Whispering of Miu {soon}

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

𝇋♡︎𝇌 service linkage-cashier : @ofWhispering
𝇋♡︎𝇌 sharing cookies : @whisperingsbot
𝇋♡︎𝇌 basement : @PortalToWish

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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trophies ✿. dan repost
୨୧. {asking for a helping hand from a completely beautiful body to spread this lil message to another beautiful creatures}

no living human being can live by relying on one's own hands, therefore, i extend my hand to anyone who wants to attract and give glory to @beliths. simply by contacting @topyiesbot right away (subs-for-subs thingy, prefer prof-needs and main account only). with this, trophies hope for a lot of support and assistance from various extraordinary parties out there, merci beaucoup 🕊

lychte! soon :p dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
ꢸ.. {salutations of benevolence are given to you, earth dwellers! we honourably demand for contribute to my precious mutuals to scatter this letter to your channel. bountiful amounts of gratitude}.

࿓᪶ ະ regard and behold! to acquire feasts plus after-parties simultaneously, would not it be increasingly mirth to vamoose with mates, teehee unremittingly, misspending morrow and eventide jointly. thus, here @lychte desires to unearth heaps of mates to precipitate this festive feast, yet with an epistle this prospect is solely given for the type of profile needs and writing commissions. in these circumstances you’re in any of those types of business, subsequently grab this prospect and contact our moil bot @lytcheybot establish picturesque reminiscences with them! 😎

domesticus dan repost
{ to all my mutuals, can you share a search thread for duck buddy's? I hope you don't mind and thank you so much! }

hey hey heeeyyy! @aiitakatta's looking for duck buddy's (mutuals) and let's be friends with domesticus! my channel provides only profile needs. this channel also accepts all duck buddy's with any color variants or types store! please contact me on this @pafrkdaniel or @aanatidaebot if you want to be one of these duck buddy's! thank you so much and have a niceee daayyy

lovesplatters. dan repost
salutations all over the sphere! we currently looking for mutuals especially who working on profile needs, we would really appreciate all of you who wants to knit a relationship string with us, do inform us straight to @lovesplattersbot!

fairysecrety ; soon dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
【broadcast for my beauteous mutual business to the sunlight day! please spread this message with dainty impression】♥

eh @fairysecrety lagi adain promo tuch !! promo apa tuh promo apa tuh???? promo awal tahun lh gmn sh km nih !!!!!!!!!!! jadi karna sudah memasuki tahun baru @fairysecrety mau promo nich promo nya?? cekidotttt !!!!!! jangan sampai ketinggalan !!!!! 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡

        - pembelian 3,000 - 5,999 mendapat diskon sebanyak 5%
        - pembelian 6,000 - 10,999
mendapat diskon sebanyak 10%
        - pembelian 11,000 - 25,000 mendapat diskon sebanyak 20%

diskon ini berlaku untuk semua divisi ya alias bisa moodboard bisa moodboard deco🤩 "tapi fairysecrety cuma nerima 3 slot moodboard deco perharinya atau sampai orderannya selesai :((" MAKANYA CEPETAN CEKIDOTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!! KIRIM FORMAT KALIAN KE @fairysmaidbot JANGAN LUPA BACA REGULATIONS 😡😡🤯🤯🤯🤯

JOLLAUSTER. dan repost
🥠.. {enhearted to quantum a mirth memorandum amidst my mutual-business so that it would take representation of zir and rough-hew exhausted a whereabouts for amour established. much obliged}

adjacent commission penetralia of ardency certain petiole happiness against within the lily—livered twixt: vaguely slouchy certain schlepp exhausted the mirthful against beyond @jollauster dispensary. that's why we need a juncture phrase of friendship scilicet vaguely heavy duty to amalgamate pneuma. for your information, we only accept mutuals use major account, moreover we choose buddy customary enclosure sylfum profile needs.

trustworthy you believe that you would likewise to participate in quantum “jollauster!” once hidden ideas of making comrades with other business have subsided, please do mailed @jollausterbot straighaway.

