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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Vegas dan repost
happy birthday to haechan and all haechan rp-ers esp haidan, haezawa, harley, dean, jianska radit, danial, haikal, dinarta, caven, masaga, radit, danial, atharaska, jepan, hesa, azriel, hazel, rabil, fahreza, caleb, cetta, sastra, hagia, herza, agam, haruchie, bisma, sean, chazio, hikala, ibra, abhichandra, achan, atharaska, hakasha, thiago, andra, haruki, sagil, hanami, aksara, saka, dipta, monet, haz, raffi, bian, bisma, harsa, hanendra, regan, hagano, aechie, hamesta, bian, tiago, dirgas, keith, hersa, dama, zylan, habian, arga, deva, helios, lintang, agam, raditya, faresha and all haechan rp-ers, WUATB!!!! 🎂🥳

Halcyon dan repost
⠀ㅤJune 6, 2000, right on that date a baby boy was born into the world and is now growing into a good man, tough, and not easy to give up. A man who has unique voice characteristics, multi talented, everyone's moodmaker, cheerful, and humorous.

⠀ㅤHappy Birthday for our sunshine, Lee Donghyuck which is known as Lee Haechan irl. Also Happy Birthday for Lee Haechan rp - ers esp Me, Hamesta, Mark, Haiden, Sakala, Achan, Atharaska, Hadyan, Haidan, Abhichandra, Saddam, Aksa, Thiago, Ibra, Sean, Geo, Raefal, Haikal, Arga, Nathan, Chazio, Hudson, Hagano, Candra, Rion, Keith, Jefscho, Zylan, Migo, Adebumi, Hayden, Harsa, Haruchie, Helios, Deiva, Haezal, Helenio, Kiel, Herza, Lintang, Hayzar, Harsa, Habian.

⠀ㅤMay your day be filled with happines and joy always. Hope you have a wonderful day and that the year is filled with much love, think positively and be strong. Stay healty. Thank you for living your life in a way that makes every day worth celebrating. Once again, happy birthday. Enjoy your day!

Upside Down. dan repost
guess what today is? yeah, today is Lee Haechan birthday! on 6th of june, our precious pudu was born. happy birthday for Lee Haechan and his rp-ers.
Especially for, me ofc! >_<
%♡. Hudson, Askha, Zylan, Adebumi,
%♡. Hiroshi, Arab, Hansel, Sean, Hafka,
%♡. Herza, Hamesta, Hema, Lintang,
%♡. Achan, Agam, Ozzie, Caven, Aechie,
%♡. Candra, Dirgas, Agam, Biel, Bian,
%♡. Shaka, Caleb, Hamid, Chandra, Kiel.
I hope you always bring positive things and become a better person than yesterday. Enjoy you special day, guys. ♡

济N一 dan repost
Happy Birthday to Lee Donghyuck Irl and Rp-ers especially for Aksara, Rean, Ojell, Hikala, Ibra, Atharaska, Haidan, Sakala, Prades, Thiago, Haruki, Sagil, Hanami, Haekal, Shaka, Dama, Gavrieless, Hareth, Haezawa, Haikal, Hades, Jidan, Dominick, Theo, Hezaf, Hugo, Hema, Hadyan, Kastara, Monet, Hamid, Caleb, Hanan, Chazio, Haruchie, Eja, Hayden, Harrison, Alder, Kiel, Veksa, Harezan, Hafka, Adebumi, Hayzar, Hayugo, Danial, Caven, Elio, Migo, Mahesa, Agam, Helios, Deiva, Zylan, Keith, Candra, Hamesta, Regan, Harsa, Rabil, Lintang.

