﷽ Islamic Quotes ™

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'And Remind for verily a reminder benefits the believer.' Quran (51:55)

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Allaahu Akbar! Being a part of the Ummaah of Muhammad Salallaahu Alayhi Wassalam is a huge blessing in itself. Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil'Alameen ❤️

TG Channel- @Loversofthemountains (عشق الجبل)

Saddiq Muhajir:
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

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📌 @IslamicQuotess

The Prophet ﷺ said;

There will come a time when the nations gather against you, just as people gather around a feast.

*[Sunan Abu Dawud 2/210]*

📌 @IslamicQuotess

Ibn Qayyim:

“The best thing to do when someone needs help physically or financially is to busy yourself with helping that person, relieving his distress, and to place this as a priority over your private worship that you would usually be engaged in.”

— Madarij as-Salikīn, 1/188

📌 @islamicquotess

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🔹The Prophet ﷺ said: "Indeed the best of remedies you have is Hijaamah…" (Bukhari)

The Prophet ﷺ also said that on the night of Al-Israa wal-Mi-raaj (his ascension to the heavens), he did not pass by an angel except that it was said to him, "Oh Muhammad, order your nation with Hijaamah." (Tirmidhi)

The Prophet ﷺ said, "If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping." (Abu Dawood & ibn Maajah) 🔹

“Indeed, to your Lord is the return” (Qur’an 96:8)

إنَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ ٱلرُّجۡعَىٰٓ

One verse, summarising the story of life.

📌 @IslamicQuotess

Yahyā Ibn Mu`ādh:

"Renew your hearts with the remembrance of Allāh because it rushes into forgetfulness."

• [az-Zuhd al-Kabīr, (p.100)]

📌 @IslamicQuotess

A True Muwahhidah!

I have received news today of our incarcerated sister, Umm Bara'.

I am never anything short of being amazed by this girl.

In recent weeks she been moved from the Protective Unit to General Population and is now sharing a cell with an elderly lady.

I was told that once again, each time increasing more than the last, she is nothing but smiles and shines with Nur.
Remember, Umm Bara' is the only Muslimah in the entire prison complex and the first Muslimah to ever be put in there.

The elderly lady who she is sharing the cell with was suffering from very bad health due to stress as it is her first time in prison and she was not coping. But since Umm Bara' has been moved in to the cell, this ladies health has increased rapidly and says she finds peace from our Sister's presence in the cell and really enjoys hearing our Sister recite Qur'an and has been learning about Islam from her.

Even the other prisoners in Gen-Pop' have been really kind to her and some have been making a lot of inquiries about Islam.

Umm Bara' is nothing but smiles and thankfulness of Allah and has complete trust in Him no matter the calamities she may face. She says that this is an opportunity Allah has given her to show Islam to those who may not have known otherwise.

Allahu Akbar.

Please don't forget her, and all the Prisoners in your 'Adiyah.

Hearing the condition of Umm Bara' has brought a lot of solace to my own heart as our sisters in 'Aqeedah hold more importance than our sisters in blood; no matter where they are as 'Aqeedah is everything ☝️

Her condition has reminded me of this hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim:
The Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم said: "If Allah loves someone He calls (angel) Jibreel and says: 'I love so-and-so, so you love him.' Jibreel loves him and calls the other angels in Heaven to love that person. They love him, then his love is made upon earth, and he becomes loved."

May Allah continue to keep her firm and hasten her release.


📌 @IslamicQuotess

Abdullah ibn Abbās mentioned in tafseer of Sūrah Al Kāfirūn:

"There is nothing in the Qurān which makes iblees more angry because (this Sūrah) is Tawhīd and being completely far away from shirk"

[Jamia Ahkām Al Qurān, Qurtubi (20/199)]

📌 @IslamicQuotess


We shall continue to search for you and search again, sometimes like a beautiful dream which tempts you, and sometimes like a terrifying shadow which chases you, in order to disturb your peace and quiet and make your life miserable every time we remind you of your desertion of the Mujahideen. 

We shall send you coded messages whose meaning only you will understand, in newscasts, newspapers, and websites.

Every report which talks about us you will read as if it is talking about you.

Every discussion about us will seem as if it is complaining to Allah about your staying behind us.

You will hear your real names and see your photographs between the lines, among the words and behind the scenes, as you are now on the Mujahideen’s most-wanted list.

You will sense that the Mujahideen aren’t targeting anyone else in this world other than you, and that they aren’t inciting anyone to fight except you, until you join us. 

You shall be pursued by the meanings of explicit Ayahs and the texts of authentic Hadeeths.

You shall be pursued by the chapters of Ibn Hisham’s Seerah and the lines of The Lion of the Jungle on Knowledge of the Sahaabah, until you begin to imagine that ‘Umair bin al-Humam was killed in the battle of al-Falujah, or that Anas bin al-Nadr carried out a martyrdom operation in Khost.

You shall never find enjoyment in any of your habits, nor even in your acts of worship, as long as you continue to refrain from Jihad.

We shall continue to search for you, and search again, until you join us.

~ Abu Dujana al Khorasani (May Allah accept from him)

📌 @IslamicQuotess

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Rush to help the oppressed in their time of need and if you cannot help them then make duaa for them.

TG Channel- @Loversofthemountains (عشق الجبل)

"Today [you're] on earth, tomorrow underneath."

[Ibn al-Jawzī]

📌 @IslamicQuotess

Abu ‘Umar said,

Victory is not required from us. What is required is to be ready for a jihad in the name of Allah, ready to reinstate Islam’s rule and Muslim caliphate. It is normal, if the army shoots at us, we will shoot back at them — normal.

When Abu ‘Umar was asked if he was a “terrorist”, he replied,

Yes, a terrorist. What’s the problem with that? If I want to terrorize the enemies of Allah, what’s the problem with that?

And when he was asked if he received death sentences, he replied,

I got several death sentences and was also sentenced to life imprisonment. There’s nothing to it. What’s the problem? They can pile on as many sentences as they like. This is a sign of honor for me.

Mashaa’Allaah, this was the strength of this man’s ‘Aqeedah, Yaqeen and Imaan in Allah Ta’aalaa. He was of those who feared none except his Lord – and we ask Allah for that to be so.

📌 @IslamicQuotess

Who is Abu ‘Umar?

He was a steadfast Mujaahid, a pious worshiper, and a knowledgeable and useful asset for the Mujaahideen. He was loved by his people and hated greatly by his enemies. He was a weapons dealer in Lebanon and benefited our Mujaahideen brethren greatly from it. He later fled to ‘Iraaq after the call of the Shaykh ash-Shaheed (inshaa’Allaah), Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi – may Allah accept him amongst the Shuhada’ – for the purpose of making the word of Allah supreme and making the word of the disbelievers low and humiliated. He was an army of his own; a very agile and fit body, strong and commanding personality that had great military experience from beforehand; his knowledge of bomb making, weapons, guerrilla warfare strategies and weaknesses of the armies of the superpowers quickly made him the Ameer of military training and a respected Commander.

📌 @IslamicQuotess

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