Geopolitics & Empire

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast interviews experts on current events:
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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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#NeoFeudalism: This 97 year old was paying $5,380 in May for her room in a retirement residence. By October 2025, it will be $7,869 a month. Steep fee hikes rattle Ottawa retirement home residents.

The Conspiracy Hole dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Dark to Light: The “Great Awakening” as a Mass Initiation Ritual

773 0 16 13 3

In this video, we delve into why people are leaving Canada at unprecedented rates. From high taxes and cost of living to concerns about future instability, we delve into why both immigrants and native Canadians are seeking opportunities elsewhere and what this means for Canada's future.

C.S. Lewis

Marwa Osman dan repost
Israel ran out of churches to bomb in Gaza so now they are bombing churches in Lebanon. This is Saint Georges church in Yaroun, South Lebanon. Western Christian Zionists won’t say a word.

848 0 15 5 28

Edward Dowd dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Neil Oliver: "The Covid experience showed so many people that actually when the single choice of their generation came down the line at them, they were Gestapo. The were ready to don the uniform and kick the doors in. And I think that's an incredibly difficult realization for people. When the choice was finally there, when we were being sorted, when that sorting of people was going on, so many people went the wrong way. And there's an enormous reckoning that has to be lived up to and lived through and accepted. And unless and until that happens you people like me are going to keep on banging on and banging on and saying: No. It's all on record what you did, what you said. And to extent to which Covid was simply used as a tool to open a door to bring in this technological revolution which leads to a digital archipelago, we can see it. It's plain. It's evident and clear....


831 0 36 6 16

RadioFarSide dan repost
Once again, we have dramatic proof that the more centralized and rigid a system becomes, the more vulnerable to single-point failure it is. This goes for supply chains and nations and the planet:

809 0 18 1 11

The Freemasons at Infowars keep trying to Make Freemasonry Great Again.

OwenBenjamin dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Why losers will always be losers and the truth about nazi obsession with high fashion and male erotica

825 0 13 10 10

/r/interestingasfuck dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Russian president Vladimir Putin waving goodbye to his friend, Kim Jong Un

No matter the president, the US will no longer meet the world as moral beacon or crusader, but as just another Great Power pursuing selfish interests.

929 0 7 12 14

Northrop Grumman plans to produce medium caliber ammunition inside Ukraine under a project bankrolled by Ukrainian dollars, a company official said today.

Although several European defense firms have committed to large-scale manufacturing programs inside Ukraine’s borders, Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

The United States has sent an aircraft carrier to South Korea for joint military drills in a show of strength after Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un met in Pyongyang.

The announcement came a day after South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador to Seoul to protest against a defence deal signed by Putin and the North Korean leader this week, which included a pledge to come to each other’s aid if attacked.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind!" Romans 12:2 🧠

Gracias prijatelju! 🤝

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.