Hopefully today can bring joy and happiness for all of us, remember that you deserve everything in the world. I hope you can use your muse as well as possible, hopefully all your dreams come true. May god bless you with lots of happy love and success. Enjoy ur day guys, hope you have a long term live in happines. Stay healthy and happy. Once again, Happy level up day to Lee Donghyuck in realife and rp-ers others.

property of noya. dan repost
Happy level up for haechan and all haechan rp-ers.

especially bryan, zylan, arga, deiva, Keith, ibra, kagikka, hikala, lintang, herza, hareth, gema, chandra, dirgas, thiago, habian, malvine, hamesta, hagano, chandri, harezan, candra, achan, sakala, regan, travis.

may their birthday be blessed with all the happiness and warmth the world has to offer, and may their presence in this entertainment industry bring more smiles that have been lost from this world.

useless dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Happy Level Up Day For Lee Donghyuck from nct! Also happy bday for all of his rpers esp : Kala, hamid, dipta, mark, Herza, kalana, haidan, abitama, chazio, ibra, hikala, danial, rion, haekal, giska, akazema, caca, biantara, aksara, abel, deskava, habil, denan, nathan, arsya, ajinendra, harsa, cetta, eja, arion, sastra, hafka, hanan, bima, haiden, harezan, hades, ozzie, jidan, prades, rechandra, arsha, regan, sean, hagan, dirgas, thiago, haruchie, habian, arga, zylan, dama, keith, aechie, hamesta, candra, deiva, helios, kana, haidan, lintang, hema, haezal, gema, hayugo, mahesa, ansel, elio, migo, kagika, caven, adebumi, agam, hayzar, hagano, raffi, harsa, chandri, bisma, hagia, faresha, rabil, kastara, aji. Wishing you have a long and healthy life full of joy and happiness

with love

. dan repost
Happy level up day to Lee Haechan and all Haechan rp-ers especially Haezawa, Belva, Kale, Haris, Candra, Zylan, Aechie, Chandri, Kea, Keith, Habian Harsa, Migo, Hema, Hagano, Haidan, Haruchie, Deiva, Helios, Agam, Harsa, Regan, Kagikka, Bisma, Harsa, Lintang, Mahesa, Askha, Chandra, Herza, Bian, Dirgas, Gema, Adebumi, Caven, Hayzar, Hema, Danial, Elio, Thiago, Hagia and Hayugo! Hope you have a happy birthday and joyful laughter on this special day! 🎊

♔` ㅡ 𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙖'𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙡𝙚🗂 ミ . ⌫ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🌻. When the sun are blessing, sunflowers are blooming, the world are smiling through the sunny days, a happy virus was born. He is, Lee Haechan. So what we should say to him?

RIGHT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR SUNFLOWERS! All of us wish you a day filled with happiness and a joyous year ahead, sending you a good vibes and smiles for every second of your special day. Your doing your best, hide every pain in his beautiful smiles, stay healthy, take care Haechanie!💛💚

And also, i wish happy birthday to Haechan RP-ers especially for Sakala, Aksara, Askha, Aziel, Setara, Bisma, Amsor, Jelabie, Hagia, Bian, Haikal, Hendra, Dama, Deiva, Haechiel, Zylan, Mahendra, Agam, Sean, Haersa, Chandra, Geo, Rion, Harsa, Hagano, Hayzar, Caven, Astra, Helios, Khaesna, Regan, Hastra, Haidan, Hakmal, Haruchie, Lintang, Haikal, Thiago, Hansa, Rashad, Candra, Keith, Hema, Aechie, Habian, Dirgas, Dama, Harsa, Raffi, Hamid, Rashad, Fahmi, Monet, Kale, Sastra, Sabima, Herza and Habin. Hope you can use your muse well, wish you all the best!☀

Chazio Spells dan repost
do you know what day it is? yep, right! it's Lee Haechan's birthday. who doesn't know him?
he is one of the fullsun and talented boys from NCT under SM Entertainment.

so, happy birthday to Lee haechan and all Lee Haechan rp-ers. especially to Me, Aizar, Haersa, Sakala, Ibra, Kale, Biel, Deskava, Abel, Hamid, Kagikka, Agam, Lintang, Haidan, Achan, Aksara, Alterio, Haikal, Bima, Haezawa, Hayzar, Ozzie, Abichandra, Jaska, Hayugo, Kiel, Adebumi, Hikala, Arsa, Arga

may this year goodness always be by your side and your days are always pleasant. it's your day, enjoy with your day. be happy, bruh!

with love,
Chazio J Harvest.

cowboy in LA dan repost
⠀ Happy birthday Lee Haechan and all his rp-ers, especially for Haekal, Herza, Herdam, Andrel, Askha, Hardian, Aksa, Alif & Lintang.

