Norway and Germany - an organisational disaster Part 5
Part 1:
MS Thorbjørn er godkendt til 50 passagerer, men de ombordværende sejler i sikkerhed på bagsiden af Utøya uden at hjælpe de omkring 200, som snart efter forsøger at svømme fra øen. De bliver i stedet reddet af af folk, der trodser Breiviks kugler og sejler ud i små både fra landsiden
The ferry MS Thorbjørn sails from Utøya. On board are six participants from the summer camp – among them AUF leader Eskil Pedersen. In addition, the ship's captain and a crew of two are on board the ferry. MS Thorbjørn is approved for 50 passengers, but those on board sail to safety at the back of Utøya without helping the 200 or so who soon after try to swim off the island. They are instead rescued by people who defy Breivik's bullets and sail out in small boats from the land side.
Hjetland var om bord på MS «Thorbjørn» sammen med daværende AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen og syv andre som kom seg vekk fra øya med fergen mens skytingen pågikk 22. juli
Hjetland was on board the MS "Thorbjørn" together with then AUF leader Eskil Pedersen and seven others who got away from the island by ferry while the shooting was taking place on 22 July.
MS «Thorbjørn» forlot Utøya rundt 17.30, et kvarters tid etter at Anders Behring Breivik kom i land. Mens skipperen styrte fergen, lå de åtte andre flatt i bunnen av båten. Flere av dem fikk melding på telefonene sine om at det ble skutt vilt på øya.
MS "Thorbjørn" left Utøya around 17.30, a quarter of an hour after Anders Behring Breivik came ashore. While the skipper steered the ferry, the other eight lay flat in the bottom of the boat. Several of them received a message on their phones that game had been shot on the island.
Meanwhile the most important question is: HAVE YOU MADE A TRIP TO ICELAND WITH THIS BOAT??! SINCE POLICE WAS NOT ABLE TO USE THAT, so why?!!!
Near all issues with the boats the policed had ...
Part 1:
MS Thorbjørn er godkendt til 50 passagerer, men de ombordværende sejler i sikkerhed på bagsiden af Utøya uden at hjælpe de omkring 200, som snart efter forsøger at svømme fra øen. De bliver i stedet reddet af af folk, der trodser Breiviks kugler og sejler ud i små både fra landsiden
The ferry MS Thorbjørn sails from Utøya. On board are six participants from the summer camp – among them AUF leader Eskil Pedersen. In addition, the ship's captain and a crew of two are on board the ferry. MS Thorbjørn is approved for 50 passengers, but those on board sail to safety at the back of Utøya without helping the 200 or so who soon after try to swim off the island. They are instead rescued by people who defy Breivik's bullets and sail out in small boats from the land side.
Hjetland var om bord på MS «Thorbjørn» sammen med daværende AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen og syv andre som kom seg vekk fra øya med fergen mens skytingen pågikk 22. juli
Hjetland was on board the MS "Thorbjørn" together with then AUF leader Eskil Pedersen and seven others who got away from the island by ferry while the shooting was taking place on 22 July.
MS «Thorbjørn» forlot Utøya rundt 17.30, et kvarters tid etter at Anders Behring Breivik kom i land. Mens skipperen styrte fergen, lå de åtte andre flatt i bunnen av båten. Flere av dem fikk melding på telefonene sine om at det ble skutt vilt på øya.
MS "Thorbjørn" left Utøya around 17.30, a quarter of an hour after Anders Behring Breivik came ashore. While the skipper steered the ferry, the other eight lay flat in the bottom of the boat. Several of them received a message on their phones that game had been shot on the island.
Meanwhile the most important question is: HAVE YOU MADE A TRIP TO ICELAND WITH THIS BOAT??! SINCE POLICE WAS NOT ABLE TO USE THAT, so why?!!!
Near all issues with the boats the policed had ...