ready, and complete in this armor. See you at Olympus.
https://t.me/+CP1WN4peS0MzMjg1 ]
https://t.me/+CP1WN4peS0MzMjg1 ]
HIRMIN𝒲e are also opening the gates for brave heroes who can become leaders of our warrior warriors of Olympus. against Zeus had affairs with many goddesses and people. A Pleiadian named Maia bore him a son named Hermes. For that, let's join our team with the
Rules and
see the division category that he needs, and last strong
Attributes that you must have! See you in the déese selection group.
https://t.me/+s4JyB0tqed5hNWFl ]
https://t.me/+s4JyB0tqed5hNWFl ]