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From 25th Oct people driving older cars in London, UK might have to pay £12.50 per day to drive within the North Circular - if you do not pay the fee then it's £160 fine

People can check if their cars are affected, make sure to pass this warning to anyone you know with an older car that might not be aware

The London Job Show

On Friday 29th & Saturday 30th October, the London Job Show is showcasing thousands of employment and training opportunities.

We know many of you might be looking for a job, so maybe give this a go. If several of you are going then maybe you can meetup as a group, if so post in the comments

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Warning - Do Not Buy a Heat Pump Without Doing A Lot of Research - it could end up costing you thousands to install, hundreds a year to service and could cost much more to run and leave your house colder then it is now.

They will not work for most of the 100 year old houses we have in the UK, especially if you do not have an insulated cavity wall.

Heat Pumps are another con job by the Politicians ... wanting people to spend £10,000 to £15,000 to replace their gas boilers and on top of that end up spending an extra £450 per year on servicing charges .. be careful to warn elderly friends and relatives who might be conned into replacing their boilers by sales staff who are on commission

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Anyone else find it annoying when people keep writing 5£ instead of £5 ?

The correct way is literally printed on the money.

So many of the sheep keep writing 5£ when everyday it's right there Infront of them ... if people cannot not pay attention to the most basic things in life, how can we expect them to pay attention to more complicated topics such as Health and Freedom?

Share your thoughts below

For those of you that want to share video with others using WhatsApp this is a very useful website because it does several things

1. Makes the video louder

2. Corrects the video so it will play in WhatsApp / Telegram

3. Helps bypass WhatsApp Censorship (which people will see as a fake upload error message when trying to upload a video file)

Luton Saturday Social Event from 7pm
23rd Oct 2021

We're looking to get together in Luton this coming Saturday to meet some friendly like minded people

If you've never been to Luton Town centre and wanted to make a day of it then there's a huge shopping centre as well many unique shops you won't find in places like London.

The pub is located in the town centre close to Luton Railway Station (LUT).

You can buy trains tickets from London to Luton for as little as £3.30 each way and it takes just 25 minutes from St Pancras Station

Event Link to RSVP

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Dr. Peter McCullough (a Cardiologist ) joined Kristi Leigh with bad news and good news about the CDC’s vaccine data.

He says according to the CDC 24,000+ people in the USA have died or been hospitalised after their COVID Vaccines.

He says the vaccines are a failure only providing protection from the original variant from China for a few months and little protection from the Delta variant which makes up the majority of infections.

He talks about heart failure in children after the vaccines

London Social Event - Meet Like Minded People - Friday from 6pm until 11:30pm

This is a regular Friday Night meetup for people near London, UK. Follow the link for photos, maps, food menu and the link to join the Telegram group which will help you find us on the night.

A Stand in The Park London Locations
Every Sunday people meet in 900 parks across the world - This map shows most of the 53 London locations - which meet on Sunday at 10am to 11am
(Note some of these locations are not exact see the description on Google Maps or the Stand in The Park website.

If you want to get involved in adding the 850+ other locations to the map then post in our comments section

London Friday Night Critical Thinker's Social Event

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Smart Woman tells you everything you need to know in 30 seconds

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deGoogled Android Phones Explained
This video explains quite well what a deGoogled phone is

The presenter only has 9 subscribers right now so lets see if we can get him a few more subscribers to encourage him to make more videos

The 11th October in Australia will be remembered as the day the segregation began

As of October 11, 2021, the rules below now apply to anyone over 16 who is not fully vaccinated.

On-the-spot fines of $1000 (individuals) and $5000 (businesses) will apply for non-compliance:

If you're not fully vaccinated, you can't visit another person’s home, except in limited circumstances (eg childcare, helping someone move, caring for someone). Visiting purely for social reasons is not permitted.

If not fully vaccinated, you may not attend any place of worship.

If you’re not injected, you may visit only essential retail stores, eg supermarkets, hardware stores, laundromats, post offices etc (see list at Govt. link below). You may not visit non-essential retail stores.

If not fully vaccinated, you cannot go to a hairdresser. Nor can you visit a beauty salon or massage premises.

Weddings of up to 100 people are now permitted.

But if you’re not vaccinated, you may attend (or hold) a wedding of only 10 people: the couple, the celebrant and seven guests. Same with funerals: 100 vaccinated people now allowed - but the unvaccinated may attend funerals of only 10 people total.

You may not visit any cafe, pub, bar, food court, kiosk etc unless you are fully vaccinated.

If you are not fully vaccinated you can travel in a car only with people you live with. You can travel with someone you don’t live with only if it is, for example:
* an emergency
* for a compassionate reason
* to provide care/assistance to a vulnerable person
* a taxi or rideshare
* required to use a vehicle for your work
Similar restrictions apply to boats.

If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot take a holiday outside your own local government area, eg if you live in the greater Sydney area, you can’t leave that region. You may not share a holiday home or short-term accommodation with anyone who is not from your household.

You can’t participate in group outdoor sport unless you’re vaccinated. You may exercise outdoors with just one other person. Vaccinated people may exercise with up to 20 people.

Up to 30 vaccinated people can participate in an outdoor gathering, eg for a picnic. If you are not fully vaccinated you can gather with only one other person or with your household.

Recreation facilities such as zoos, aquariums, sports stadiums, showgrounds, racecourses, motor racing tracks and theme parks are now open - but closed to the unvaccinated.

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Dr Harvey Risch says Vaccine Immunity only lasts 3 to 6 months
Dr. Risch is Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Medicine. Countries like Singapore are seeing their COVID number go through the roof because the vaccines don't work for more than a few months and even then not well with new variants.

Countries like Israel have already said the vaccines need to be topped up every six months.

Every time you go for a new shot you risk many potential problems, including blood clots, heart attacks and death.

Are you prepared to roll up your sleeves twice a year for something which is clearly being shown to not work anywhere as well as Natural Immunity?

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Woman reports that Doctors and Nurses who were forced out of their hospital for not taking the jab are being replaced with Doctors & Nurses from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) who do not need to be injected to work there.

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Interview with John O'Looney, Funeral Director from Milton Keynes

An in-person interview with John O'Looney, a whistle-blowing funeral director whose interview with Max Igan on the 16th September 2021 went viral. He talks about seeing more and more injection recipients coming into his undertakers, including an abnormal increase of younger people dying of heart attacks, multiple organ failure and unexplained sudden death

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COVID Vaccine Injury Numbers
Why is the underreporting of post-inoculation injuries so bad?

When Dr. Ealy and I sat down and discussed the horrifying numbers, what he told me left me speechless.

Numerous whistleblowers have said that most numbers can be multiplied by 5 to get the true number of adverse reactions…

As of September 17, 2021, the CDC reports that there have been at least 726,965 reports of post-inoculation adverse events.

These reports include:
15,386 deaths
5,178 deaths within 48 hours of inoculation
20,789 persons permanently disabled
16,057 persons experiencing life-threatening situations
66,642 hospitalizations
7,267 heart attacks all post-inoculation

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Dr. Henry Reitzug - Retired Pediatrician tells how people he knows died after getting the COVID Vaccines

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Has anyone you've known been injured by a COVID Vaccine in the UK? Then see below

On 10th September 2021 Conservative MP Sir Christopher Chope presented the Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill for its second reading in the House of Commons.

The bill seeks to require the government sets up an independent review into “disablement caused by Covid-19 vaccinations” and whether or not people who have suffered serious side effects from the vaccine are able to access adequate compensation.

If you have been injured or a family member has died after the vaccine, email sir Christopher Chope and tell him directly, so he has the facts and more statistical weight to support this bill.


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