OstFront Podcast

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Jager The Carpathian and ArminiusRex (Professional Russia shill) present to you OstFront! A podcast about everything Eastern Europe covering a wide variety of topics from history to modern politics. If you like autism this is the show for you

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Christmas decorations in Moscow...

3/3 This brilliant economic strategy wasn't only the brain child of Gorbachev though it was in fact mostly penned by the economic advisor Leonid Ivanovich Abalkin, The man who transformed Russia into a market economy by destroying it's economy. He served as an advisor in both Gorbachev's and Yeltson's presidency's. This was probably one of the most important nails in the coffin for the Soviet union but well expand on the other nails later.

2/3 Gorbachev opted for some middle of the road market reforms first, but they were pretty bad and it only worsened the stagnation situation. Gorbachev allowed you to sell goods on your own if you exceed the minimum set forth by the plans of the state. He thought that everyone would make an extra profit and then invest in the development of new enterprises that would help keep the Soviet economy afloat. But in reality they just increase the boss salaries and caused the underproduction goods
because they wanted to sell goods privately to make more money and get a surplus to the enterprise revenue. Hence instead of a flourishing economy there was instead a deficit of goods because of it, they had them in fact, but just refused to sell anything which again caused the government to artificially increase prices to make up for the loss of goods but it only caused fewer things to be sold and a kind of inflationary spiral which didn't need to happen in the first place since everything people needed was just sitting in warehouses being hodled. This in turn caused the infamous food shortages and basic necessities to fall into shortages as well which caused the ever so memed on bread lines for everything to come into reality. In reality the average Soviet hadn't had to deal with such a situation at the very least since the end of the second world war.

Now with all things about 90s Russia we first need to start it in the late 80s USSR. The USSR for the majority of it's history could provide all of the basic necessities and amenities to its citizens especially since the reign of Stalin ended famine and want were mostly a thing of the past in the USSR but it wasn't until the 1980s when economic stagnation started to hit hard and economic reform was desperately needed to try and send the Soviet economy back on a growth pattern. Now instead of committing to the kind of policy of the Chinese in there economic reforms (Yes I know that the Americans moving the bulk of their industry there helped skyrocket the Chinese economy) the Soviets tried something much more different and much more retarded.

I’ll be putting on my nnn Jazzhands gloves and doing some posts about the Finklethink on the Chechen wars and 90s Russia. Though unlike Jazzhands I’ll actually be able to give you an accurate analysis of everything without making you feel insulted to your core. Nnnnnguy

Tfw you get when some bald Zapadnik faggot thinks he can give you the “Truth” about the Chechen wars. In reality he will just give you some half baked propaganda that is just a way to try and make Chechnya look as sympathetic as Ukraine seems. In reality both were funded and instigated by Jewish powers to try and weaken Russia and both evidently backfired and made Russia stronger in the end.

Internet puke dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Westoid Cope dan repost
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The Right People Z dan repost
In Zaporizhzhia the Khazars unveiled a monument in honour of Nestor Ivanovych Makhno.
An anarchist of Ukrainian origin who fought against Soviet, Tzarist and White Army troops.
Makhno is considered one of the most important fathers of the Antifa movement in Eastern Europe.


/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
🔯🇺🇦The Security Service of Ukraine said that they conducted searches in the Pochaev Monastery of the Ukrainian orthodox church

According to the investigation, representatives of the Pochaev monastery published a publication on the monastery’s website in which they “insulted the national honor and dignity of the Jews”


Slavyangrad dan repost
Putin declared a minute of silence at the World Russian Cathedral in memory of the fighters who died in the NWO

He also made a number of statements:

- Russia's battle for sovereignty and justice has a national liberation character

- Modern Russia regains and strengthens its sovereignty as a world power

- Without Russians as an ethnos, there is and cannot be Russia and the Russian world

- Without a strong Russia, a strong world order is impossible

- It is the Russian world that has blocked the way of those who have declared themselves exceptional, but the dictatorship of the hegemon is getting decrepit

- Russians are more than a nationality, they are also a cultural and historical identity

- Being Russian is first and foremost a responsibility for the preservation of Russia

- The West does not need a big Russia

- Russia is now at the forefront of the formation of a more just world order


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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The Right People Z dan repost
10 year challenge


The Right People Z dan repost
Well, now it turns out that the N1 was ahead of its time ... 🤔🤔🤔

The Right People Z dan repost
I find it hilarious that in the West, they have relentlessly ridiculed the Soviet N-1 for having too many engines and needing to perform what was essentially destructive testing in order to develop the N-1 stack, ie 1960s computational resources could not model the complexities of the engines, fluid dynamics or vibrational modes of the stack in flight, or the hydraulic hammer loadings on its complex piping systems.

They held up this approach as evidence of Soviet backwardness and technological inferiorty, but now that US exceptionalism is personified in the form of SpaceX, these assessments have been dumped and SpaceX does exactly the same except its all presented to the braindead public as a new and "innovative" methodology that breaks with the "old fashioned" and "inefficient" and "bureaucratic culture" of government agencies like NASA.  

#info #industry

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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