⊹🎀.. chaebbit' s soon ✿ ֯. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
ㅤ{for those who are mutual please forward this message to your respective business channels}

..♡︬ ‹with the beauty of the light from the sky which is very beautiful to bring down some flowers and pour on women who are very beautiful like angels :33%* by listening to music that is so comfortable and very quiet to listen to, now @chaebbit as if amazed by the querencia shown, a cup and the little baby angelic'-o> drank a glass of tea. without realizing it, he saw a beauty channel if anyone admits or something like that, please contact us @chaerrybot. {📄🎀}

Achelois { soon >___ < } dan repost
{ dearest @Acheloois's mutuals, please help me forward this message to your channel? thanks a bunch! 🎀 }

⊹ ֺ ִ -- 🎀 hello—bello!💖 @Acheloois is looking for bunch of mutuals friend! only main account yapp! if you are interested, do contact @AcheloisMutual_bot. don't forget to put your main acc username, ba channel, hfw contact, and also your mutual data🎀

Poiessis, hfw pinned dan repost
can you forward this message to your beautiful channel, thanks a lot guys...! ♥️

@poiessis is looking for new mutual of business channel make sure you're using your main account, contact @poiessisbot if you interested, I'll be waiting for your arrival 🎀💋

♡ Jehntle : klos! dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{ warm greetings to all my lovely mutuals, mutuals can u help me forward this message to ur bussiness channel?? thankyou! }

fairness o' milady's delightfull presence. enthusiastic and gracious. Minourelle the adorable milady is beguilling you to be our bussiness mutual. through @minourellebot you send ur georgeous bussiness channel and your account to our robot. dont forget to tap this mutual data to fill in.. such as ur bussiness chanel, mutual robot, and ur account. and dont forget to follow the steps carefully, i'm waiting for your message new mutuals! for reciprocity such as hfw you can go through @minourellebot thankiess mutuals!!

voluez - 2023 dan repost
[ please help me to publicly share this open message, thank you!]

hello, people! here's mylan from @voluez 🐾  seeking for some contacts to doing sfs with me— sounds professional if it's a business mutual! my channel type is profile needs and i don't mind to doing it with any types of ba as long as it's main acc yepsss! hit me by @voluezbot or personal account @mesumf🐈!

Squirreil, SOON ♡ dan repost
{Dear @Squirreils Mutual please help forward this message to your channel, Thank you ♡♡}

@Squirreils lookin' for new BA mutual. prefer profneeds and main account only, if u interested please contact @Squirreilsbot or @YounSeeun. 🤍

foorbearance, soon! 🧸 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
{please do help us forward this message, foortuals!}

greetings! presently, @foorbearance is looking for lots, lots of new mutuals. we do accept any kinds of business channels other than agencies and rentals. fellows who rarely dive and didn't use their main account, please do not interact. otherwise, if you weren't one of these, do contact @BearAMootbot! much obliged~

Mourtism tomorrow! dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
☆. Dear @mourtism’s mutual, please help forward this messages!

constantly trying to invite you to do subs-for-subs or become my mutuals! Here’s my channel business { @mourtism } ,please add your @ channel for get feedback from me. And i’ll respond to you using my main acc for subs your business channel { @coakelat }. So that diving or other activities can be provided

crybeyi.pdf ✿ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🧶 beyi 's is looking for a new fwiends! {to all my bunbabies mutuals, if you saw this message, please forward this message to your work-ing channel please, thanks a lot}

crybeyi 's is looking for a lots of new mutuals! if u interested please contact this lovely.co bot < t.me/blubeyibot > ✉️

𝗖𝗜𝗜𝗭𝗘𝗖♡𝗠𝗣 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
[Ping ping, for all my moots who sees this message please help forward to your own channel. Thanks]

@Ciizecamp is looking for more business mutuals. We accept all businesses and this is only for main accounts. My business is versatile and there are proofneeds too. If you are admin upsubs or clone acc please DNI. if you are interested in becoming my mutual, you can contact @ciizestbot yap! and for feedback, you can go to the @ciizestbot too. Tysm💋

moots! please, help me to spread this message to your channel and don't forget to fill the form for mutuals data, ya. you can contact @whisperingsbot for feedback. merci beaucoup!♡

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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