The Library

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Harold Finch's Library

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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The Tacoma Leftwing Terrorist’s fellow domestic terrorists are using YouTube to call for more terrorist attacks, on a larger more organized scale. This is the classic psychology of terrorist cells, showing off the psychological need to escalate. And youtube is helping them do it. #LeftwingHate #leftwingviolence #antifa #terrorism #SmashSiliconValley with an Iron Fist

It’s important to bear in mind the connections between Leftwing Domestic Terrorist groups like #antifa & #jbgc and #MSM #EnemyOfThePeople CNN & other outlets was documented in an excellent twitter thread by #citizenjournalists who were then deplatformed by twitter within 24 hours, erasing their threads detailing the connections & evidence.

No, they’re not. Ilhan Omar is from somalia, & gained citizenship via immigration fraud.

i’m not surprised the greatest con artist, & organized criminal the world has ever seen glosses over that detail.

Have you spoken to Jeffrey Epstein lately? I heard your friend is in real trouble. I understand you and
#billclinton are very close to Epstein. Did you enjoy your visits to his island?

Be scared, Grandma Death. Be very scared.
#sextrafficking #epstein #indictment

#citizenjournalists & ordinary citizens on Social Media are taking on and DESTROYING the #EnemyOfThePeople #MSM - tweets like this tell you the MSM is terrified of us, & is desperate to regain control of the narrative. 👇

They’ve lost.

That’s why #MSM has been forced to lay off 14,000 people over the past 12 months.

They’re terrified of us, & they’re dying. This is a rabid animal lashing out in its death throes. 👇

Belt & Road Initiative; astronomically high interest rates that result in default & chinese control/ownership of those countries.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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