
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Aussie World Patriot 🇦🇺
1 Thess 5:2-6
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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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I screen recorded my FaceBook posts from yesterday, last night and went to bed. In the morning, I woke up to see that all 7 of my Facebook profiles had been nuked.

We all saw at the last WEF that their focus was to curb misinformation and disinformation for the next two years - because there are simply far too many people posting truth and waking up the masses - and they can't implement their BS agenda.

Well, I take my culling as a compliment then as I must have been over some targets. But as you watch this screen record, let me know which of the stories was too close to home.

So, I've moved to X to continue my journey of exposing the lies. Please feel free to like, follow and share. @simontimothy_au


Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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Dr William Makis talks about "Turbo Cancers" - people presenting with Stage 4 and dying shortly after. Or how about Leukemia - and then dying 4-5 days later.

We tried to warn them, but they didn't listen. The poison death shot is now starting to show its true agenda.


Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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How evil is Hamas? This evil. What really happened at Tribe of Nova Festival in Re’im, Israel.


Sound of Freedom dan repost
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⛔️Israeli Government Just Ordered War Crimes, Netanyahu is worse than Hitler? | Judge w/ Lt Col Ritter
💊Redpilling👉 Telegram | Twitter

Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
One for the deeper thinkers..

The ramification of transhumanism from a theological perspective. Timothy Alberino digs dep into this topic for the next 15 mins.

And this doesn't even take into consideration the acceleration of transhumanism through the POKE.

I found it very insightful. Your thoughts?


Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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First, we had the spiral of death - where random people would start circling around like they're following something invisible to us all. But now, now we have the naked army walking the streets.

What on earth is going on?


Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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Zombies and 42. Been talking about this for a while now...


Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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From NAZI Germany to the poison death shot - to the WEF/WHO endorsed democide.

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


KanekoaTheGreat dan repost
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🔥Russell Brand highlights prior warnings from Hillary Clinton, VP Kamala Harris, and Senator Amy Klobuchar that the U.S. election system is connected to the internet, compromised, and vulnerable to hackers.

See the detailed 70-post thread below.👇


Wide Awake Media dan repost
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Around 40,000 child slaves work in the extremely hazardous conditions of Congo's cobalt mining industry, which produces 72% of the world's cobalt.

Cobalt is a key ingredient in the rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles, raising serious ethical concerns about Net Zero policies which promote the use of electric vehicles.

Subscribe to @WideAwakeMedia for more content like this!

Disclosure Hub Films dan repost
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Hollyweird Challenge - Wide Screen

Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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After yet another anniversary of 9/11, and after the Maui, it really is high time that the people know about how their governments are conspiring against them and committing mass democide - death by government.

For those of you that still think that sovereign nations exist and are not in total lockstep to the cabal depopulation agenda, this one's especially for you.

From Dick Cheney to Mossad - what is the connection between the Neocons of Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush to Israel to Haliburton?


🔗 t/me/simontimothy

Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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The pokey was only a part of a much bigger, sinister plan rolled onto an unsuspecting population. What they're building into everyone is a transhumanism agenda designed to control every aspect of your life through quantum dot tech, EMF's and cryptocurrency - literally the Beast system.

Explained very well in this video - which I included video evidence of such tech found in dental anesthetics. If they didn't get you with the poke or shedding, they'll clean up with injectables.

Rev 18:23: "your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery."

The billionaire globalists (merchants) inflicted deception by sorcery (pharmakia) - and we're seeing this being played out right in front of our eyes.

But the elephant in the room question is, "are you awake?"


Simon Timothy 🇦🇺 dan repost
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This demon creature is busy doing the rounds. Scott Gottlieb. Former FDA Commissioner - now a Pfizer Board member.

Telling everyone of the coming COVID outbreak - the groundwork being laid for the upcoming lockdowns.

But are they about to do this through our kids? Schools everywhere are riddled with 5G towers.

Watch for the connection.

These people are evil.


LauraAboli dan repost
Good analysis of who stands to gain from the elimination of Prighozin and it’s not Russia.


LauraAboli dan repost

‼️Hunter Biden and his firm Rosemont Seneca was directly involved in the financing of Metabiota, one of the companies entrusted by the US and Ukrainian government to undertake the construction and management of the biolabs.

‼️The founder and chairman of Metabiota, is Dr. Nathan Daniel Wolfe

‼️Dr. Wolfe also serves on the editorial board of EcoHealth Alliance a company who became famous for its notorious “gain of function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the alleged epicenter of the SARS COV2 outbreak.

‼️The CEO of EcoHealth Alliance is Peter Dazsak, who works with Dr Nathan Wolfe as part of a consortium and initiative led by USAID called, PREDICT.

‼️Dr. Wolfe was also a member of DARPA’s Defence Science Research Council.(DSRC).

‼️Wolfe is also an alumni of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program.

HATS dan repost
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1991 Rockefeller Leaked Audio


Natural Health News Channel dan repost
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Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, a German pathologist, presents a slide show revealing that in vaccinated males, the spike protein from the COVID vaccine has entirely replaced their sperm.


LauraAboli dan repost
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Now that you can be prosecuted & thrown in jail for questioning the legitimacy of an election, what are we waiting to lock her up?!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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