Belum edit intro dan repost
happy level up to our fullsun, lee haechan and all of haechan rp-ers especially lintang, harvey, sakala, benja, hamesta, herza, andrel, and caven!

00# dan repost
happiest bday to source of all nctzens's happiness, lee haechan!

and also his rp-ers especially mark, hamid, setara, sastra, haekal, hugo, rean, lintang, geo, hagano, sean, jef, sastra, harezan, aksara and helenio.

you guys are loved and always will be, wishing all the best for today and everyday yall

Hi, story! Cek Pinned dan repost
Happy birthday to our fullsun, Lee Haechan. I wish you more success in the future and always be fine.

And also happy birthday for Haechan rp-ers especially, Haezawa, Nendra, Nathan, Haidan, Harsya, Hanami, Migo, Fahreza, Keith, Zylan, Lintang, Gema, Candra, Kana, Haydan, Harsa, Fahreza, Haikal, Harezan, Jepan, Thiago, Caleb, Bima, Regan, Harsa, Bisma, Hanendra.

—𝒴evina’s 𝒯erritory dan repost
Today is Lee Donghyuck’s Birthday!
I’m very happy to say happy birthday to the one and only Lee Haechan from NCT and also for all Lee Haechan rp-ers.
Especially Hanami, Bian, Aechie, Hafka, Harsa, Gema, Askha, Migo, Hema, Chandra,Raffi, Dirgas, Hagano, Hema, Haezal, Herza, Mahesa, Caven, Keith, Haidan, Habian harsa, Kagikka, Achan, Hezaf, Andra, Lintang, Harsa, Chandri, Candra, Hayugo, Haruchie, Hamesta, Hagia, Hayzar, Helios, Deiva, Zylan, Sean, Thiago, Elio, Danial, Regan, Hugo and also Hikala.
I hope you can be a better person in the future, don’t forget to blow ur candle and have a great day today~
Once again Happy Birthday!!

✼' 𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 dan repost
Happy level up to our Fullsun also known as Lee Donghyuck irl and the rp-ers, especially Harsa, Sakala, Hasyim, Hanzel, Aldari, Hareth, Dipta, Helenio, Haechiel, Aksara, Abinawa, Haekal, Nathan, Haedar, Lintang, and Aksara. I hope you always be happy and healthy guys, ilysm 💙.

Reload. dan repost
Alright Today, Uri Fullsun was born. Happy Birthday to this Perfectly and Precious Boy. Happy birthday one and only Haechan Lee.

When you are born, the world is smiling and happy. so with the people around you. so smile, sweet ? you are good people and surely we love you all your heart.

Happy Birthday Haechan irl and Haechan rp ers. Especially : Me, Shaka, Rashad, Hages, Damar, Gema, Leon, Caleb, Haidan, Agam, Biel, Nadaf, Deiva, Lintang, Keith, Dirgas, Herza, Haezal, Usop, Hastra, Aksara, Caven, Haezar.

ephemeral. dan repost
happy level up day to Lee Haechan irl and also Lee Haechan rp—ers!
especially hestamma, dipta, hayden, dirgas, agam, lintang, thiago, habian, deiva, aechie, hema, herza, hagano, mahesa, hikala, haekal, haikal, regan, hanami, haidan, dama, zylan, jepan, hamesta, hema, sakala, ibra, candra, aksara, keith, shaka, arga, achan, atharaska, haruchie, aksa, biel, sagil, caven, haezawa, abhichandra, chandra, prades, bima, helios, haidan, sean, harsya! ♡

— thea ckp 💘💘💘

𝑯istoire D'amour dan repost
𝐇appy 𝐁irthday for Haechan and Haechan rp - ers. Esp for Adnan, Amsor, Fahmi, Arion, Hezaf, Sakala, Askha, Hamid, Raditya, Kale, Lintang, Abinawa.

Sunglasses. dan repost
To our Haechan☀️
Hap-Bee Birthday loveee

Supalonely. dan repost
Happy birthday to Lee Donghyuck irl and Lee Donghyuck rp-ers, esp : Kemal, Haiden, Askha, Harley, Aziel, Shaka, Gema, Chazio, Sakala, Lintang, Hafka.
enjoy your day and i hope you can play the characters well.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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