Abdulaziz’s blog

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Hello 👋, welcome to my blog
- a teenager who wants to study abroad
- IELTS 7.5 holder
- a person who wants to improve his skills
- tips/methods to study better
- information about SAT/IELTS/Studying abroad
- notes from books I read
- etc.

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My IELTS certificate 🔥❤️‍🔥

P.s: If you are wondering why it is written Azizbek Zaylobiddinov, let me tell you that I have changed my name since I got my certificate. We will talk about reasons of me changing my name later on.


Hello guys 👋

I am Abdulaziz Zaylobiddinov. This post is going to be the introduction to this channel.

1. Who Am I?

I am a teenager. I was born and raised in a town that is situated in Fergana, namely, Oltiariq. Since my childhood, I was really into math, but in 2023 I fell in love with English and started learning it with good intentions. I took the IELTS test on 19th November 2022 and got an overall 7.5 Alhamdullilah. Right now, I am working and studying. I am spending most of my time on math and SAT these days.

2. What do I want to do in this channel?

As you know surviving in your teenage years is not easy and many always feel the need for external support (emotionally and physically). I am one of them. I know it seems a lit bit childish but that's who I am. In this channel, I want to grow with you guys. I want to build my way to success with you guys here. For example, I want to share notes I take from books and reminders for teenagers and people who want to grow. As you might have seen on the bio of my channel, I will be sharing valuable information on SAT/IELTS/Studying abroad too. I hope you will appreciate them.

That's it. That's all I have for now. See you in the next post


2 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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