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Millennial Woes dan repost
Stages of "send them back":

> We can't do that. The food is terrific!

> Actually, we can have the food without the people being here. We can make it ourselves. After all, we've got the recipes now. [Rowan Atkinson stage]

> In fact, we make their food better than they do.

> Actually, we could have obtained the recipes without them EVER coming here.

> We DID!

The End Times dan repost

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
POV: You wrote "I don't really think this was part of some conspiracy." on the internet.

Two chronic woes plaguing the right are on display in whole Alex Jones/Sandy Hook Saga.

1) The default assumption that everything is part of some conspiracy.

2) The idea that we should have solidarity with any anti-social moron as long as they hold mildly right-wing views.

I have zero sympathy for Alex Jones. First of all, Sandy Hook wasn't a conspiracy. Secondly, he's antithetical to emergence of a serious and coherent right capable of opposing the current order.

If Info Wars ceased to exist, the right would benefit immensely.

While there's no chance he will ever be "our guy" due to his Jewish background, Mark Zuckerberg seems to have drifted to the right in recent years. Tech bros like Musk or Zuckerberg appear uncomfortable with the trajectory of radical wokeism.

Both of them are billionaires who have built their fortunes off of an industry which requires a high degree of innovation and competence. Regardless of their ideological priors, the erosion of the human capital of the US poses a threat to their business empires.

If the average IQ of the West were to drop by 10 points, Musk can forget his dream of going to Mars. Zuckerberg is in the same boat. These hard realities will force men like them to decide whether they want to continue to live the lavish lifestyle of billionaire tech tycoons or throw it all away to pursue egalitarian delusions.

Boomerism will no longer be the political mainstream within a decade.

The downside of this is that an even more aggressively anti-white left will emerge. The left will shift from preaching universalist egalitarian utopia to middle class white liberals to sadistic revenge fantasies for non-whites, trannies, and other "victim" groups.

The upside is that the phoney right will be replaced with a genuine right. Civic nationalism, neoconservativism, and Zionism will no longer be part of the right. The reality of race and the necessity for white interests will be embraced.

This will bring about more chaotic times, but it will break us out of the political stasis we're currently stuck in. Overall, this is a positive development. It will allow for real political change rather than slow decline under the status quo.

(PS I'm not advocating "accelerationism". Positive change is not contingent on things getting worse, but how we respond to the reality of the changes which are to come.)

Not-so-bold prediction: The US Election will not result in a civil war in America.

Thuletide dan repost

🪙 THE FERRYMAN'S TOLL 🪙 dan repost
If Uganda can do it, Canada can do it.

Just saying.

I guess assassination attempts are now just part and parcel of living in a democracy.

Canada The Unknown Country dan repost
251st Anniversary of the Landing of the Hector at Pictou, Nova Scotia

On September 15th, 1773, the immigrant ship The Hector sailed into Pictou Harbour. Down below she was carrying one of the first groups of Scottish Highlanders to settle in Canada. Most of the group came from the area around Loch Broom, the lands of Clan MacDonnell and Clan Mackenzie. This was 10 years after the beginning of the Highland Clearances and thousands more were to follow them to the New World. Of the two hundred or so that left Scotland, eighteen died on the 11 week journey plagued by dysentery and storms off Newfoundland. They finally arrived at their destination and landed at Brown’s Point, just west of the town of Pictou. Nearly all of them spoke the ancestral language of Scottish Gaelic. Among the few who spoke English was William Mackenzie, their Schoolteacher. When they arrived at Pictou, their year’s supply of free provisions promised to them failed to materialize, and they had to quickly prepare for winter on their own. They eventually proved successful, and news of their success prompted many other Highland Scots to venture across the ocean to “New Scotland” and several other spots in Canada over the following decades. The patience and perseverance of all the Highland Scots has left an indelible mark on the people and heritage of Canada.

Canada The Unknown Country dan repost
251st Anniversary of the Landing of the Hector at Pictou, Nova Scotia: September 15, 1773.

- Settled by French colonists and African slaves
- Prized colony of the French Empire due to its extremely profitable sugar plantations
- French colonists overthrown and massacred by African slaves in the Haitian Revolution
- Poorest country in the Americas today

- Settled by French colonists
- Unprofitable drain on the French Empire
- Surrendered to the British Empire following the Seven Years War, but the Quebecois remained on the land
- Part of Canada, a first-world country today

Race is not a social construct. Society is a racial construct.

Going live!

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