Oni princess, Yamato.

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Anything difficult? @iYamatoRobot.
Archive on @ReaimeHakke.

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self healing dan repost


Yea, i'm going to sell my digital art, because i feel not really good this week, i cry alot and feel stressed. If u can't help me with buying this, please help me to forwarding this message! Thanks a bunch. if u are interested, please contact : @jwozeline


Hari ini, pada tanggal 10 Oktober merupakan hari memperingati kesehatan mental sedunia.

Peringatan hari ini diharapkan dapat mematahkan stigma buruk terhadap kesehatan mental dan menyadarkan masyarakat luas tentang pentingnya kesehatan mental orang.

Yuk! lebih peduli dengan kesehatan mental diri sendiri dan juga orang lain. Teman-teman Imero bisa tulis di kolom komentar kalimat dukungan positive untuk diri sendiri ataupun orang lain, agar semuanya dapat membaca dan termotivasi.

Semoga kita selalu di beri kebahagiaan dan kesehatan fisik maupun mental ❤ Masa depan masih ada harapan baik, ini bukan akhir dari ceritamu, di balik segala musibah pasti akan ada hikmahnya. #janganmenyerahdulu

With Love,

AAA NOAHH, Aku sukaaa bangett ngeliat ch-mu soalnya sering bahas mental health dan peduli sama mental health, kalau ada apa-apa jangan dipendem sendiri yaa, roomchat aku terbuka lebar kalau kamu mau cerita-cerita @Yamwto 😁💗

YEAYY!!! Pokoknya jangan lupa untuk semangat terus buat kamu yang udah berjuang sampai sejauh ini ❤️❤️❤️

𝓑lood 𝓢cratches dan repost
saya disini mengucapkan terimakasih sebanyak-banyaknya kepada orang-orang kuat yang masih mampu berjuang keras sampai titik ini. u have to be proud of urself guys, karena kalo bukan karena diri kalian sendiri, kalian ga akan bisa bertahan sampai detik ini. keep spirit, don't give up! if u're tired, take a rest and then bangkit lagi seperti semula. i know u can through this all, i'm so proud of u! kurang-kurangin menyakiti diri sendiri ya, trust me u're so precious in this world! percayalah, ada seseorang yang benar-benar membutuhkanmu di sepanjang hidupnya, dan kamu akan selalu jadi peran penting dalam kehidupan mereka. so, lain kali jangan pernah bilang kalau diri kamu itu useless okay? KAMU BERHARGA! SEMANGAT PARA PEJUANG MENTAL HEALTH❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Happy birthday for two best boy ever, and for they rp-ers too, be happy always, God bless you.

木ノ葉隠れの英雄. dan repost
📸 Hello!! Its Naruto TIMEEE!!! 🥳🥳 My warmest regards to all of you. Today is Naruto's birthday!! 😱🥳 October 10th is a special and beautiful day for Uzumaki Naruto, the kid who always looks happy every day 🤩

For Naruto's birthday this time, i had some friends help me make this for you to use. I hope you can use that twibbon and put #NarutoDay on your display name. I'm really grateful that you guys are participating in Naruto's birthday this time 🥰😇 Ah ya, if you are having difficulty using the twibbon i did earlier, you may contact Uzumaki Asisst, my assistant.

This is the last one! Thank you so much for Chuke!! 😍 and my friends for helping me make this twibbon. I'm really apciate to hear that Chuke 🤩 wants to help me. Thank you very much! Have a nice day for all of us!! Dattebayoo!! 🤜🏻🤛🏻

#4 Libero dan repost
Happy Nishinoya Day.png
Sending my warmest greettings to the blessed souls being in here.

I convey good and happy news to all of you, that tomorrow is the day when a very energetic, noisy, and silly young man called 'Karasuno's Guardian Deity' will celebrate his birthday.

I respectfully invite all of you to participate in celebrating this special happy day by using the prepared twibbon and also put the hashtag #NishinoyaDay on your display name. If you have trouble editing the twibbon or want to ask something, you can text me on @NishinoyaAssistant_Bot.

Big thanks for y'all valuable attention! I will never forget the kindness of all of you. That's all I say, I hope you're still excited about this joyful day!

White Wolf, Inu Inu no Mi user model Oguchi no Makami, Yamato is a female character from Onigashima, she's is taller than an average human woman, standing at 263 cm. She has long, white hair that is bound between orange rods into a ponytail at the back, which fades into aqua green and then blue the further down it goes, and ends in rectangular locks similar to Kaidou. Yamato also has large, orange eyes with prominent eyelashes, wears gold hoop earrings on both ears, and has horns on the top of her head which are mostly red, but gradually become more flesh-colored toward the base. However, this asymmetrical distribution means that the only context that permits comparison among really, very, so and pretty as intensifiers is the predicative adjective context. Pret·ty or you can spell it /ˈpridē/ it means pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face. (of things, places, etc.) pleasing to the eye, especially without grandeur.  

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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