The stars are startin' to fall faster now, so the sky's near half-empty. I wonder where they go, if they crater lawns & smash apart other people's houses, if they're really angels come to deliver us into higher places with their calloused hands.
The doomsday neighbors have started their truck engine's moanin' like a sinner in Hell, & one of their young girls leanin' out a window sings some glad mornin' when this life is o'er. You laugh. There's shouting in the distance, so far away we got to strain to hear it, so far away it could've been the babblin' of the creek just the same.
"Think it'll hurt?" I ask as another three stars shudder & fall away. You grip my hand tighter. "Hope not."
The stars are startin' to fall faster now, so the sky's near half-empty. I wonder where they go, if they crater lawns & smash apart other people's houses, if they're really angels come to deliver us into higher places with their calloused hands.
The doomsday neighbors have started their truck engine's moanin' like a sinner in Hell, & one of their young girls leanin' out a window sings some glad mornin' when this life is o'er. You laugh. There's shouting in the distance, so far away we got to strain to hear it, so far away it could've been the babblin' of the creek just the same.
"Think it'll hurt?" I ask as another three stars shudder & fall away. You grip my hand tighter. "Hope not."