『 ❁ Study With Frhnna ❁ 』

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assalamualaikum ; welcome to my channel !
★ sk ngan smk boleh join ye ! ★
🤍 thankyou for join my channel another channel : @frhnnarequest and @Yanastuff
->my partner - @softgallery
🤍 thankyou for supporting us ; thankyou our butterfliess 🦋💙✨

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heyy luvlyies ! 🧚🏻‍♀💗
come and help me vote
to win ! 🧚🏻‍♀💗

click me !

thankss if you vote
for me 🙆🏻‍♀💗 luv u

sila undi nama suggestion nama dibawah ( yang anda rasa aesthetic 🧚🏻‍♀️✨ )
  •   1. aesthetic item is here 💕
  •   2. your need‘s 💕
  •   3. random item / random stuff 💕
  •   4. cutest stuff 💕
56 ta ovoz

hello dan assalammualaikum semua 🧚🏻‍♀. baiklah , saya perlukan bantuan anda semua untuk mengundi nama yang anda rasa aesthetic untuk channel kedua kami😄. sila undi di poll yang akan diberikan sebentar sahaja lagi 🕊. undian akan ditamatkan tepat jam 3.00 petang , 20/7/2021🤗. kerjasama anda semua amat dihargai. itu sahaja dari kami 🐣. selamat hari raya aidiladha 🦋🤍.

sekian ; terima kasih 🧡

〘♡ Study With Frhnna Quotes ♡〙

hello everybody 🧚🏻‍♀️! so today i will share with you guys some study quotes okey🙇🏻‍♀️. yeahh maybe its a holiday but you still need study you know 😄. so let's get start our MONDAY'S QUOTES 💙

we all make mistakes and that's okey. we are learning. 🐣

take your dreams seriously. 🦋

begin. even you have no idea if it will work out. 🙆🏻‍♀️

work hard in silence. let success be your noise. 🕊

just because its hard doesn't mean its impossible. 🤗

okey that's all for today ! hope you enjoy this study quotes🥺. see you next time 🦋✨.

thankyou ; 🕊✨

~ Frhnna ~ •^_^•


hello dan assalammualaikum kepada subscribers kami sekalian🧚🏻‍♀🦋✨. jadi Frhnna masih lagi mencari admin ya🙇🏻‍♀. Sikap yg perlu ada ialah seperti berikut :-

- jujur
-aktif telegram

sesiapa yang berminat sila pm - @Fairah_frhnna

sekian ; terima kasih 🦋🤍

You also can pm this bot - @YanAdmin_bot

dekat bot ni bkan channel study ni je tau ada channel kawan Frhnna sekali tq 😸✨

kalau giveaway Frhnna akan fikirkan dulu ya. Sorry tau korang 🥺

Korang nk Frhnna buat pertandingan tk ? ( If subs 50)
  •   Nkkkk
  •   Tk nk
11 ta ovoz

And the vote yg gambar ni help me pls

Korang pergi ke channel ni : @suesthetic

Guys leh tolong ?

s u e s t h e t i c ♡︎´ dan repost
🧚🏻‍♀₊⇆𓄹 username : @Fairah_frhnna
🧚🏻‍♀₊⇆𓄹 kingdom : @StudyWithFrhnna

〘♡ Study With Frhnna Science Facts ♡〙

hello dan assalammualaikum to all our subscribers yeayyyy 🥳 ! semoga anda cuti semua semua baik baik sahaja. baiklah , harini macam biasa kita ada SUNDAY'S SCIENCE FACTS 🧪👩🏻‍🔬 , tentang manusia ya . harini tiada quiz ya , hnya baca dan fahamkan sahaja. semoga bermanfaat ya 😄✨.


tahukah anda, otot kita akan letih bila lakukan kerja secara berterusan 🤔
-> Satu-satunya otot 🧠 yang tak pernah letih adalah jantung. Bak kata Almarhum Ustaz Ismail Kamus, bila kita jalan, jantung kita berjalan. Bila kita berhenti, jantung kita tetap berjalan. Namun bila jantung kita berhenti, kita pula yang akan ‘jalan’.

buah pinggang bertindak sebagai penapis makanan 🤔
->Jika rumah kita ada penapis udara, maka pada badan kita ni ada penapis bernama ‘buah pinggang’. Penapis ni lagi power. Sebab ianya boleh tapis benda tak ada khasiat yang kita makan. Kalau nak guna penapis ni lama, jangan ambil garam, gula serta makan terproses selalu.

tahukah anda, bila kita bangun tidur setiap hari, kita akan 1cm lebih tinggi dari waktu nak tidur 😲
-> Sebab, tulang rawan lembut kita akan compressed sepanjang hari.

baiklah itu sahaja pada hari ini , sekian ; terimakasih 🧚🏻‍♀✨

~ Frhnna ~ •^_^•


Time vote sampai pukul 3p.m

Korang nk frhnna pakai style font cam mane
  •   Tajuk bold yg lain italic
  •   Semua italic
  •   Semua bold
  •   Tajuk bold yg lain macam biasa
8 ta ovoz

Korang Frhnna need korang vote

if you focus on the hurt , you will continue to suffer.
If you focus on the lesson, you will continue the grow •

Mini helper - @studywithfrhnna_bot
Next channel - @FrhnnaRequest
Partner - @softgalley

• you don't have to be perfect •

Mini helper - @studywithfrhnna_bot
Partner - @softgalley
Next channel - @FrhnnaRequest

Ketika orang lain meragukanmu , yang harus kamu lakukan adalah percaya pada dirimu sendiri dan buktikan kemampuanmu 😊

Mini helper - @studywithfrhnna_bot
Partner - @softgallery
Next channel - @FrhnnaRequest

〘♡ Study With Frhnna Quotes ♡〙


hello everyone🦋 ! so today i will give you all some motivation quotes okey 😄✨

1. don't let your fear decide your fate 🕊

2. do something today that your future self will thankyou for 🤍✨

3. it doesn't get easier , you just get stronger

4. if you get tired , learn to rest. not to quit 🙇🏻‍♀

okey ; that's all for today guys ! want some more ? stay tune okeyy 🐣💛

~ Frhnna ~•^_^•


🧸 @suesthetic competition !!! 🤍
Happy 360 Subs 🧺🤍🤍


Read These Before You Join
Any Of These Competition 🤍

🌷: join @suesthetic and
@suecottage first 🧚🏻‍♀

🌷: you may join both

🌷: fill the details i gave

🌷: send before 15th August

🌷: don't leave these channels
after the winner announced

🌷: don't cheat pls

🌷: those 3 winners will be
announced on 20th August


🤍: 1st Category

🧚🏻‍♀: Channel Voting

🎠: give ur channel username
and owner username

🎠: the winner will based with
the most votes


🤍: 2nd Category

🧚🏻‍♀: Logo Competition

🎠: i will give you a template
and use it to make the
channel's logo

🎠: give ur username

🎠: don't understand ? i'll
teach you

🎠: the winner will based with
the most votes

pass ur details to @suestheticbot 🧚🏻‍♀

𝆹𝅥˚₊ @suesthetic 𝆹𝅥𝆹𝅥˚꠶. 🧚🏻‍♀🤍

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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